Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Error Analysis Of The Use Of Simple Sentence Made By The Ninth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu

1.1  The Background of the Study.
English is formally taught to the
students of primary school, junior and senior  high school and university. In Indonesia, the
primary school students study English for  six years and the junior high school students
study English for three years. It means that  every graduates of junior high school have studied
English for nine years. The main  focus
of teaching and learning process in junior high school is to develop the
students’  ability in communicating, to
give knowledge about the language both spoken and  written, and to increase students’ awareness
about how important is the English to be  learnt.
In learning English there are
four language skills; listening, speaking, reading,  and writing skills. Writing especially in
using simple sentence is chosen as the topicin  this thesis since it has not got a maximum
portion in learning activity in which the  research held. Writing itself is a
communicative, productive, and expressive activity by  using written material as its medium. The
activity is meant to deliver a message from  writer to the reader. In writing activity, a
writer should be able to utilize graphology,  grammatical structure, and vocabulary. Writing
skill does not come automatically, but  must
be through a regularly training and practice (Tarigan1982:3-4). Simple sentence
is  chosen since the sentence is the most
simplest and general structure that is used when  making utterances. Besides that, since the
subject of the research are still in junior high  school, so the researcher considers to choose
simple sentence in oreder to make the  students
easier in writing the paragraph.
other languages competences, in writing the learners are commonly faced  with some problems too such as making errors
when uttering their ideas. Errors,  according
to behaviorists’ theory, are the result of non-learning, rather than wrong  learning (in 
Ellis 1995:22). Ellis explains that errors reflect gaps in a learner’s  knowledge; they occur because the learner does
not know what is correct one (Ellis  1997:17).
By learning error, the learners can overcome the problems occur in language  transfer process. Ellis says by comparing the
learner’s native language with the target  language, differences could be identified and
used to predict areas of potential error  (Ellis 1995: 23).
On this occasion, for the
researcher, the analysis of students’ writing error seems  as an interesting thing. The analysis is based
on the sentences made by the ninth grade  students of SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu. The
result which is achieved from the research  will be used to know the lacks which occur in
teaching writing such as: a material that is  given to the students, the teachers who teach,
the teaching method, the students  themselves,
and others supporting things related to the activity.
The analysis is focused on the
errors of the use of simple sentence made by the  students of SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu since
until now there has never a special research  about the topic before. SMP Negeri 2 Pancur
Batu is chosen as the place for the research  since the researcher is a graduate of the
school and the location is near to the researcher’s  home so it is easier for the researcher in the
process of research.
In this thesis the researcher
uses sentences made by the ninth grade students of  SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu as the data. The
ninth grade has seven classes, but the  researcher
only takes one class which is the class X  . From the total number of the  students, the researcher takes 32 students as
the participant since eleven of the students    are absent. The students are asked to write a
short report paragraph using simple  sentence
in 100-150 words within 60 minutes. From the found data, the researcher finds  many errors such as “My class nine one”. The
correct structure should be “I study in the  ninth grade”. This error is commonly occurs
because the students think both English and  Bahasa Indonesia have similar structure or form.
In addition, students also do other  errors
such as omitting or adding items that must or must not appear in a well-formed  utterance, and using a wrong placement of the
morpheme or structure.
Finally, the researcher hopes
that the result of this research can be used as a new  input for the readers and especially for the
school in making a new policy in teaching  English in SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu,
especially for the writing subject. This research is  meant to get the data and the information
about language competency, particularly  writing
competency of ninth grade students in SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu. The result can  be used as a comparison with other research
and also can be used for further  improvement
of the teaching of English as a whole.
1.2  The Problems of the Study In relation to the
background of the study that has been presented before, the  problems of this study are formulated as
follows: a.  What errors are commonly
made by the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri  2 Pancur Batu in using simple sentence?  b.  What
problems are experienced by the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 2  Pancur Batu in using simple sentence?   1.3  The Objectives of the Study The objectives of
the study are: a.  To analyze the errors
in using simple sentence made by ninth grade students  of SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu.
b.  To find out the problems experienced by the
ninth grade  students of SMP  Negeri 2 Pancur Batu in using simple sentence.

English Literature: An Error Analysis Of The Use Of Simple Sentence Made By The Ninth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Pancur Batu

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