Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Moral Values Through The Characters in Erich Segal’s The Class

Background of The Study  
Novel  is 
a  story  of 
book  length  written 
in  prose.  Novel 
is  about  imaginary  people that live in a particular time and
place, caught up in a series of events. Most  novels 
are  concerned  with 
ordinary  people  and 
their  problems  in 
the  societies  in  which
they find themselves. Novel is classified as one of literature genres.
Literature  itself is an interpretation
of man’s mind.
People need literature because it  teaches and  entertains, 
besides,  it  provides 
knowledge  whether  it 
is  a  history,culture,  or 
social  life.  Roberts 
(1995:51)  defines  character 
as  one  of 
the  elements  of 
the  novel,  is  a  reasonable human being, with all good and bad
traits of being human. Characters are  the
persons in a narrative who are interpreted by reader as being enclosed with
moral  and dispositional qualities that
are expressed in their action. Since novel deals with  the real life of the society, it reflects the
condition and situation of the human in the  real life and then illustrated by the author
in written form.Literary work such as novel has
some intrinsic elements that build the story  into coherent union of beginning, middle, and
end structure. One of those elements is  character
or people who participate in the work. Character is supposed to be living  persons 
whose  actions  are 
showing  their  identities. 
These  actions  could 
be  judged  morally whether they are good or bad, right or
wrong, appropriate or inappropriate in    2  terms of social interactions. The word ‘moral’
itself comes from Latin which means  manner,
custom, or habit.
As an individual and social
being, a character may be valued from what she  or he has done or what she or he has said in
his or her interaction both individually  and socially. Other’s reaction of one
character has said is a kind of value upon who or what she or he is. Thus, a
kind of value that relates to something good or bad is  concerning with moral values. According to
Goode (1977:4) values mean standards  that
group members share. These standards are used to judge whether something is  good or bad, beautiful or ugly, right or
wrong, moral or immoral.
The  Class is 
one  of  the 
most  famous  novel 
written  by  Erich 
Segal  (1937-2010),  published 
in  1985.  The 
title  refers  to 
the  Harvard  Class 
of  1958,  and  particularly  refers 
to  five  fictional 
members  of  this 
class:  Andrew  Eliot, 
Jason  Gilbert, Theodore Lambros,
Daniel Rossi and George Keller. The Classfollows their  different 
fates  as  the 
members  of  Harvard 
Class  of  1958, 
recording  the  way 
their  lives  tied, 
and  coming  to 
a  dramatic  conclusion 
at  their  class 
reunion,  the  next  twenty-five
years later.
The writer chooses The Class to
be analyzed from the point of view of moral  values 
because  in  The 
Class  there  are 
two  bad  attitudes 
which  are  marriage 
and  friendship  disloyalty 
portrayed  by  Daniel 
Rossi,  Ted  Lambros, 
and  George  Keller.
These  kind 
of  attitudes  can 
defect  social  system 
and  caused  human 
social’s  degradation.  But there are also  good 
attitudes showed by Andrew Elliot and Jason  Gilbert with the humility and consistency
which can inspire the reader to be a good    3  person.  Besides, 
in  literary  work 
the  character  portray 
the  human  being 
which  has  mind and behaviour.
Becoming  a 
‘star’  in  their 
own  field  does 
not  mean  Daniel 
Rossi  and  Ted  Lambros
are away from marriage problem. Though they 
have  a perfect  and happy  family does not make both of Ted Lambros and
Daniel Rossi satisfy. Ted Lambros  cheated
his wife because he was tempted with a young girl who joined his class in  Cambridge 
University.  He was happy with his
family, but then he realized that he  was  bored 
with  his  wife. 
Taking  the  risk, 
he  spent  a 
weekend  with  the 
Unluckily, his wife found it out
and clearly ask him to get divorced. The same with  Daniel Rossi, instead of spending his time
with family, he chose his own sparkling  career
and travel around the world. Being far away from home, he pleased himself by  sleeping with other famous women.  Knowing his ‘adventure’, his wife keep
herself  in silence because as a good
Catholic she did not want them to get divorced.
Still  focusing 
on  his  career, 
Daniel  Rossi  also 
betrayed  his  partner 
Stuart  Kingsley.  They 
were  doing  a 
musical  project  which main 
idea  came  from 
They found the agent and producer
and work together. But the public opinion was  bad 
and  Stuart  was 
fired.  Daniel  Rossi 
saved  because  he 
was  known  as 
a  famous  musician but he did not try to help Stuart
because he still want to be in the project.
George Keller also betrayed his
‘saviour’ Henry Kissenger by slandering him as if he  was 
selling  a  gadget 
for  enhancing  photographic 
images  from  weather 
satellites  to  Russian. George did it because he was told
that his father has contracted lung cancer.
Since  his 
father  lived  in 
Hungaria  there  was 
no  sufficient  facility 
to  help  the  medicinal
treatment so he need to help the Russian to get the photographic filter and  his father can get the treatment.

English Literature: Moral Values Through The Characters in Erich Segal’s The Class

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