Senin, 17 November 2014

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Study on Hesitation in Studen’s Speech of PGRI Nusantara Kediri University

This chapter discusses the
background of the study, focus of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope,
and limitation, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Hesitation
is the act of silent period during speaking in spontaneous speech.
Spontaneous speech means speech,
which is not prepared before. The words umm, emh, well, and soon sometimes
occurred in speech, it usually happened in spontaneous speech. The highest factors in hesitation are fear of
making mistake during speaking and considering what to say. People make hesitation in their speech
because of the indecision in speech, exactly in spontaneous speech. It often happens in speech
because it can help the speakers to decide what they are going to say. Sometimes people
make hesitate to wait for the listener understanding
and to take breath.
It is interesting to know
hesitation phenomena more deeply. Hesitation phenomena often happen when people deliver speech
especially in foreign language. Sometimes, people make hesitate in their speech to wait for the
listener is understanding on what the speaker says. In addition, even the speech has been
prepared before doing presentation, when they answer the question from the audience,
sometimes the hesitation occurred in their speech.
The hesitation will mostly occurs
in question and answer session of the speech presentation.
It is because answering the
question from the audience belongs to spontaneous speech. Based on this reason, this study is very important
to know the functions of hesitation happened in question and answer session of the speech
presentation by the student of English Education in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University.
study investigates on the utterances of the English Education student in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University, which focuses in
question and answer session in presentation. In addition, this study takes focus on utterances
of student’s speech in question and answer session as field study. The English Education
students in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University use English language to deliver their speech
presentation. This study takes hesitation as the focus to find out the functions of the
hesitation that occurs in naturally speech as in question and answer session of speech presentation.
There are many studies about
hesitation previously done. Shofa (2008) found that the students of UIN Malang
used silent and filled pauses as the signal to start the conversation and to confirm their speech. Meanwhile, Harefa
(2009) found that filled pause and unfilled pause mostly occurs in MC Cain’s speech of the
debate with Barrack Obama at the University
of Missisipi when MC Cain tries to give a clear explanation. in addition, Efawati(2008) found that there are five types
of hesitation found in student’s conversation of Pondok Pesantren Nathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng
Sumenep Madura, namely restarts, repeats,
false start, pauses, and word.
This study is strengthening the
previous study. The difference is on the object and on field research. The previous study, which
investigated the functions, belongs to texts study on downloaded transcript. This study observes the
program to describe the real condition of hesitation that is occurred and the real
functions of hesitation occurred in the question and answer session of the speech presentation.
1.2 Focus of the Study Based on
the background of the study above, these study problems of the study can be formulated as follows: 1. What
are the kinds of hesitation occurred in the question and answer session of
speech the presentation by the Students
of English Education in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University? 2. What are the functions of
hesitation occurred in the question and answer session of the speech presentation by the Students of
English Education in PGRI Nusantara Kediri
University? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related to the problem stated before,
the purpose of this study is intended about: 1. To describe the hesitation
which is occurred in the question and answer session of the speech presentation by the Students of English
Education in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University
2. To get the description about the function of hesitation which is occurred in
the question and answer session of the
speech presentation by the Students of English Education in PGRI Nusantara Kediri University 1.4
Significance of the Study This study is to describe and enrich the
understanding on hesitation. The findings of this study are expected to give both
theoretical and practical contribution to linguistic area.
Theoretically, the
result of this
study is expected to
be one of
the sources in psycholinguistic
research. The findings of this study are intended to support the assumption that hesitations during speech and speaking
have several functions.
Practically, the
findings of this
study are expected
to give more
knowledge and valuable contribution about the hesitation.
First, the students of English Letter and Language Department
who study about
psycholinguistic are expected
to know and understand more about
language production which is focuses on hesitation. Second, the English
lecturers who teach psycholinguistics
are expected to use the findings of this study as additional examples of hesitation. Third, the other researchers
may use the findings of this study as a reference for further studies. Finally, this study is
supposed to help public speaker to understand about the kinds and the functions of hesitation to
minimize the hesitations that occur during speaking or delivering speech.
1.5 Scope and Limitation To make
this study manageable and avoid broadening discussion, this study focuses on
the study of psycholinguistic in hesitation. It is limited to analyze the
utterances related with the hesitation
during question and answer session in speech presentation. Moreover, this study is also limited the student’s speech in
the CCU class of the th semester. This
study used Maclay and Osgood’s theory (1959)
about the kinds of hesitation. This study does not elaborate its discussion on speech errors or
other features of conversational structure in details.
1.6 Definition and Key terms In order
to avoid misunderstanding in
interpreting the terms used
in this study, the definitions are given as follow: 1. Language
production is creating the message, managing the idea or thought then puts into words and utter with the
meaningful sounds.
2. Speech presentation is showing
others what you have or give the information of the knowledge in front of the audiences.
3. Hesitation is pauses that
occurs between utterances in speech.

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Study on Hesitation in Studen’s Speech of PGRI Nusantara Kediri University

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