This chapter presents background of the study,
research problems, objective of the
study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study.
We are
social creatures that
every people need
language to communicate,with other people to make
interaction. In the interaction, there
are unwritten rules or convention in
communication. Forexample, we need a polite expression
in order to
have high quality
of language. We
often use social politeness for the older hearer to give a
It is important for people to know
various standardof politeness as a way to
have better communication with other people. Therefore, people should know different
kinds of politeness
strategies to be
applied in different
situation or condition.
Many things can
influence someone’s politeness
because it involves the
understanding of the
social and cultural
values of the community (Holmes,1992). Hence, there are also so many
thingsthat can represent someone’s politeness,
the person’s behavior and choice of language, gesture and many more.
However, the meaning of
politeness in this research is the expression of the speakers’ intention to mitigate face
threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003, 6). Being
polite therefore consists of attempting to
save face for another.
Politeness can
be also said
to be universal
only in the sense
that every society has some sort of norms for the
appropriate behavior, although these norms are vary. The primary purpose of this study is
to give new source by applying a well-known
Brown and Levinson's model (1978 and revised in 1987). This theory of
politeness is chosen
because it has
complete chategories of
politeness strategies. There
are positive politeness
(showing respect), negative
politeness (showing solidarity),
bald-on record, and
Indirect off record.
To clarify about positive
and negative politeness, here are the example: • “May
Iuse your bathroom?” This utterance
belongs to positive
politeness as a
respect for persons’s need to be liked and understood.
“I'm sorry. I should've told you, he's got a thing about his ears.” This utterance belongs to negative politeness
as a apologetic language.
The example
above are taken
from There is
something about mary’s movie
text script. In
the film, there
are so many
utterances that put
politeness expression. In
addition, this film won chategories for
the Best Actress ( Cameron Diaz as
Mary) in New
York Film Critics
Circle 1998, nominated for 2 Golden Globes, and 16 wins & 11 nominations total
of the appreciation.
There were
some researches discussing
about politeness strategies previously. First, the analysis of politeness
strategies, written by Noriko Kitamura (2000) who
concludes that politeness
phenomena could be
identified utilizing Brown and Levinson’s theory not only in
goal-oriented interaction, but also nongoal oriented interaction. Second, the
analysis written by Kenji Kitao (2000) who discussed
about a cybernetic
model of politeness
strategies in the
process of making
request rather than
an explanatory descriptive.
He reviewed politeness strategies, system and cybernetic models and
explained how they work together in the cybernetic
model, which he
presented. Third, the
analysis by Nayyarotin Mukarromah (2002) who found that there are
certain words, which are commonly used by
male and female
in Andalius FM
Malang. She concluded
that both the female
and male broadcaters use positive and negative politeness.
There are
some researches that
may have similar
discussion with the present research
althought it is not the
the same at
all. The similarity
is on the theory used
namely Brown and
Levinson theory. Almost
all of the
others researchers analyzed
politeness focused on politeness as common not focuses only one kind of politeness. Therefore , the
research isabout politeness strategies that focused
on negative politeness
of the character
of “There is
Something about Mary”.
1.2 Statement of the Problems Based
on the background, the problem of this studyis formulated as follow: 1.2.1 What kind of utterances belong to
negative politeness in There is Something
about Mary film? 1.2.2 What are the
context supporting the negative politeness strategy? 1.3
Objective of the study.
Based on the problems mentioned
above, the objective of the study are to identify the utterances which belong to
negative politeness in There is
Something about Mary film
and to explain
the contexts which
supporting the negative politeness strategies.
1.4 Scope and Limitation.
This study
focuses on Discourse
Analysis on politeness
strategy used in There is
Something about Mary
film. It focused
on the analysis
of Negative Politeness
found in movie
script. The analysis
is taken from
the utterances and words
in the whole story. So, all of the dialoguesare the object of the study.
This film is chosen as the object
of the study because there is something about
mary’s movie script has
utterances and words
which belong to negative politeness.
This study
does not deal
with the other
three strategies namely
positive politenes strategies,
bald-on record politeness, and indirect off record strategies.
1.5 The Significance of the Study.
This study is expected to give
contribution toward building knowledge
in discourse analysis,
and increase discourse
aspect of knowledge
especially in politeness. It can enrich discourse study
focusing on politeness in literary works.
study can be
an additional source
of information to
discourse study, especially on how to analyze written text of
literary work using politeness theory.
Practically, this study is
expected to be useful for the students, because it provides
empirical data to
increase the student’s
knowledge in politeness especially on negative politeness. This study
is also expected to be useful for the teachers of
discourse analysis to
give other knowledge
in discourse especially literary works, about politeness. This study
is also expected to become a reference to the
researchers especially on
politeness, who are
interested in doing
further research in this area.
1.6 Definition of the Key Term.
To avoid
misunderstanding and misinterpretation of
the key term
used, the terms are defined
below: 1. Politeness,
is best expressed
as the practical
application of good manners or
etiquette. It is a culturally
defined phenomenon, and
what is considered
polite in one
culture can often
be quite rude or
simply strange in another.
2. Negative
Politeness strategy, is a politeness
expressing when an individual
does not avoid or intend to avoid the obstruction of their interlocutor's freedom of action. This strategy presume that
the speaker will be imposing on the listener
and there is a higher potential for awkwardness or embarrassment than in bald on record strategies and positive
politeness strategies. Some other examples would be to say, "I don't want to bother
you but..." or "I was wondering if ..." 3.
There is Something about Mary, is a movie released on 15 July 1998 in USA by Twentieth century-fox film
corporation, as a romantic comedy story.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE To support the analysis, the researcher takes
several theories related to this study. This
includes the definition
of politeness, the
types of politeness, techniques to show politeness, and the detail
of negative politeness. The previous studies
to support the analysis also presented in the following section.
2.1 Definition of Politeness.
Politeness means mindful of,
conforming to, or marked by good manners.
Polite and mannerly imply consideration
for others and
the adherence to conventional social
standards of good
behavior. Politeness involves
two dimension, power
and solidarity (Brown
and Gilman, in
Muriel, 1982). That doesn’t
mean that we must always be polite in everyoccasion because it implies a power, but we show our feelings toward other
as good social customs. As Ronald (1986:267) argued
that “politeness, itself
is socially prescribed”.
In a pragmatic perspective Zao (in Lakoff 1990:34) states that “politeness facilitates
interaction by minimizing the potential
for conflict and confrontation inherent in all human interchange”. It is assumed that people follow
Cooperative Principle by engaging with each
other for meaningful
communications in which
they act as
rational agents (Grice, 1975).
Politeness is best expressed as the practical
application of good manners or etiquette.
It is a culturally defined phenomenon, and what is considered polite in one culture can often be quite rude or simply
strange in another. While the goal of politeness
is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another, these culturally defined standards at times
may be manipulated to inflict shame on a designated
party. Homes said
that being polite
means expressing respect towards the person you are talking to and
avoiding offending them. Politeness is behavior
which actively expresses
positive concern for
others, as well as nonimposing distancing behavior (Holmes,
Brown and Levinson sum up human
politeness behaviorin four strategies, which
correspond to these examples: bald on record,negative politeness, positive politeness, and off-record-indirect strategy.
2.2 The Politeness strategy.
2.2.1 Bald on record Bald on record strategy provides no effort by
the speakers to minimize the impact of
the (Face Threatening Act) FTA’s the speakers usually will shock the hearers, embarrass them, or make them fell a
bit uncomfortable.
This strategy
is speaking in
conformity with Grice’s
maxims (Grice’s maxims).
These maxims are
an intuited characterization of
conversational principles that
world constitute guidelines for achieving maximally efficiency of communication. These maxims are: a. Maxims of quality means speak the truth
informatively and be sincere.
b. Maxim of quantity means speak informatively
c. Maxims of relevance means speak
relevant d. Maxim of manner means avoid
ambiguity In Goody
(1996), Brown and
Levinson have categorized
bald on record into two classes, they are:
Cases of non minimization of the face threat In this circumstance, cases of non
minimization of the face threat can be divided into six parts. First, The condition
in which maximum efficiency is very important, and
both speaker and
hearer mutually know
this, no face
redress is needed. For example: “Help!” (Emergency condition) “Give me just more week!” (To pay rent) The next is the condition in which speaker
provide metaphorical urgency for emphasis. For example: “Don’t forget us!” The
next is the situation in which speaker speak as if imploring H to care for speaker, thereby stressing his high
valuation of hearer’s friendship. There
is task-oriented interaction in which
face redressed may be felt to be relevant, as in: “Lend me a hand here!” The
next is the situation in which speaker’s want to satisfy hearer’s face is small,
because speaker is
powerful and does
not fear retaliation
or noncooperation from H, for
example: “Cry, get angry” (teasing).
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