Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Associative Meaning Found in The Central Media News



This chapter covers the
discussion of background of the study, research problems, objective of the study, significance
of study, scope and limitation and definition
of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study.

Language is the most important
means of communication used by people to
transfer their idea toother people. Language can be regarded as a communication tool that relates something to
be communicated with something that
communicates a message (signified) on the one hand with a set of signs or symbols (signified) on the other.

Semantics is traditionally
defined as the study of meaning (Lyons, 1995: 3). Crystal (1991:310) stated that semantics
is one the branches of linguistics studying
about meaning and it is considered as a major branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in language.

Crystal (1991:100) also said that
the study of properties of definitions is an important part of semantics, but it is only a
part. The more important thing is the study
of the way in which words and sentences convey meaning in the everyday situations of speech and writing.

Meaning is idea or concept that
canbe transferred from the mind of the speaker
in the mind of the hearer by embodying them, as it were, in the form of one language or another. Meaning must be
completed with context in accordance 1 with the time and space in which an expression
is applied because similar expression
may have different meaning ifit is used in different condition or context. Meaning can be categorized intothree
levels, they are lexical meaning, sentential
meaning or utterance meaning and discoursal meaning.

Leech (1974:33) said that the
associative meaning is unstable of meaning and has variants of individual experience.It
is an expression has to do with individual
mental understanding of the speaker. Finch ( 1998: 141) said that words also acquire associative meaning from
the social and cultural contexts in which
they are used. Yule (1985: 92) stated that poets and advertisers are very interested in using terms in such a way that
their associative meaning are evoked.

They, in turn, can be broken up
into six sub-types: connotative, collocative,
social, affective, reflected and thematic meanings(Leech, 1974:21).

In this research, the researcher
wants to analyze associative meaning in The
Central Media News on February - June 2010 . The researcher chooses this topic because many people liketo read news
whether it is from newspaper or from internet.
So, it is very important for reader to know about meaning in order to understand the content of the news.

The researcher chooses The
Central Media News as the item object of study which is taken from In The Central Media News has seven sections namely
Leaflets, Dawah News, Articles, Hizb
ut-Tahrir, Multimedia, Ameer andPress Release. Dawah Newssection is chosen because from this news, the researcher
found many types of meaning under the
heading of associative meaning. And from language side, writing of this 2 news
use simple language and systematic, so it is easier for the readers to understand the content.

This study has relation to other
research that has been done by Yuniawan (2007)
“pornographic associative meaning function in humor texts”. This research used descriptive qualitative approachby
recording humor texts containing pornographic
associative meaning and the context on the data cards or corpus data. The result, there are several points
that can be drawn as the conclusion as regard
to the pornographic association functions in humor text including: demanding attention, entertaining, evoking
curiosity, euphemism, and deceiving readers.
The similarity between this study and previous study appears in analyzing about meaning under the heading of associative
meaning. The difference between this
study and previous study appears in subject of the study. In this study, the researcher uses data from internet in newstext
form while the previous researcher used
humor text.

The second researcher is Nur
Laili Yusuf (2010) “A Study on The Associative
Meanings of The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine”. From her research, she took conclusion that there are
five identified associative meaning in the
profile section of The Jakarta Weekender Magazine. Those are connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning,
reflected meaning, and collocative meaning.
She also mentioned some functionsof associative meaning in the Profile section of Magazine. The similarity between
this study and previous study appears in
analyzing about meaning under the heading of associative meaning. The difference between this study and
previousstudy appears in subject of the study.

3 In this study, the researcher uses data from
internet in news text form while the previous
researcher used English magazine. And also in the conclusion, the researcher found that the journalist used
associative meaning in appropriate way.

Based on the background of the
study in the preceding discussion the following
research problems are formulated: 1.2
Research Problems 1. What kinds of
associative meaning are found in The Central Media News?.

2. How does the journalist use
associative meaning in The Central Media News?.

1.3 Objective of the Study Related to the problems stated above, this
study is intended to present the description
of 1.
the kinds of associative meaning in The Central Media News 2. the
way the journalist uses associative meaning in The Central Media News.

1.4 Significance of Study First of all this study is done to fulfill one
of the requirements to get S1 degree at
the State Islamic UniversityMaulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang.

This study gives two
contributions as theoretical, practical and academical functions. Theoretically, the researcher hopes
that the result of this research is useful
and gives contribution to linguistic field, especially in semantic study.

4 Practically, for readers of English news
texts, the researcher hopes that it helps
them to understand the content of the texts. For students, the researcher hopes that it can make them more understand of
associative meaning.

Academically, the researcher hopes that this study gives additional information for those who intend to get the
data and do research in the same topic.

1.5 Scope and Limitation In order
that the study enables to answer the formulated problems appropriately, the researcher needs to
emphasize its scope and limitation. There are some sections in The Central Media News.
They are Leaflets, Dawah News, Articles,
Hizb ut-Tahrir, Multimedia, Ameer andPress Release sections. Here, the researcher only focuses her attention on
examining Dawah Newssection of The
Central Media Newson February- June 2010.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms 1. Associative Meaning: the sense associations
that are not part a world’s basic
meaning and have variants meaning based on individual experience or the context of sentences.

2. The Central Media News: One of
English mass media in internet which consist
of seven sections namely Leaflets, Dawah News, Articles, Hizb utTahrir,
Multimedia, Ameer andPress Release 5 CHAPTER
reviews below cover the discussion of: semantics, meaning, the important of semantics, associative meaning,
types of meaning under the heading of
associative meaning and previous study.

2.1 Semantics Semantics is one the branches of linguistics
studying about meaning, and it is
considered as a major branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in language ( Crystal, 1991:310). Semantics is
traditionally defined as the study of meaning;
and this is the definition which we shall initially adopt (Lyons, 1995: 3).

The definitions above show that
semantics is the study about meaning.

2.2 Meaning Philosophers have debated the question about
the definition of meaning, with
particular reference to language, for well over 2000 years, and no more has yet produced a satisfactory answer to it
(Lyons, 1984: 136). In order meaning to be
successfully studied, it must be made clear just what meaning is (Manis in Level of Meaning in Semantic Course book,
1987: 187). Meanings are ideas or concepts
that can be transferred from the mind of the speaker in the mind of the hearer by embodying them, as it were, in the
form of one language or another.

English Literature:Associative Meaning Found in The Central Media News

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