Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:The Analisys Of Gerund In L.J Smith’s The Vampire Diaries

1.1  Background of the Study Siahaan (2008) says,
“Languange is a unique human inheritance that plays  the very important role in human’s life, such
as in thinking, communicating ideas,  and
negotiating with the others.” It constitutes a set of principles into which its
 usage its native speakers are subject.
The language show similarities in their  principles.
The similarities refer to the set of the rules that every language  possesses, while the differences deals with
the deviation of every language in its  rules
in its chronological development that is influenced by the different regions,  times, cultures, religions, politics, etc. The
similarities of the language can be  identified
structurally in the level of their linguistic aspects, such as in the  phonemes, morphemes, phrases, clauses, and
 Stork (1982:9) says, “Language, however, is
not a natural phenomenon; it  is a
creation of man’s social needs. Like all other living creatures we depend on  the air, water and earth around us, and in the
same way society depends upon  language
for its very existence.” Huddleston (2000:1) says, “The term ‘grammar’  is used in a number of different senses-the
grammar of a language may be  understood
to be a full description of the form and meaning of the sentences of the  language or else it may cover oly certain,
variously delimited, parts of such a  description.”
There are many languages in the world. One of them is English, as  International language. English has a
complicated structure or grammar. Grammar  describe the kinds of words in a language and
the ways the word are fitted  together
into meaningful groups. In other, grammar is description of language.
 However, there are so many parts of grammar.
One of them is gerund.
 A Gerund is the form of a verb when it acts as
a noun ; a Gerund (often  known as an-ing
word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding-ing. Gerund is  also find in written. For example letter,
poem, novel, magazine, newspaper, etc.
 The writer’s object is the gerund on novel,
the vampire diaries. In this paper will  be
analyzed what the meaning of gerund, the patterns of gerund ad the function of  gerund in the vampire diaries.
 This paper discusses gerund in the Vampire
Diaries because gerund is one  of the
grammatical cases. Which is difficult to study. Besides, in the novel there  are many gerund used.
Problem of the Study The problem of the study are formulated as follows
: 1)  How are the patterns of gerund in
the Vampire Diaries ? 2)  What are the
function of gerund in the Vampire Diaries ? 3) 
Which patterns are the most dominant gerund used in the Vampire Diaries
? 1.3  Scope of the Study The scope of
study is the most dominant patterns, that is the patterns of  gerund and function of gerund in the Vampire
Purpose of the Study 1)  to find
out the patterns of gerund in the Vampire Diaries.
 2)  to
find out the function of gerund in the Vampire Diaries.
 3)  to
find out the most dominant gerund used in the Vampire Diaries.
 1.5  Signification
of the Study 1)  to enrich knowledge
about gerunds 2)  to be used as refrences
for the readers or students who are interested in  analyzing of gerunds.
 1.6  The
Method of Study In writing this paper, the library method of research is used.
As the sources  of data, the writer takes
from the novel. Finally, the writer combines and tabulates  the gerund based on their patterns in order to
find out which patterns is used the  most
often in that novel.

English Literature:The Analisys Of Gerund In L.J Smith’s The Vampire Diaries

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