Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Psychological Dilemma of the Major Characters in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper


Background of the Study As we
know, li t erature i s one of the
most creat ive and universal means t o communicat e the em ot i on, spi r i tual and
intellect ual concern of mankind.

Somet imes most of the
students f eel that li t erature is a
terrible subject and makes them nervous to s tudy
i t . However, li t erature will
be an interest ing t hing or not depends on thei r f eeling of
sensi t ivi t y and thei r imaginat i on to enj o y
the beaut y of li t erature. In addi t i on, li t erature is one way to
express the creat ivi t y t hat
reveal s the interest and values of
the society and f requent ly gives
int imate and uni que glimpses
of how peopl e live.

Li t erature i s also one of some ways to
express the creat ivi t y in
devel oping the view of civilizati on. There woul d be always some
messages, points of view, and ideas that try to be
expl ored by li t erature. No matter
what i t i s, where i t is and when i
t i s. We have known that li t erature
i s a part of human
life that reflects the reali t
y in what have happened in each aspect
of life.

Li t erature represents life which deals wi t h internal
and external factors of human
life; i t will
be interest ed to cri t i cize i
t , because we will get a l ot of knowl
edge by
t his cri t icism. To cri t i cize
li terary works, we need some understandings about li terary cri t i cism.
Peck and Coyle (1986:150) define that "li
terary cri t icism is the analys is, interpret ati on and evaluat i on of li terary

It does not mean that li
terary cri t i cism is t o find the faul t in li
terary works.

Analyzing li t erature m eans
analyzing human life as
experiences, i deas, 2 mot ivat i ons, emot i ons or expect ati ons
which are expressed in the words.

Li t erature al so pay s attent i
on to the soci al life reflected at that t ime.

In addi t i on, novel is part of
li t erature and one of the li
terary works and someone who cares about the worl d around them
tr i es t o reflect i t as a docum
entary picture of life. Moreover, novel also tells the story whether
i t happens today , l ater or in the past . By reading a novel, peopl e not only know the inf ormat i on about the events that have
happened but also they will understand about what the impacts that will influence to thei r idea of
reali t y and history (peck, 1986: 102­103).

Part of the novel
describes the psycho l ogi cal aspects of the character, because character is considered as one of the fundamental component
of fict i on.

While, the defini t i o n of characteri zat i on is the process of creat ing an image of person
in fict i on, complete wi th that
person’s trai ts, f eatures, and mot ivati ons.

Characteri zati on broadly refers to
the descri pti on and devel opment
of characters.

Moreover, Anjarwat i (2006: 2) s tates that novel may
have characters, some of whom
may even come in contacts with others.
It was very worth depends largely on the abili t y o f
the novelist to get the reader to accept what he says. Here, the researcher knows that i t will take some understanding of human psycho l ogy to create
believable characters.

Novel usually concerns wi t h human being and o f
ten provi des valuable massages f or us through the story . In reading novel,
we will not only get enj oyment , but
also br ing a vast , cl ose, and f resh rel at i onship in life. It
i s really saying that what has
been wri t ten on a novel is the mi
rror of life of human beings.

3 In Clara Reeve’s word, “the novel is a
pi cture of real life and manners and o f the t
ime in which i t was wri tten” ( in Kennedy , 1983: 182). Li
terary works rise f ro m the wri ter’s own experi ences or others or
may even ours. Novel is one f orm of li terary
work that of ten tri es to
reflect human life by
describing the soul and the inner mind of
characters. It is exposed that cogni t ive values in the novels seem t o be psycho l ogi cal. Wellek and Warren
(1989:33) support that one cogni t ive value in the drama and novel woul d seem to be psy
cho l ogy . By reading a novel , peopl e
can get a better view of t hings that happen in people’s
mind. In novel , readers can find
expl orat i ons of human behavi or.
These things can mature them and enable the readers to
know the way t o cope and underst
and other peopl e thought .

While, the principle o f characteri zat i on of li t erature has always been defined as that of combining the ‘t y pe’ wi t h the
‘individual’, ei t her showing the ty pe
in the individual or the individual in
the t y pe, (Wellek and Warren,1989:32).

Then, character ty pes are called
by ‘flat ‘ and ‘round’, both are shown
in different contexts, such as public
life and private life.

In Psychol ogical theory , Si gmund Freud was the first psy
choanalyst and a true pi oneer
in the recogni t i on of the
importance of unconsci ous mental act
ivi t y.

Hi s theor i es on the inner
workings of the human mind, which seemed so revo l uti onary at the turn of the century , are now widely accepted by mo st
school s of psycho l ogi cal thought . In 1896, Freud coined the term
"psychoanalysis, " and f or
the next f orty years of
his life, he worked on
thoroughly devel oping i ts main principles, obj ect ives, techniques, and
methodol ogy (Suroso, 2009: 41).

4 Alt hough Freud's life had ended, he lef t behind a legacy unmatched by
any other; a l egacy that cont inues
very much to this day . Whereas new i
deas have enr iched the field of psychoanalys is and techni ques have adapted
and expanded over the y ears,
psychoanalysts today , li ke Freud,
believe that psy choanalys is is the most
eff ective method of obtaining
knowl edge of the mind. Through psychoanalysis, pat i ents f ree
themselves f rom terri ble mental anguish and achieve greater understanding o f themselves and others. (Suroso, 2009: 42).

Personali t y psycho l ogy
studi es enduring patterns of behavi or, thought, and emot i on
in individuals, commo nly referred to as personali t y. According t o
Freud, personali t y is based on the dynamic int eracti ons of the
ego, superego, and i d. Trai t theori
sts, in contrast , attem pt to analyze
personali t y in terms of a discrete number of
key trai ts by the stati st i cal
method of f actor analysis. The number
of proposed trai ts has varied wi dely (Suroso, 2009: 54).

In addi t i on, to deepen t his
study the researcher takes several previ ous st udi es that have relevance po int as a comparat ive study in order to
get some important matters to hel p t his study . There are
many students that analyzed personali t y’s main character f rom the novel
and also using psycho l ogi cal approach.
But as f ar as researcher knows, j
ust one that analyzes the novel by Jodi Pi coul t
ent i t l es: My Sister’s Keeper; a thesis that has been composed
by Alfiyatur Rohm ah (2006) ent i t le “Suyin’s personali t
y as the maj or character in a many splendored t hing, a novel wri t ten by
Han Suyin”, analyzed personali t y of
main character by using psycho l ogical approach and f ocus on one of six theor i es of personali t y,
i t is humanist ic approach.

English Literature:Psychological Dilemma of the Major Characters in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper

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