Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Gender Discrimination Experienced by the Main Character Described in The Last Empress By Anchee Min


1.1. Background of the Study Literature has close relationship withthe
human life. Literature could not separate
with society as the author is the member of society. The author tends to write a problem that happened in his social
life or his environment. In addition, literature
represents the life. And the life itself is the social fact. Thus, there is a close relationship among the author,
literature and his society. His work may reflect the life of his surrounding and that
may include the political situation and social

According to Terry Eagelton, “Literature is
simply another way we can experience the
world around us though our imagination is a mood stated literature as born of telling story of arranging world in
pleasing pattern of expressing words in
some special aspects of our human experience” (Terry Eagelton:2006).

Literature has three main
branches; they are prose, drama and poetry. Literary work is result of human being thinking which
tells about life deal with feeling, ideas
and problems.

More over, to cover and understand literature
Endraswara said “Literary Criticism in
that way becomes an important point of view that will reveal to the whole content and purpose of the work
ofliterature” (Endraswara:2003:). Literary criticism explains what a work of literature
means. It has important role for human life
and the development of literature itself. It means that literary criticism is important in developing knowledge and
understanding the values outside literary itself such as religion, philosophy, moral and
so on. The purpose in analyzing a literary
work is to understand what it tries to communicate. Furthermore, analysis helps us through reading and through
reflection, understands the way ideas and feelings are talked in the works.

There are many types of literary criticism;
one of them is feminist literary criticism.
According to Vickie, "Feminist literary criticism emphasizes the critical concern for the impact of gender upon reading
and writing how men write about women, how
women read both men's and women's writing, how feminine language and creativity differ from masculine
language and. At the present time, the
progressive discourse on gender equality the equality on the right between men and women besides the issues on human
right, we find that is the most influential
and contextual issue taking most attention from the intellectuals, social scientist, politicians etc. this might be
proof that the issue on women is controversial
and complex one that needs profound discussions.

For a long time, women have been considered
rely on man’s power.

Patriarchal culture in the
society became deeply rooted and dominant in social life. Moreover, in smaller environment, such
as family, men’s domination was very
strong especially in rural society (Idris: 2009). The label was given to women as a week person, useless etc. it shows that
women are usually percept as the second
class person that should stay at home and be lulled consumerism, hedonism of capitalism. This describes that
were very much discrimination towards
women, Such as the discriminations toward women in power and politics.

The label that was given to women makes women
never had an opportunity and equal right
with men to be a leader and to be the public decision maker.

Feminism emancipation movement has shifted the
women role in political affair. In
addition, women not only set as a house wife but also as a multi actor in social, in political or economic life. In
fact, many men’s role lately is conducted by women.

Women emancipation and the discrimination
toward women in politics were
interesting topics to discuss. Nowadays, Women participation in politics and their struggle in politics has become
influential and contextual issue taking most attention from the intellectuals, social
scientist, politicians etc. Here, The Last Empress written by Anchee Min is well
considered as a work purposes to blow up the struggle of woman. It talks much about the
struggle of Empress Yehonala, the last
empress china’s imperial era to have an equal right in power and politics in Qing dynasty of Chinese empire. The researcher
will reveal this gender issue as a main
point that is purposed in the novel. Therefore, the feminist literary criticism
is a relevance approach to elaborate,
cover up and catch the whole thought of feminism
that is described based on the story in the novel.

The Last Empressis the story of
Empress Yehonala’s dramatic transition from
a strong-willed, instinctive young woman to a wise and politically savvy leader who ruled China for more than four
decades. Moving from the intimacy of the
concubine quarters into the spotlight of the world stage, Orchid must face not only the perilous condition of her empire but
also a series of devastating personal losses,
as first her son and then her adopted son succumb to early death The author of this novel offers a powerful
revisionist portrait based on extensive
research of one of the most important figures in Chinese history.

Viciously maligned by the western
press of the time as the “Dragon Lady,” a manipulative, blood-thirsty woman who held
onto power at all costs, the woman Min
gives us is a compelling, very human leader who assumed power reluctantly, and who sacrificed all she had to protect
those she loved and an empire that was doomed
to die (Amanda Bensen, 2008: 55).

This novel is categorized as a
historical fiction, the inspiration to write a novel set the historical background of china
in 1852. This novel described the gender
discrimination and struggle of Yehonala as an Empress against gender discrimination to get a power in china’s
empire since the death of Emperor Hsien Feng
from Klan Manchu in ch’ing dynasty. Yehonala was the widow of Emperor Hsien Feng, after his husband death, became
the empress which has a big power along
the history of China’s empire. Yehonala has become the last empress who has a great power in Qing’s dynasty era.

Here, the novel is full of the struggle woman
and full of the domination and
discrimination against women. The writer tries to describe another value that covered the women interest and women
emancipation in the form of mind set movement
to the readers. It is hoped that the analysis can help us to enrich our knowledge studying the women in power and
politics. Also it can be a valuable studies
for everyone especially woman readers. As if the writer wanted to say that all women creation have their own life, reach
and get anything in this life with her own
idea, that all women can be a leader as man depend on their sincerity, capability and credibility.

In addition, to deepen this study the
researcher takes several previous studies
that relevance point as a comparative study that have relevance point in order to get some important matters to help
this study that are: “The social
discrimination against Chinese women in th
century in Lisa see’s snow flower and the
secret fan” by Ulifatun Nihayah. She focused her research on social discrimination against
Chinese women in th century. She found that women under social condition could
not involve themselves in social activities
and have to be confined of household chores and become appendages of their husband.

English Literature:Gender Discrimination Experienced by the Main Character Described in The Last Empress By Anchee Min

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