Senin, 17 November 2014

English Literature:Carlo Ventresca’s Existence in Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons (A Psychological Analysis)

This chapter
elaborates more about
what the researcher
does in this research. This
chapter consists of
background of the
study, statements of the
problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of
the study, research methodology
(research design, data
source, data collection,
and data analysis), and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Literature
is a creative activity of art work (Wellek and Warren, 1995:3).
Literary work is an imaginative
work that is based on consciousness in terms of creativity
as a work
of art. As
a work of
imagination, fiction presents
various problems of
human and humanity,
life and living.
Rene Wellek and
Austin Warren in
their book Theory
of Literature (1977:
94) state that;
“Literature represents life,
and life is, in large
measure, a social
reality, even though
the natural world
and the inner
of subjective world
of the individual
has also been object
of literary imitation.” Literature cannot be separated from human life, while
human life consists of various
aspects. Thus, literature
concerns with all
of human life
and the universe
in its entirety
including relationship between
individual and society, environment, and others (Martanto, 2008). Authors appreciate the variety of these problems with great earnestness that it
expressed in fiction—including novels— according to his view (Karnia, 2009:1).
Novel as
a part of
fiction, contains the
overall human experience
or a translation of life journey that come into
contact with human life, so it can be said that works of fiction of the novel is a
portrait of reality that is manifested through the aesthetic language. The novel as a work of
fiction offers a world, a world that contains
an idealized model of life—imaginative world—which was built through a
variety of intrinsic
elements such as
events, plot, character,
background, perspective, and
others (Karnia, 2009:2).
Understanding a literary work,
such as a novel, is not as easy as one may think. We need to understand the text of the literary work and some disciplines of knowledge that are related with it. It, therefore, becomes more complicated
if an author mates use a discipline of
knowledge, such as philosophy or psychology in his
literary work. Even
though, it makes
the literary work
more interesting because readers have to think the content
As part of a literary work, novel
is a reality universe in which events and behaviors
that are experienced
and created human
beings or characters (Siswantoro,
2005:29). Author, in
his work, is
trying to express
the human personality.
Behaviors and personality
included in psychological
study. By including psychological aspects in some
literary works, it can be said that literary work
can be analyzed
by psychological theory
too. Therefore, there
is a relationship
between literature and
psychology. But the
relation between psychology
and literature are
indirect. Literature related
to the world
of fiction, drama, poetry, essays which are classified
into art, while psychology refers to the
scientific study
of human behavior
and mental processes.
Although it was different,
both have a meet point or similarity, that both depart from humans and life as a source of study.
Human life with various aspects
of behavior and personality is also seen in Angels & Demons. Angels & Demons is Dan Brown's second novel, written after the novel
the da Vinci Code. This novel was
published in 2000. Dan Brown is a famous
American novelist. Brown
comes from New
Hampshire, U.S. Overall, novel
Angels & Demons contains about murder, terror, religion,
science, human existence and divinity.
Angels & Demons begins with the story of the murder of
scientists and the Pope. They
are the ones
who recognize that
science and the
church can be „in
line. On the
other hand, there is Carlo Ventresca who
was already doctrine by his mother since childhood that he must
eliminate the enemy of god. Carlo thinks that scientists and people who recognize that
science and the church are in line is the enemy
of god because
science had always
been constantly at
odds with church doctrine.
Therefore, Carlo killed all enemies by
ordering Hassasin. By ordering someone
else, Carlo can
pretend to all
people that he
did not know
the murder issues. He acts as if he is a solver problem
in the church. Carlo
wants everyone knows
that he also
has power and
great responsibility towards church condition. Even though he is a Camerlegno, a right hand and servant of the Pope, Carlo wants to show the world that he is the
son of God. Carlo tried to show his existence by utilizing Sede Vecante,
the Vacum of power since the pope
died or left the area of the Vatican.
However, on the other hand, Carlo
has other purposes.
Carlo wants to
be a new leader, Pope,
in the Vatican.
Inside the
novel, Angels &
Demons is actually
a statue in
the chapel Raphael
in the Vatican.
Half of his
body is the
Angel and the
other half is the
(Demons). Angles &
Demons is also
one of the
diction in the
poetry of Galileo. As the researcher read in the novel,
Angles & Demons can be regarded as a
representation of human
actions or attitude.
When someone is
doing good or considered
good by others, then he or she can be regarded as Angles.
But, when someone does something
bad or considered bad by others, then he or she can be said as Demons (Satan).
The reasons why the researcher
chooses this novel are; First, novel
Angels & Demons is one of the phenomenal novel in early
twenty first-century. Second, Dan Brown,
as the author of Angels & Demons, can be
called as the next „Salman Rushdie, because Brown ever had a
negative judgment from Christian because of his first novel The Da Vinci Code. Third,
readers who read this novel will confuse in
separating the facts
and the fiction
because Dan Brown
added some notes which
consist of science facts
and history in the beginning of
the novel. On the other
words, this novel
can be categorized
by historical and
scientific novel.
Fourth, the plot inside Angels
& Demons is unpredictable.
The researcher finally found an
interesting one inside this novel.
Angels & Demons reveals aspects of human existence. One of
characters in this novel who shows the
existence is Carlo Ventresca. Carlo Ventresca is a Camerlegno, a right- hand-Pope as well as butler service at the
Vatican. The researcher thinks that his existence
is one of the main factors why all of events happened in the story.
Besides those
reasons, there are
some reasons to
choose these title
and approach. First, the
researcher would like to make a research that will apply the concept
of existentialism as
part of psychological
approach through this
twenty first century
novel, Angels &
Demons. The researcher
uses psychological approach because the researcher thinks that
this approach is suitable for analyzing character
in the novel.
Psychological theory is not only
used to analyze the real person, but also it can be
applied in literature.
As the researcher
reads in the
book Studying the novel, characters
in the novels
are not quite
like real people
(Hawthorn, 1985).

English Literature:Carlo Ventresca’s Existence in Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons (A Psychological Analysis)

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