Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Learning Objectives in J. K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone



This chapter consist of
background of the study, statements of the problems, objectives of the study,
significance of the study, scope and limitation, definition of key terms and
research method covering research design, data sources, data collection and
data analysis. All of those items are discussed completely below.

1. 1 Background of the Study Literature
is something where people show their ideas that someday may be real. What is
written in it often inspires many people to do or create something new. Kelley
Griffith (2006: 18) in Writing Essay about Literature stated even though works
of literature are fictional, they have the capacity for being true. The
statement above can be stated that writer’s thought found in the literary works
usually show certain important value that may be applied in the reality even
sometimes it only seems like fiction at all or it can be aimed that literary
works may be reflection, portrait and example for the real life. We must not
imitate what is in the literary work completely but at least we can take
several values from its meaningful content to apply in our life relating to it.

A literary work includes three kinds. They are
drama, poetry and prose.

Since the first half of eight
tenth century, prose developed to be novel i.e. a long prose including a story
of person life and his surrounding by setting out the characteristic of each
character (Hardiwidjaja: 2007: 21). Novel may talk about everything. It can be
about culture, politic, history, religion even education which each topic may
include several value such as moral value, historical value, religious value,
educational value etc. Each value in a novel may be analyzed to apply outside
“the novel world.” One of novels describing about educational value is a novel
analyzed by the researcher i.e. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This
novel got several awards like Nestle Smartest Book Prize, the Federation of
Children Books Group Award and the British Book Awards Children Book’s of the Year.
It is a novel about an orphan namely Harry Potter who lived about ten years
with Mr. and Mrs Dursley. The Dursley are horrible uncle and aunt who treat
Harry rudely as if the boy is a servant in this family. They place him in a tiny
closet at the foot of the stairs of their house and they never celebrate his birthday
in eleven years. All of the Dursley’s love is just for Dudley, their abominable
son. Surprisingly, these all changed when a mysterious letter arrives by owl
messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that have never
been imagined by Harry, i.e. Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry that
brings him not only into a lot of fun, adventure and friendship but also
fantastic education. Gavin Wallace, advisory council of Scotland in literature
in the first launching of Harry Potter novel which was published in Braille edition said “(Through her book) Rowling
can converse with the whole children, I think she really knows how her
imagination works.” (Ismawan: 2004: 106-107).

Numerous J.K. Rowling’s
imaginations are written beautifully and systematically in the novel,
especially about Hogwarts that has interested the researcher to analyze it
deeper and prove that readers can take positive or useful thingsfrom the
literary work even it looks childish at a glance. This school of witchcraft and
wizardry has a lot of superb educational systems. In a glance, the researcher
may explain that its education has a lot of superiority like the existence of
very qualified teachers. It means not every body who knows magic can teach in
the school. Those who are chosen to be the teacher must be the expert in magic.
The method of teaching is as well as both above.

For example, here the students
have moving class system that will not bring them to be bored. One another
special thing is the facility of the school that has almost everything what
every school needs such as various class rooms with each miracle based on the
subject taught inside, large aerial sport, hospital, magnificence dormitories,
even forest. In other word, using Hogwarts as the educational background, the
writer smartly describes a complete educational system making the students
study as well as they play.

Yet the most important thing of
the educational system in the novel is the learning objective becoming the
guideline or direction of the education itself and a measure whether the
education is success or not. According to the novel, Hogwarts have highly
varied learning objective. First, it can be seen from the division of the dormitories of Hogwarts.
Griffindor for example is the place of student who is famous of their bravery,
then Slytherin is the place where we can find genius student etc. Then the way
how the teachers treat and organize the student daily activity with some
discipline. Simply it can be said that Hogwarts has a set of objectives in its education.
Hogwarts is extremely different from the common magical school stories which
only describe the way to learn magic. This school almost becomes complete
description of the educational system. The researcher thinksthat the learning
objective here can be exploredto produce a positive value or a good message
supporting our superb education for our children because education however is
one of interesting values to analyze as we see it as one of important aspects
in our life.

History noted that great civilization
or nation must have good educational background. Shahib wrote in Warisan
Peradaban Islam dan Saintis Muslim that Islamic civilization leading world
during 13 century was famous for its education which produced a lot of experts
and scientists; Jalaludin Rumi, the expert in poem, Ibnu Sina and ibnu Nafis,
the expert in medicine, Abu Al Qasim Az Zahrawi the great surgeon, Al
Khuwarizmi the expert in Mathematic, even Ibnu Sinan who masters astronomy, and
many more.

Another example is Japan.
Nofrianto stated in the Golden Teacherthat after the booming of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, the emperor, Hirohito assembled the whole functionary only to ask the
number of teacher who still alive. He didn’t ask the rest of general or colonel
because according to him, a teacher can create
thousand even million general, colonel and many other through education. Today,
Japan grows to be one of leading countries as we see. Both examples above are
only small pieces of proof that education is really important. As the education
in a nation is uncontrolled, the new generation in the nation will be
collapsed. The vice versa, as the education in a nation is controlled well, the
new generation of the nation must be lead into the bright future not only for the
generations them self but also for the nation. Factors deciding whether the
education is good or not is based on several components which system of the
education can be the main part of these. Yet the system may be nothing without
its good objective and destination. Islam will never reach its glory for a very
long period when the education that is learned by its generation does not have
special objective. Japan is the same as it. Education in Japan will never
create qualified generation when it does not have particular objective to build
the nation from its degradation.

One of the interesting points in
this research is that the educational objective that is believed by the
researcher can give great lesson to lead our education to be better in fact
comes from a novel which globally talks about magic. Those all can be revealed
and proved by doing content analysis, the way to understand extrinsic aspect of
a literary work to broaden the readers understanding to certain value in
literary work, particularly in a novel. In other word, certain value in a
literary work can be revealed through this analysis.

Therefore the researcher here
uses this method in order to reveal educational value i.e. learning objective
in a novel that is represented in Hogwarts.

This analysis is conducted exactly not only to
discover a necessary value of educational system in Harry Potter novel but also
to answer negative opinions evaluating the novel as bad literary work. Some
people against Harry Potter publishing because of its magic theme, in their
opinion, Harry Potter is anti Christian. Another religion group stated Harry
Potter describes evil idea. In fine, this novel doesn’t have something good
within. Therefore the researcher tries to show that Harry Potter is not bad as
what people think so far by revealing the positive effect in this novel:

Some “experts” have ever
criticized the novel but the researcher doesn’t find any one analyzing it using
content analysis to reveal its educational objective. One of what researcher
found is a literary criticism entitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: a
Marxist and Feminist View of the Boy Who Lived by Matthew L. Cole M.A
describing more social class division in Harry Potter showed beyond the existence
of various Hogwarts dormitory. The other literary criticism is Harry Potter
versus Muggles: Literary Criticism and Legal Challengeby John Carney and Todd
DeMitchelltalking about the reader’s different opinion of the novel and A
Feminist Literary Criticism Approach to Representations of Women's Agency in
Harry Potter by Elma Mayes and Elizabeth Ruthann was deconstructing the
representations of women’s agency in this novel by using feminist literary

That research is absolutely
different from the study conducted by the researcher focusing more on education
within the novel which has more benefit contribution not only for literary
research but also for knowledge addition
in educational realm. Learning Objective in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone is intentionally chosen as the title of the thesis in order to
make the analysis more specific. It means the researcher can explore almost the
whole aspect relate to educational objective in the novel and interpret it
systematically by the chosen chapter.

1.2 Statements of the Problems Definitely,
there found a lot of special things in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,
particularly in the educational system but based on what the researcher has
explained in his background of the study, the research is only to find the
answer of the problems below: 1. What learning objectives are described in
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? 2. What are the outcomes of the learning
objectives to the students of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone? 1.3 Objectives of the Study In accordance with the statements of the
problems, the objectives of the study are formulated as follow: 1. to find out
the learning objectives described in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

English Literature:Learning Objectives in J. K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

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