Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Analyzing the Deixis Found In Surah Al-Dukhan

Thischapter presents background of the
study,problemsof thestudy, objectives of the study,scopeand limitationon
thestudy,significanceof the study,and definition of the keyterms.
1.1 Backgroundof the Study Languageis
used in written and verbal communication.Grundy(1993: 7) statesthataproper
understandingof‘verbal’ in ‘verbal communication’requires an understanding
ofcertain characteristics of language. So,the focusoflanguage itself is
aninstrumentwith which objectives can beachieved. This instrumentcan not be
looked atseparatingfromspeakersand listeners, writers and readers.
role to know what in thatinterpretation. Discoursestudies have becomea
growinginterest issue. Discourse studies arethe disciplinedevoted to the
investigation ofthe relationship between formand function in
verbalcommunication.Itis aimedto provideand explanatorydescription of
systematicdifferences informsand functions and the relation between
them(Renkema, 1993:3). Furthermore, Brown and Yule (1983:9) specifythemeaningof
discourseanalysisasthestudyof human languageto communicate inspoken and written
form,and in particular, how addresseework in linguistic messagesin order to
interpret them.
Deixisdeals with connection
between discourse analysisand the situation in which discourse is used.
Deixisis atechnical term(termGreek)for one of the mostbasic thingswedo with
utterances. Itmeans “pointing”vialanguage.
thewayin which languageencode or grammaticallyfeatureofthe contextof utteranceorspeech
eventand this also concernswith waysin which the interpretation ofutterances
depends on the analysisofthat contextof utterance(Levinson, 1983: 54).
Inaddition, deixisisa referencebymeans ofexpression of which
theinterpretationis relative to the usualextra linguistic contextof an
utterance such as who are speaking, the timeor placeof speaking,
thegestureofspeakingand the current locutionin the discourse.
However, deixisisalittle part of
discourse analysis, which studies reference. Discourseis a discipline devoted
to theinvestigation of the relationship between formand function in verbal
communication (Renkema,1993: 1). Thus, in studyingalanguage,discourse analysis
hasanimportant role to identifywhat in the interpretation processoccurred.
Furthermore, Levinson (1992: 54)saysthat the singlemostobvious wayin the
relationship between languageand context which is reflected in thestructures of
languagethemselves isthrough the phenomenonofdeixis.
Deixisconcerns the waysin which languagesencodeor
grammatically features of the contextof an utteranceora speech event. Moreover,
deixisis clearlyaformofreferringthat is tied to the speaker’scontext,with
themostbasic distinction between deicticexpressionbeing“nearspeaker”versus
“awayfrom speaker”(Yule;1996:9). Deictic expressionmeans an expression
thatrefers to the personal, temporal, or spatialaspect ofan utterance, and
whosemeaningtherefore depends on thecontextin which it isused. Inaddition,
deictic words arewords with areferencepoint which is speakerorwriter dependent
and isdeterminedby the speaker’sor writer’s positionin spaceand
wordslikenowand then, words that have meanings“changequicklydepending on
thetimeorspacein which theyare uttered".Deixishas somerelevanceto
analysisofconversationand pragmatics.It is often and best described as“verbal
pointing”, thatisto saypointingbymeans of language.The linguistic formsof this
pointing arecalled deicticexpressions, deicticmarkers ordeicticwords;
theyarealso sometimescalled indexical. In addition, Brinton (2000:111)
statesthat theword deixis,fromthe Greek word meaning“to point”, denotesthe
marking of objects and eventswith respect to a certain reference point, which
isusuallythe timeand placeof speaking (the speaker’s hereand now).
Therearetwo kinds of
language,namelyspoken languageand written language(Brown and Yule, 1983:4).
Spoken languagedealswith theverbal communication wherethespeech as
aformofaction and wordsasinstruments with which action can
beperformed(Renkema,1993: 7). On theother hand, written languagedeals
withtheprinted recordwhich has function to permit communication overtimeand
spacebesides siftinglanguagefromthe oral to the visual domainas found in such
notices,textbook, holybook, newspaper, magazine, novel, etc(Brown and
Yule,1983: 6).
Inthis study,HolyQur’an is chosen
as the objectof this researchbecause Al-Qur’an is aMoslemholyBook and
thebasicsourceofMoslem.TheQur’an is sentdownbyAllah to Prophet Muhammadin aBlessed
Night. Weareas Moslem mustknow the content and themessagesin theAl-Qur’an.
Moreover, the Qur’an is rich treasure of wisdom,enlightenment,and goodness.
Inthisstudy,the researcher willanalyzeEnglish translation ofsurah Al-Dukhan
The interpretation ofthis
translation is easyto understand, clearly,and purelyin real formand it not
Actually,there are114 surahs
ofAl-Qur’an which arecanbedivided into two kinds. ThereareMakkyand
Madanisurahsforinstance; Al-Baqara, Al-Isra, Ash-Shams,Al-Dukhan, An-Nashr,
etc. Butin the study,theresearcherchooses surah Al-Dukhan asthe object ofthis
study.Surah Al-Dukhan is the th surah of
HolyQur’an thathas fiftynine verses (Shihab, 2002: 4). Itis included into Makkyah(surah
which wasreleased in Mecca). This studyis chosen because of somereasons:first,surahAl-Dukhan
is aunique surah. TheSurah takes its name fromtheword Dukhan or‘smoke’ which
isoccurs in verse10. The verse refersto could besomeyetunknown natural
phenomenon, on the scale of the holein the ozonelayerthat would
befallourplanetwith such catastrophic effects, as the result of human
corruption and wrongdoing. Second, thelanguagethatisused in surah Al-Dukhan is
beautiful and powerful languagethan anyotherlanguagein the world. Third,
therewas foundcertain phenomenawhich arerelated to analysis in deixisthat
formulating in theEnglish translation ofsurah Al-Dukhan.
Based on the explanation above,
theresearcherinterests in studyingon deixisfound in English translation of
surahAl-Dukhan. Becauseofstudying deixis,the researcheralso will knowmore about
thefunction ofword and how peopleuselanguagein written or spoken context.
Everylinguist hashis or herown
opinion around part of deixis,but the discussion in this studyfocuses on three
typesof deixisnamelyperson, time,and placedeixis.Thisstudyhasrelation to
previous researches on the samefield conducted byNadhifatulFaricha (2007)
focuses her studyon Deixisin the National Sectionofthe Jakarta Post.Titin
Amaliyah(2006)investigates herstudy on Deixisin
“TheMiracleWorker”PlayTextbyWilliamGibson.Theyfound the five typesof
deixisinaformof written language.Different fromNadhifatul, and Titin’s
study,this studyonlyfocuseson threetypesofdeixisnamelyperson deixis,timedeixis,and
placedeixisbyusingLevinson theory.

English Literature:Analyzing the Deixis Found In Surah Al-Dukhan

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