Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis on the Reference Found in the Advertisements Published in Jakarta Post”

This chapter deals with introduction that
consists of background of the study,
problems of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and
definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Language is the most important means of
communication. It is needed by all
people in the world. Human being as social creature cannot live alone in this world. They live in society in which the group
of them who are drawn together for certain
purpose or purposes; therefore, they need atool to communicate each other using a language. That is why language is very
There are two types of language that are used
by human beings as a means of
communication, spoken and written language. A spoken language is in the forms of conversation, speech, story telling,
etc. While written language is reflected
in the forms of newspaper, magazine, book, etc.
Advertisement is one form of communication
that develops, at the same time, the
advance of technology. The development oftechnology allows people to communicate each other in many ways, whether
it is in oral or written ways.
Advertisement is an important
factor to the development of a certain company or business. However, advertising is not alone
responsible for the development; it is only
a part of the whole economic structure-a structure created by the efficiency and effectiveness of its several parts. So,
the functions of advertisements are as a tool of selling, as an education, as a molder
of opinion and good will builder.
Advertisement or advertising is
any controlled formof personal presentation
and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor that is used to inform and persuade the
selected market. Therefore, advertisement is means of selling ideas, goods, or services.
Theycan be found in television, radio,
newspaper, etc. Advertisements that can be found in these are kinds of text.
Therefore, it constitutes a
discourse. Advertisement should be able to persuade customer to buy goods that are being
advertised. So, advertisements are usually used visuals. They are thought to be both
better atgetting attention and easier to remember because picture without words are
meaningless. Therefore, they must work
in combination to create a concept. It is strengthened by hadith Prophet Muhammad SAW: Meaning: There is a man who likes to wear
beautifulcloth and sandal. Then, the messenger
of God spoke, “For God is a beautiful substance and fond of something beautiful…”(HR. Muslim).
It shows that something beautiful
is attractive. So, it is easy to remember or to persuade someone who wants to read and understand
it easily. Finally, they follow it by
buying or selling the products or services.
In this study, the researcher
uses the Jakarta Postas the subject of the study. “The Jakarta Post” daily newspaper is
also akind of text that contains advertisements.
The Jakarta Post is a daily EnglishLanguage newspaper in Indonesia with an average circulation of
around 25000 copies, it is the largest English
Language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara, and the head office is in the
nation’s capital, Jakarta. The newspaper was launched on 25 April 1983
( Post-19k).
Advertisements that can be found
in the Jakarta Post newspapers are kinds of text. Therefore, it constitutes a
discourse. Referring to Brown and Yule’s classification of discourse, advertisement in
the newspaper is included in transactional
discourse since its stress is on the expression of message to intended consumers. According to the process of
production, it is a written text.
In order to understand the text,
it is very important for us to study about cohesion because it is included in the
component ofa discourse. Cohesion means the
unity or relation between sentences that exist in the text. Sentences in the
text must be related. Cohesion is the
connection which results when the interpretation of a textual element is dependent on another
element in the text (Renkema, 1993:35).
Cohesion which consists of
grammatical cohesion andlexical cohesion is very essential in order to get a deep
understandingin the text. Analyzing grammatical
cohesion means that we analyze the surface structure, while from lexical cohesion we can analyze the deep
structure that is focused on the content.
According to Halliday and Hasan
(Renkema, 1993:37),cohesion is divided into five types, namely substitution, ellipsis,
reference, conjunction and lexical cohesion.
In this study, the researcher
just focuses on the reference to make the text well-understood. On the grammatical cohesion
devices, it is found that the most common
cohesion used is reference. Reference is theact of referring to preceding and following elements deals with a semantics
Reference is divided into three
categories, they are personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative
reference.Personal reference is to indicate
something by specifying its function in its situation, through the category of person intersecting with the number of
categories of singular and plural.
Demonstrative reference is to
show the location of a process in space or time on scale of proximity. Comparative reference is
indirect reference by means of identity
or similarity. Therefore, it is very important to be studied because we can know the word or the pronoun refers to.
Therefore, we understand well how the text
flows. It is proved by the fact when advertisement is available, some people does not understand the content because it
often uses reference. For example: Invaluable
experience in Las Vegas A tour organized
as a token of appreciation needs special preparation. Indosat, who organizes such tours
for its distributor partners, wants to
give them the best, since theyhave given their best to the company… In the second sentence,
there are four indications that show the example of reference. And some people does not know where
its, them, they, theirrefer to.
They cause their misunderstanding.
So, the researcher is interested in studying the reference more to get a deep understanding
about the text in advertising.
Furthermore, this study has a
relation to the previous study on the same field. Sugianto (2000) focused on Cohesion in
Newsweek Advertisement, Mahfudhoh (2007)
focused on Discourse Analysis on Cohesion Devices in the Lyrics of Paris Hilton’s song, Hidayat (2008)
focused on A Study of Cohesive Devices
in the George Walker Bush’s second presidential Ineugunal Speech, and Indrawati (2007) focused on Cohesion Devices
expressed by the Main Character of
Casino Royale Film.

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis on the Reference Found in the Advertisements Published in Jakarta Post”

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