Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Error Analysis In Using Passive Voice Made By Eleventh Year Students Of MAN 1 Panyabungan

1.1 Background of the Study Passive
voice is a voice that indicates that subject is the patient or recipient of the action denoted by the verb,
or passive voice is a grammatical construction
(a "voice") in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action rather than the performer.
Ed swick (2005:49) says that Passive
voice is a structure that allows you to make a statement without knowing who performed the action of sentence.
Passive voice, sometimes called
passive sentence, is ally used by speaker
of a languages written or spoken, in communication. The aim of using it is to show that the action is more important
than the doer of an action. Language (Wasson,
1966:5) is the supreme means of formulating and expressing thought.
Human communicates by producing
sounds or the combination of words which represent the object ideas and emotions of
human thought. While Crystal (1980:202)
states, “language is a particular variety or level of speech or writing and people use language for special purpose”.
Based on Wasson and Crystal ideas
we can conclude that the main function
of language is to communicate with others. The communication can reach its goal when the language used is
understood by the communicants, listeners
and speakers.
Language plays an important role not only in
communication but also in education,
especially in the process of teaching and learning. In communication and education, we ally use our mother tongue
or first language. Richards (1985:106)
says that first language is a person’s mother tongue or the language acquired first. The first language may be used
to communicate with family members.
Other people of the same ethnic group or it is the language of the country where we are living. But we will face
some problems when we have to speak in
or learn the other languages which are different from our first language.
Therefore, we need to learn
Second language.
The word “Second” in Second
Language Acquisition may refer to any language
that is learned subsequently to mother tongue on first language. Our mother tongue is Indonesian language while
other language that we want to learn is
called Second Language. Selinker (1994:6) says that Second Language Acquisition and Second Language learning are
interchangeably, irrespective of whether
conscious or subconscious. There are probable mistakes and errors in studying second language.
Cambridge Dictionary
(www.dictionary.com) defines Errors as an act, assertion, or belief that unintentionally
deviates from what is correct, right, or true: the condition of having incorrect or
false knowledge; the act or instance of deviating
from an accepted code of behavior. While Ellis (1997:17) says, “Errors reflect gaps in a learners knowledge: they
occur because the learner does not know
what is correct.” Strevens (1969) in
Richards (1974:4) hypothesized that errors should not be viewed as problems to be overcome, but
rather as normal and inevitable features
indicating the strategies that learners use. He conjectured that if a regular pattern of errors could be observed in the
performance of all learners in a given solution,
and if a learner were seen to progress though this pattern, his errors could be taken as evidence not of failure but
success and achievement in learning.
Brown (1987:204) cites that
learners do make errors and these errors can be observed, analyzed and classified to reveal
something of system operating within the
learner lead to a surge of study of learner’s errors called errors analysis.
The term “errors analysis” in
second language acquisition means the investigating of Second Language Acquisition by collecting
and describing samples of leaner’s language.
Ellis (1985:296) says that errors
analysis is a procedure used by both researcher
and teacher. It involves collecting samples of learner’s language.
Identifying the error in sample,
describing these errors, classifying them according to their hypothesized causes, and evaluating
their seriousness. While Richards in Longman
dictionary of applied Linguistics (1985:96) defines errors analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by
second and foreign language learners.
Errors analysis may carried out
in order to find out how well someone knows a language, how a person learns language, and to
obtain information on common difficulties
in language learning as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching material.
Another concept of error analysis is given By
Brown (1980:166). He defined error
analysis as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules of the second language
and then to reveal the systems operated
by learner. It seems this concept is the same as the one proposed by Crystal (1987:112) who says that error
analysis is a technique for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting
the unacceptable forms produced by someone
learning a foreign language, using any of the principles and procedures provided by linguistics.
The three definitions above
clarify that error analysis is an activity to identify, classify and interpret or describe
the errors made by someone in speaking or
in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing
English sentences. Another thing, which
should be noticed is the procedure of error analysis.
Cause of errors (Norrish,
1983:21-26) is classified into three types: (1) Carelessness is often closely related to lack
of motivation. Many teachers will admit
that it is not always the student’s fault if he loses interest, perhaps the materials and or style of presentation do not
suit him, (2) First language is a matter
of habit formation. When someone tries to learn new habits the old ones will interfere the new one, and (3)
Translation is one of the causes of error. This happens because a student translates his first
language sentence or idiomatic expression
in to the target language word by word. This is probably the most common cause
of error.
Richards in in his article “Error Analysis and
Second language Strategies”.
(in Schummann and Stenson,
1978:32) classifies sources of errors into: (1) interference that is an error resulting from
the transfer of grammatical and or stylistic
elements from the source language to the target language, (2) overgeneralization, that is an error caused by
extension of target language rules to areas
where they do not apply, (3) performance error, that is unsystematic error that occurs as the result of such thing as
memory lapses, fatigue, confusion, or strong
emotion, (4) markers of transitional competence, that is an error that results from a natural and perhaps inevitable
development sequence in the second language
learning process (by analogy with first language acquisition), (5) strategy of communication and assimilation
that is an error resulting from the attempt
to communicate in the target language without having completely acquired the grammatical form necessary to do
so, and (6) teacher-induced error, that
is an error resulting from pedagogical procedures contained in the text or employed by the teacher.
Ellis (1997:15) says that there
are four kinds of errors: (1) Omission is the error of leaving item that is required for an
utterance to be considered grammatical,
(2) misinformation is the error of using one grammatical form in place of another grammatical form, (3)
misordering is the error of putting the words
in an utterance in the wrong order, and (4) overgeneralization is the error of using over grammatical form in an utterance.
The eleventh year students of MAN
I Panyabungan are second language learners,
because they study English based on our Government curriculum no.
412. As the second language
learners, they will also make errors in using the language, written or spoken, especially in
using passive tenses. For examples: (1) A
bridge building across the canal next year. The sentence is in the future
tense, based on time signal used (next
year). There is an error in this sentence. Since to make future sentence the formula /will + V1/
is needed in active form. While in passive
form the formula is /will + be + V3/. Based on this rule students made error. So the right sentence is A bridge will
be built across the canal next year.

English Literature:An Error Analysis In Using Passive Voice Made By Eleventh Year Students Of MAN 1 Panyabungan

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