Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Phrasal Verbs In Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol And Its Translation Into Bahasa Indonesia By Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno

1.1 Background of the Study There
are thousands of languages in this world, for instance Bahasa Indonesia, English, Spanish, Deutsch, etc.
Every language is unique which means that
one language is different to another language whether it is in sounds, words, and the structure of the sentences. The
function of language as a tool of communication
finds obstacle when it is related to the diversity of language itself.
It is hard to use unknown language as a tool
of communication especially in the international
communication. In order to overcome the obstacle, there should be a solution which is called as “translation”.
Basically, translation is studying the
lexicon, grammatical structure, communication
situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its
meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon and grammatical
structure which are appropriate in the receptor
language and its cultural context (Larson, 1984:3). Translation functions as a means to transfer equivalent message from
one language to another, so that communication
of human keeps going on.
Hoener (1962:15-16) explains that every
language has its own structure which may
be consisted of many units such as morphemes, words, phrases, clauses and sentences. Those units can still
be classified into the most specific aspects,
for instance, in English; there are part of speech, gerund, idiomatic expressions, phrasal verbs, etc. Phrasal verb
is one of the aspects of language that will
be discussed further in this thesis.
As defined in English Vocabulary in Use
(McCarthy, 2001:170) phrasal verbs are
basic verbs which can be combined with different prepositions (or particles) to make verbs completely new – and
often unguessable – meanings. Its meaning
is not predictable from the al grammatical rules of a language or from the al meanings of its constituent elements.
The sense of meaning of phrasal verbs
can mean something different from what the words literary imply.
Based on its characteristics, people find
difficulties to translate the phrasal verbs.
It is ally not translated well; in some cases, when it is translated into another language, either its meaning is
changed or it is meaningless. This case may
occur in the literary translated, such as in the translated novel. In this thesis,
the writer will analyze the phrasal
verbs found in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and its translation into Bahasa
Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.
This novel tells about the story of a lecturer
named Professor Robert Langdon who is
asked to complete the puzzle code in a small ancient pyramid by Mal’akh in order to find the hidden treasure
which is assumed under the Capitol Building.
In the translation of Dan Brown’s The Lost
Symbol, the writer finds phrasal verbs,
such as: Source Language (English): The Otis elevator climbing the south pillar
of the Eiffel Tower was overflowing with
tourists. (page 6) Target Language (Bahasa Indonesia): Lift Otis yang naik
merayapi pilar selatan Menara Eiffel itu dipenuhi turis. (page 25) The translator translates
overflowing with into dipenuhi. The active sentence is changed into the passive sentence, but it does
not change the sense of meaning totally.
In this case, the translator uses “equivalence” which refers to the methodology of translation where language
describes the same situation by different
stylistic or cultural means.
Considering the uniqueness of the phrasal
verbs causing the problem in translating
it into another language, the writer eager to get deeper understanding about the most appropriate way to translate
it. Finally, the writer will identify procedures
of translation, based on Vinay and Dalbernet in Venuti (2000:84-93), implemented by the translator in translating
the phrasal verbs. Thus, the title of this
thesis is “An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and Its
Translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno” 1.2 Scope of the Study In order to avoid
excessively large discussions, the study is focused on phrasal verbs. The data that are going to be
analyzed are found in Dan Brown’s The
Lost Symbol and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.
1.3 Problems of the Study The problems of
analysis in the thesis are: 1. What are
the procedures of translation found in the translation of phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into
Bahasa Indonesia? 2. What is the most
dominant procedure of translation
occurred in the translation of phrasal
verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into Bahasa Indonesia? 1.4 Objectives of the Study The
objectives of analysis in the thesis are: 1.
To figure out the procedures of translation found in the translation of phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol
into Bahasa Indonesia.
2. To
figure out the most dominant procedure of translation occurred in the translation of phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s
The Lost Symbol into Bahasa Indonesia.
1.5 Significances of the Study A study is done
due to certain significances it has. The significances of the study can be both theoretical and practical.
It means, the result of a study could be beneficial for developing knowledge and
insight, and also can be applied for daily living (Silalahi, 2010:2-3).
Based on the statement above, this study has
two major significances.
First, this thesis is expected to enlarge the
writer’s and reader’s knowledge about translation
and phrasal verbs. Second, it is expected to be helpful for people especially the students who wants to be a
translator or currently work as a translator,
to learn how to conduct translating especially in the case of phrasal verbs.
1.6 Review of Related Literature I use several
major references in doing this analysis Harahap (1994) in The Study of English
Idioms and Their Uses explains about the
difficulties of phrasal verbs that there is no rule that will take us in advance what verbs will govern what
prepositions. Because of this special feature, phrasal verbs must be studied as a whole. We
cannot change any part of it because it
will cause the change of its meanings.
Hasna (2001) in An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs
in Bill Manhoff’s play The Owl and The
Pussy Cat explains phrasal verb as an expression that does not follow the normal pattern of the language or
that has a total meaning not suggested
by its separate words.
Machali (2000) in Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah
explains that each language has its own
rules which might be different from other language. The translator may use some methodology in order to transfer
the meaning from SL to TL and result the
best translation.
Venuti (2000) in Introducing Translation
Studies explains Vinay and Dalbernet’s model, discussing the methodology
for translation, which is used to transfer
the meaning from SL to TL. It explains that ‘equivalence’ as one of the methodology for translation is particularly
useful in translating the idioms and phrasal

English Literature:An Analysis Of Phrasal Verbs In Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol And Its Translation Into Bahasa Indonesia By Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno

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