Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work

1.1 Background of Study Sociolinguistics
is generally regarded as an interdisciplinary science which is derived from two basic elements, socio and
linguistics. Socio basically similar to social,
which is related to people in the society. Linguistics can be described as the scientific study of language, especially its
basic elements (such as phonemes, morphemes,
words, sentences, and meaning) and the interrelationship between the elements (structures) including the nature and
formation of afore-mentioned elements.
So, sociolinguistics is a study
of language that deals with the speaker as the member of society. In other words,
sociolinguistics studies about aspects of language society, especially the variation which
consists in the language that related with the factors of society. As addition, Hudson
(1980:4) says, “sociolinguisticts as the study of language in relation to society.” And he
also says about sociology of language, “sociology
of language is the study of society in relation to language.” While, in sociolinguistics we study society in order to
find out as much as we can about what kind
of thing language is and in the sociology of language we reverse the direction
of our interest.
People are ally selecting a
particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch one code to
create a new code. There are two kinds of code. They are code switching and code mixing.
Thelander in Chaer and Agustina
(2004:115) says “ bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu
bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka peristiwa
yang terjadi adalah alih kode.” (when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other
language in a conversation so it called code switching).
Thelander in Chaer and Agustina
(2004:115) says that “apabila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur, klausa-klausa maupun
frase-frase yang digunakan terdiri dari klausa dan frase campuran (hybrid clauses,hybrid
phrases) dan masing-masing klausa atau frase
itu tidak lagi mendukung fungsi sendiri-sendiri, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah campur kode.” (if in the single
utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each
clause or phrase does not support the function
of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing).
In doing this thesis, the writer
uses two theories based on Thelander and Suwito’s theory. Suwito’s theory in Chaer and Agustina
(2004:114) devides code switching into
types, they are: 1. Extern code switching.
Extern Code Switching occurs when
one language is switched into another language
in different group of language, for example bahasa indonesia is switched into English or in versa.
Example : “I refuse to count
unless you buy me a scale. Ini mur waktu kita beli juga si suplier itung pake scale. Mana
ada orang ngitung mur sebijisebiji?” In this example, the conversant switches
English into Indonesia or the conversant
uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is include into
extern code switching.
2. Intern code switching.
Intern Code Switching occurs when one language
is switched into another language in the
same group of language. The language is
switched into another variant of the
same group. For example, in Javanese language, Jawa Ngoko language is switched into Jawa Krama
language. But if there is switching from
Bataknese into Javanese, it is also called intern code switching. It is because the switching occurs
in one group of language that is Bahasa
Example : “Loh? Aduh..iki
kepriye, toh? Kenapa nih? Eh, kamu kenapa? Kok kamu ngomong melulu gak mau diem sih? Diem
dong!” In this example, conversant switches Javanese into Indonesian or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito
in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this
utterance is included into intern code switching.
And he also devides code mixing
in two types, they are: 1. Inner code
“Campur kode ke dalam (inner Code
Mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber
dari bahasa asli dengan segala variasinya.” Inner Code Mixing occurs, if the speaker inserts the elements of
their own language into national language,
the elements of dialect into their own language, or elements of varieties and style into their dialect.
Example : “Nah ini dia yang saya
demen.” This example uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a
word, demen. Demen in this example means
like. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina
(2004:114), this example is included into inner code mixing, because the elements of their own language
into national language, the elements of
dialect into their own language, or elements of varieties and style into their dialect.
2. Outer code mixing.
“Campur kode keluar (outer code
mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber
dari bahasa asing.” Outer Code Mixing occurs if the speaker insert the element of their own language into
foreign language.
Example : “Gaji dia orang di
Factory yang lama lebih banyak dari disini!” This example uses indonesian
language , but the conversant insert words, factory, which contitute as the vocabulary of
English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and
Agustina (2004:114), this example is include into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the
elements of their own language into pieces
of foreign language.
In this thesis, Iam interested in
analyzing the code switching and code mixing found in comedy book. In this book comedy, the
writter used many code switching and
code mixing to beautify their books. it makes the book very interesting to read.
So, in this thesis I will discuss
and explain about code switching and code mixing that found in this book and try to classify
and describe them by using Thelander and Suwito’s theory.
The book’s comedy that I analyze
is Chaos@work’s book. I chose this book because
there are so many code switching and code mixing that can be found in the book. Besides, she is a mysterious author
because she is a TKI who did not wanthis identity known and this book based on her
personal experience (true story).
1.2 Scope of the Study In order to get exact and good results, this
thesis only focuses on the type of code switching
and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss. The scope of the analysis will help the writer to be more specific and
1.3 Problem of Study In writing
this thesis, the writer will analyze some cases that happen in My Stupid Boss. There are some questions to be raised as
the problem of this analysis: 1. What
type of code switching and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss? 2. What
type of code switching and code mixing are the most dominant in the all chapters of My Stupid Boss? 1.4 Objectives of Study By doing this thesis
analysis, the writer wants to achieve some objectives that can answer the problem of the analysis. The
objectives are stated as follow: 1. To
find out type of code switching and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss.
2. To find out type of code switching and code
mixing are the most dominant in the all
chapters of My Stupid Boss.
1.5 Significances of Study The
writer hopes that this thesis enriches the study of sociolinguistics that can
be used for further reference,
especially dealing with code switching and code mixing.
Besides, the writer also expects
that she could give some significances for the readers: a. Through this thesis, the writer and the
readers of this thesis can realize that we often use anotherlanguage to
communicate with others.

English Literature:An Analysis Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work

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