1.1 Background of the Study In daily
conversation, people share
ideas, information, and
express their feeling. In such giving and receiving information, people
can understand each other well if they successfully fulfill the rules of smooth
It means, between sender and
receiver or in this case is the speaker and hearer should obey
the rules that
arrange how to
communicate precisely. This
is the way how
a successful communication
should be achieved.
Otherwise, they may experience
misunderstanding or break
down the communication. To avoid
those misunderstanding in
conversation, it conversation
should follow certain principles.
Grice (1975)
proposes a principle
called “cooperative principle”.
In order to have
a successful conversation
Grice states four
maxims to be obeyed.
They are maxim
of quality has
a keyword, truth
or in statement,
do not say what
you believe to
be false, do
not say that
for which you
lack of adequate evidence.
Second, maxim of quantity is information that makes your contribution as
informative as is
required for the
current purposes of the
exchange. Do not
make your contribution
more informative than
is required.
Next, maxim of relation requires
us to speak relevance. The last role proposed by Grice
is maxims of
manner that states
we should avoid
obscurity of expression and
ambiguity and should
be brief and
orderly (Schiffin, 1997:194). However, not
all communication either
verbal or nonverbal communication uses
four maxims or
cooperative principles. It
disobeys the Grice’s maxims
either one maxim
or more or
it is called
by flouting and hedging
maxims. It is also
flouted when the speaker violates some
of maxims in producing utterances
in the form of
rhetorical strategies,
namely tautology, metaphor, overstatement, understatement, rhetorical
question, and irony.
Furthermore, the
maxims are hedged
when the information
is not totally accurate but
seem informative, well
founded and relevant
and the speaker quotes the information from other
Under certain
circumstances, we may
not give our
responses as required in our conversations. This
means that we
may flout those
four conversational maxims when
we talk to
another one. For
example, we suddenly change
the topic of
conversation because we
do not want
to talk about the topic. Here, we flout the maxims of
relevance. For instance, when a boy
is lying about
his bad mark
in school to
avoid punishments from
his parents, here the child
flouts the maxim
of quality, which
requires him to say
something that he
thinks to be
true. These situations
show that the
flouting maxims may cause
misunderstanding in conversation
or breaking down communication.
As human beings, we cannot avoid
communicating with other people in
daily life. Communication
is important in
maintaining and establishing good relation
with others. In
communication people usually
produce many kinds of
conversation which could
end with resolution
consensus and misunderstanding argument.
The same cases
also created or
directed in the movie. Therefore,
in this research
the researcher is
interested in analyzing conversations especially
in movie. He
argues the movie
conversations are created or
directed to walk
the scheme that
planned by its
director. Movie also has the
relationship with language as a tool of communication.
In discussing
the relationship between
language and movie,
we have to define
what the movie
is. According to
the Screen Writing
Glossary, Movie is a dramatic performance that is recorded as a moving
image, whether on film or
videotape. Wikipedia define
Movie is cultural
artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those
culture and in turn affect them.
Movie is considered to be an important
art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful
method for educating
or indoctrinating citizens.
The visual elements of movie give motion pictures a
universal power of communication.
Some movies
have become popular
worldwide attractions by
using dubbing or subtitles that
translate the dialogue.
From the
explanation above, the
researcher concludes there
were relations between language
as a tool
of communication and
movie as an artifact
created by specific
cultures. He thought
that the study
of movie also defined
as a study
of culture because
the present of
movie turns affect
to the culture or
society whose watch
its movie. The
researcher understood that language
was a social
phenomenon, so that
he could not
separate the speech with
its context. A
study of language
totally without reference
to its social context would
lead to “the
omission of some
of the more
complex and interesting aspects
of language and to loss
of opportunities for
further theoretical progress” (Trudgill, 32:1983) The
movie that will
be analyzed is
under the title
John Tucker Must Die.
In this movie,
the researcher recognizes
that there is
a relation between every
conversation that happened
in the movie
with the aim
of this movie.
This movie
aimed to show
us the effect
of bad attitude
when we build
a relationship with our friend. This
movie also advices us to be
a good boy and educates to
be honest. This
movie is chooses
because of the
researcher’s interest to the
drama comedy movie
especially for the
movie from Hollywood’s product.
Another reason in
choosing movie is
because theme of this movie educates young people how to
build a good relationship.
In accordance
to that the
researcher decides to
search the flouting
and hedging of conversational maxims
in John Tucker
Must Die movie.
In this case, the
researcher claims that
the characters at
movie may flout
those maxims in their
conversational action. They
may make misunderstanding argument, ambiguous,
overstatement, irony and
rhetorical question by
giving too much information,
lying, being irrelevant
and being ambiguous.
The researcher also claims
that their flouting
and hedging maxims
did not bring the conversation to an end. Therefore,
the researcher is interested to conduct a research on what kind of the
conversational maxims are flouted and hedged.
Related studies
have been conducted
by several people.
Rahmani studied the flouting
and hedging maxims
used by the
main characters in “Romeo
and Juliet” movie
2007. He found
that the conversational maxims are
not obeyed by
speakers, moreover the
maxims are flouted
and hedged by the
characters when they
are talking and
delivering their opinion
to another characters in
the story of
Romeo and Juliet.
However, although it
is very difficult
to obey and
use all of
the maxims in
producing utterances especially in
conversation it is
essential in communication, therefore,
communication can go on smoothly. The same study is done by Funny
(2004) who search the flouting
of maxims in
Srimulat show Sampek
Engtay. Funny concludes
that flouting the Grice’s maxims can cause humorous effect.
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