1.1 Ba c kground of the Study Language is a s ys tem o f arbitrary vocal
symbols used for human communi
cation (Wardhaugh, 1977:23). It is rath er imprecise in that it contains considerab le
re dundancy, particul arly
in emplo ying both the terms system a nd arbitrary ; some re dundanc y
is p erhaps excusable ,
however, for it al lows
certain points to be more heavil
y emphasized then the y
would otherwise have been. As s
tated in the Holy Qur’an: O mankin d! Lo ! We have created y ou male and female , and have made `y ou nations and tribes that ye ma y know one another. Lo! The noblest of y ou, in th
e sight of Al lah, i s the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware”. (Al hujurat: 13) Language can al so express ou r feeling a nd
emotion, one o f them is musi c.
Musi c contains th ree element s, namely melody ,
rhythm and ha rmony . Melody i s
th e most basic element o f communication between the composer, performer and li
stener. Rhy thm is the element o f the musi c which organizes of the
interval a nd cords. Musi c has di fferent
ly r i c, our feeling such a s feeling o f love, happiness , sad ness
and affection influences the form
on choice of ly r i c.
Musi c and so ng h ave a n important rol e in learning language by listening music,
peopl e can lear n about some
aspects of language such as a lexicon,
in which
each word of the language i s
listed along with information about
it s meaning, its p ronuncia tion, its inter nal s tructure and relationship to oth er word
of th e language and the way s in which
i t may be used in the formation of
Finch (1998: 57) s tates that there are three concep ts
of semiot i c, namel y sy ntax, semant ics , and pragmatics. Syntax studies the formal relat ionship between th e sign;
semant ics studies the
relationship between sign a nd the
interpreter, and pragmatics stud ies natural language
understanding, and sp ecifica lly the
stu dy o f how
context influences the in
terpretation of meaning. The sign here
means the language sign, not the other. From th e three b asic concepts of sy ntax, th e wri ter i s more
interested in s yntax point of vi ew through this stud y
rather th an the o ther two.
Indeed, thi s research focuses on
sy ntax. And o ne of the branch stud y sy
ntax is about sy ntactic stru cture, but the researcher examines kin ds of th e
sy ntactic structure in M2M so ngs. If
we stud y about syntact i c structure we
could divide them in to four basic
ty pes o f syntact i c structu re .
All larger stru ctures are simply
combinations of these; no matter
how c ompl icated a structure may b e it can alwa ys
be analyzed in terms o f these four. Fi rstly , structures
of modi fic ation; th ere are two
components part, namely a head and modi
fier. Fo r exampl e “pretty women” (a woman i s noun as head and pretty
is adje ctive as modi fier).
Secondly , s tructures of predication; there are two components,
namely a subject and predicate. For exampl e “I read” (I is
pronoun as subj ect and read is transi tive
verb). Thirdly , structures of s tructure of complementat ion; wi th two
components: a verbal element and a
complement. For example
“read book” (read as verbal element
and book as complement). Last group,
structures of coordinat ion; consi sting
of equivalent grammat ical u nits join ed often
but not alway s by a special kind o f f unction word. For exampl e “di
ctionar y and book” (di ctionar y are coordinate,
book (noun) and coordinator i s and).
Sy ntax as one of the branches o f lingui stics
subject pla y s an important rol e in s tudying certain languages in cluding English. Syntax is a branch o f lingui sti cs
th at studies the rules, or
"patterned relations” that govern the way words combine to form phrases and phrases combine to f orm
sentences. Syntact i c rules d etermine th e order of words in a sentence,
and how th e words are grouped.
It is easier to see th e
parts and subparts of the sen tence in a
tree diagram (Bornstein 1969: 246).
Moreover, Finch (1998:107)
s tates that the advantage of t
ree diagrams is that the y enabl e us
to see at a glance t he hierarchical stru cture of sentences.
Sy ntax basically refers to the
rules for the arrangement of words into
phrases and phrases into sentences. It is a part of the science of
linguistics and deals with the sentence structure. This defini
tion lead s to th e fact that until y ou understand
sy ntax y ou can not make proper use
of any
language. (Gleason 1961:128) In another
fact, th ere are many kin ds of music
in the world such as pop, jazz, rock, dangdut, R&B, reggae or
combination of them. They are written
in di fferent languages such as;
E nglish, Indonesia, French,
Indi a, Japanese and many others. Many
p eopl e like English song; one of the famous languages in the world is English because i t becomes the in ternational languages.
This s tudy
will lead the language l ear ners
to be able to improve th ei r knowledge especially toward tree diagram. In addi tion, th e songs that become data are the most famous song o f shades o f
purpl e album. So, i t will b e interesting to analyze the pattern of sentence of so ng.
Thirdly , this stud y wi ll also
lead th e language l ear ners to understand easily the pattern of ly r ics used in western so ng.
From those reas ons above, the
wri ter i s in terested in a nalyzing
the s ynt actic s tructure analysis on
M2M s ong.
This s tudy
has rel ation with the previous studies that has be done by Herawati (2003) entitled “ Analyzing the Translat ion of Some Makkiyah surahs of th
e Hol y Qur’an b y M armaduke Pickthall b y Using Diane Bornstein’s Tree Diagram
T heory ,”, and “The S y ntactica l Analysis of Sentence patterns on English Love Songs
Ly r ics Sung b y Air Supply ”
that is done by Wahy uni (1998).
1.2 Statement of the Problems Based o n th e background of the stud y , the
statem ents of th e problems are formulated as fol lows: 1. What
s yntact i c patterns of posi tiv e sentences are used on M2M song of the transformational grammar theory suggested b y Diane Bornstein? 2. What
s yntact i c patterns of negative
sentences are used on M2M song of th e trans formational grammar theory suggested by
Diane Bo rnstein? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Concerning w i th th e statement o f the p
roblem above, the objectives of thi s s tudy
are: 1. To describe th e syntact i c patterns of posi
tiv e sentences used on M2M so ng using
theory of tree d iagrams proposed by
D iane Bornstein 2. To describe th e syntact i c patterns of
negative sentences u sed on M2M song u sing theory of tree diagrams p roposed b y D iane Bornstein 1.4 Signific ances of the Study The findings
of the stud y are expected to give clear descriptions about th e area of sy ntax e specially the analy zed u sing about Diane Bornstein ’s
theory of tree diagram, namely t he pattern of ly rics o f M2M song. Thus,
th e results provide a model of the use
of Diane Bornstein’s theory of t ree
diagram th at describes about the s y
ntacti c pattern o f songs.
Practically , i t is
expected th at this stu dy is u
seful for the lectu rers and the s tudents of State Islamic Univ ersi t y
o f Malang, especia ll y at E
nglish Letters and Language Department
in a nalyzing th e s ynta ctic pattern of so ng especiall y u sed Diane
Bornstein’s theory of t ree
diagram. In addi t ion, i t is expected
to be abl e to give addi t ional informat ion for th e lectu rers
in d escribing the syntacti c pattern o
f song that are rarely
analy zed.
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