Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis Of Symbols In Wallace Steven Poems

1.1  Background of the Analysis 
Poetry is one of
types of literature besides prose and drama. Wordsworth in Peck and  Loyle (1984:11) state that poetry is the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, expression of  emotion, and it is always concerned with
ordinary human concern, with the daily matters of  one’s life. Based on Wordsworth’s definition
of poetry above, there are three points in the  poetry. The first point is the spontaneous
overflow of the power feeling. The lyrics in poetry are  pure feeling and it has been written without
the least effort and come directly from the poet’s  heart. The second point is the expression of
The point focuses on what the poem can  tell the readers about the poet’s innermost
being as revealed in the work; the readers read the  poem in order to learn about the figure behind
it. It is more concerned with the mind and  personality behind the poem than with the text
itself. The third point is the daily matters of one’s  life. The points is to see that the central
themes of poetry are familiar topics from everyday  experiences; love, death, nature, and religion.Romantics poets are concerned
with the daily matters one’s life especially Nature.
Samekto (1976:50) states that
Romantisme merupakan manisfestasi ideal-ideal menghendaki  agar kesusasteraan mencerminkan apa yang
spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat baik dalam alam  maupun manusia, dan bebas mengikuti
kehendaknya sendiri dengan caranya sendiri. ‘The  romantic is the deal of manisfestation to
reflect the spontaneous, purity, and the freedom things  in the nature and human being’s life’. Wallace
Steven (1914) is one of Romantic poet an  indination to aesthetic philosophy and a
wholly original style and sensibility: exotic, whimsical,    infused, with the light and color of an
impressions painting. Steven was concerned with the  transformative power of imagination. It is the
themes of his poems.
Symbols were first used a lot in
the Romantic poems, where the poets often want to  express their sense of unseen world in the
imagination. Peck and Coyle (1984:71) state that a  symbol is an object which stands for
something. In a poem it is a word which also signifies  something beyond itself. Steven’s uses the
symbols of the things are not only to express his  desire but also to express his senses of an
unseen world in the imagination.
Imagination and understanding the
characteristics of the symbol in a poem are needed to  identify the implied symbols as something that
means more than what they are. Steven was  concerned with the transformative power of the
imagination. Concerning the relation between  consciousness 
and the world, in Stevens's work "imagination" it is not
equivalent to  consciousness nor is
"reality" equivalent to the world as it exists outside our minds. It
becomes  problems, because many people
think imagination becomes true. The reality is that the product  of the imagination as it shapes the world.
Because it is constantly changing as we attempt to find  imaginatively satisfying ways to perceive the
world, reality is an activity, not a static object. We  approach reality with a piecemeal
understanding, putting together parts of the world in an  attempt to make it seem coherent. To make
sense of the world is to construct a worldview  through an active exercise of the imagination.
There is no dry, philosophical activity, but a  passionate engagement in finding order and
  1.2  Problems of the Analysis The analysis focuses
on symbols of Steven’s poems as expressed in his two poems; “Thirteen  Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” and “The Man
With the Blue Guitar”. The symbol refers to life  and tools. The problems of the analysis are: 1.  What is the symbol of Blackbird implied to
the daily matters of human life in the world  as expressed in the poem “Thirteen Ways of
Looking at a Blackbird”? 2.  What is the
symbol of Blue Guitar implied to the love as expressed in the poem “The  Man With the Blue Guitar”? 1.3 Objectives of
the Analysis The objectives of the analysis are as follows: 1.  To identify the symbol of Blackbird implied
to human life in the world as expressed in  the poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a
2.  To identify the symbol of Blue Guitar is
implied to love as expressed in the poem “The  Man With the Blue Guitar”   1.4
Significances of the Analysis There are some of significances of the analysis.
First of all, the analysis is significant to add  the literary vocabulary for poem analysis.
Secondly, to find the characteristic of poem that  contain the symbols trough the lyrics related
to life. This theoretical purpose is to show that  reading a poem is not difficult as people
thought because the poems can be about anything. The  reader can interpret, express and grasp idea
of the poems freely depending on their perception,  expression, and feeling. And the practically
purpose to make the reader can describe the poet  with the clear meaning should be clearly
expressed and writer consists of their life and their  presumption.

English Literature: An Analysis Of Symbols In Wallace Steven Poems

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