Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Apology Strategies Used by the Characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice Movie


This chapter presents background
of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, significance of the
study, scope and limitation of the study, synopsis of the film, and definition
of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study One of the reasons
for people to use language is to ask for an apology (Parraningtyas, 2009: 1).
In Islam, the concept of forgiving someone to maintain the relationship and
brotherhood between us and society has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an
(Al-Baqarah: 263"Kind words and the covering of faults are better than
charity followed by injury.

Allah is free of all wants and He
is most forbearing." (Al-Baqarah: 263) From
the above verse, forgiveness is something ordered by religion.

Giving other person forgiveness
brings much reward from Allah SWT because it creates good circumstances in
human being's environment. Apology is a speech act used to restore
relationships between a speaker (S) and a hearer (H) after S has offended H
intentionally or unintentionally (Olshtain: 1983). Related to this point, he
also states that "the act of apologizing requires an action or an
utterance which is intended to 'set things right'". Holmes (1995) states
that apology is an example of
"face-supportive act" (FSAs). Once we consider our daily
conversations, we notice easily that we apologize or are apologized to in
various ways for different reasons according to different situation.

Olshtain (1983) defines apology
as basically speech act intended to provide support for the H (hearer) who has
actually or potentially malaffected by a violation of X. He continues to state
that the overall goal of apology is to maintain or restore harmony.

Studies on apology have been done
by previous researchers. For example, Hidayati (2005) looks at apology
strategies in Indonesian language used by the Indonesian department students of
the State University of Malang (UM). Her study found that Indonesian students
of UM used five kinds of apology strategies: an expression of apology, an
acknowledgement of responsibility, an explanation or account of the situation,
an offer of repair and promise of forbearance in five situations, but they
preferred using offer of apology in direct apology and offer of repair in
indirect apology. Besides, the apologizer reconciled the appropriate strategy
with the offence situation happened.

Ristinawati (2009) studies
sociopragmatics analysis on apology strategies used by Kevin Rudd in political
apology. This research investigates Kevin Rudd strategies in asking for apology
in his political speech. This study indicates that there are five types of
apology strategies which are used by Kevin Rudd in political apology: acknowledgement
of responsibility, expression of apology, explanation or account, promise of
forbearance, and offer of repair. Furthermore, the researcher also found five
social functions of apology; they are admitting responsibility for a state which affected someone
in an adverse way (thereby implicating contrition), asking to be forgiven,
showing good manners, assuaging the addressee's wrath, and getting of the hook.

A study by Anam (2009) discusses
apology used in Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason movie. He found that the
characters of Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason
movie based on Daniela Kramer-Moore and Michael Moore's theory of apology
strategies use some types of apology: (1) I'm sorry for having stepped on your
toe, (2) Sorry for interrupting, (3) Excuse me?, (4) Excuse me! (Ironic, with two
exaggerated stresses) and (5) Excuse me? (exaggerated incredulous). The most
type of apology used in this movie is “I'm sorry for having stepped on your toe.”
Parraningtyas (2009) analyzes apology strategies used by the characters in "Princes
Diaries" movie. Her study revealed that there are differences between male
and female strategy in using apology to express their expression. In this study,
she found out that female apologize more polite than male. It happened because
female apologizer gives explicit explanation more about her mistakes.

Female also used apology strategy
in order to restore the relationship truly. It's different from male strategy
in which male use apology to platitude with other person. The types of apology
strategies found in that movie are expression of apology, acknowledgement of
responsibility, promise of forbearance strategy, rejection strategy, and offer
of repair strategy. The present study investigates apology
strategies used by the characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice movie and
has several distinctions from the result
of previous studies. Some previous researchers use film as their main data having
political speech as the object of the study. In addition, they use Trosborg’ s theory,
Daniela Kramer Moore and Michael Moore. Beside that, one previous researcher
conducted her research in Indonesian department students of UM using the theory
of apology strategies proposed by Cohen and Olshtain. However, this research
analyses a film of Pride and Prejudice using Cohen and Olshtain's theory of
apology strategies combined with Scollon & Scollon's theory of politeness strategies
which consists of routinized patterns or strategies typically used by native
speakers of the language. The reason for choosing Pride and Prejudice movie as
the object of the study is because the movie provides the whole picture or
imagination in real visualization that everyone can see. The movie also contains
a lot of incidents that shows the damage of the relation and the use of apology
to express their fault. This movie
provides not only equal conversations of upper class and middle class
background but also the types of apology strategies.

The film of Pride and Prejudice
directed by Joe Wright is based on Jane Austin's novel telling about the Bennet
family, a middle class family in Georgian England around 1800. Bennet family
consists of Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet and the five sisters – Jane, Elizabeth,
Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet. Their
lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his
best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their neighborhood (www.imdb.com). Mrs.
Bennet raises her five daughters with the purpose of getting married with a
rich husband that can support the family. They are not from upper class, and their house in Hardforshire will be
inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet died. When the wealthy bachelor Mr.
Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a
mansion nearby their property, the shy and beautiful Jane falls in love for Mr.
Bingley, and Lizzie (Elizabeth) finds Mr.

Darcy a snobbish and proud man,
and she swears to loathe him forever. This is the beginning of their wonderful
love story (Claudio Carvalho at www.imdb.com).

This film presents different use
of apology strategies because it was spoken by the upper class and middle class
in the class-conscious England of the late th century which creates a question whether
the language produced by them was influenced by their class background or not.
Based on the above rationale, this study focuses on "Apology Strategies
Used by the Characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice Movie". 1.2 Problem of the Study This research is
conducted to answer this following question: "How are apology strategies
used by upper class and middle class character of Joe Wright's Pride and
Prejudice movie?" 1.3 Objective of the Study In line with the research
problem stated above, this study aims to, "explore apology strategies used
by upper class and middle class character of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice

1.4 Significance of the Study This study is
expected to give theoretical and practical contribution in relation to the
study of apology. Theoretically, the findings would be useful to enlarge the
readers' views on using apology, and to open the new insight of apology as that
shown in the characters of Pride and Prejudice movie. The readers will also
learn some kinds of apology strategies that can be practiced in their life in
solving a certain problem. So they can use it properly and hopefully they can
repair the miscommunication.

The results of this study will
provide practical contributions. First, for second language learners, this
study will enrich their understanding on using appropriate apology in
conversation. Second, this study will also be useful for Sociolinguistics
teachers or lectures in giving their students’ knowledge on the study of
apology. Finally, this study will become a source of information for others who
are interested in doing relevant research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study
examines the use of apology by the characters of Joe Wright's Pride and
Prejudice movie. Cohen and Olshtain's theory of apology are used to analyze the
data. This theory briefly presents direct apology such as apologize, be sorry,
excuse, etc or it can be done indirectly by taking on responsibility or giving explanation.

This study analyzes several
aspects of explicit apologies: 1) The
general types of different forms of apologies will be examined. The types is
also related to the social class to see whether upper class or middle class speakers
apologize more formally and whether they have any preference in different forms
of apologies.

2) Another aspect that is studied is the uses of
patterns, which mainly include syntactic structures of different apologies.
Finally, the research attempt to examine apologies on the pragmatic level by
taking into account of what is commonly apologized for in film settings. All
these different aspects and levels of analysis will be related to the
contextual factors, or situational features. The investigation will not take
into account the phonological level since the nature of available data does not
allow us to do that. To limit the scope of the investigation, the turns
following apologies are not analyzes in detail in greater detail either. This
important aspect of apologizing routine could be focus of a separate study.
This study uses script obtained from the results of the conversations in the
movie, and the dialogue is seen as natural as possible. Moreover, this study
only focuses on a variable: social class in apology.

1.6 Synopsis of the Film Pride
and Prejudice is a film which tells about the Bennet family, a middle class
family in England around 1800. It is a humorous story of love and life among
English gentility during Georgian era. Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his
overbearing wife. The Bennets five daughters consist of the beautiful Jane, the
clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia.
Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr. Bennet dies their house will be inherited
by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness
and security is dependent on the daughters making good marriages.

Life is uneventful until the
arrival in the neighborhood of the rich gentleman Mr. Bingley, who rents a
large house so he can spend the summer in the country. Mr. Bingley brings with
him his sister and the dashing (and richer) but proud Mr. Darcy. Love is soon
in the air for one of the Bennet sisters, while another may have jumped to a
hasty prejudgment. For the Bennet sisters many trials and tribulations stand
between them and their happiness, including class, gossip and scandal (Dom at

1.7 Definition of the Key Terms To avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding, some
terms used in this study are defined: · Apology strategies are the methods used by
individuals to perform the speech act of apology such as statement of remorse
and reparation. In order to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication which
it can be hurt other people (Parraningtyas, 2009: 7).

· "Pride and Prejudice" movie is a
movie which is directed by Joe Wright based on Jane Austin's classic tale of
love and values in class- conscious th century
England telling about the five Bennet sistersincluding strong-willed Elizabeth
and young Lydia- have all been raised by their mother with one purpose in life:
finding a husband, and it is Elizabeth's encounters with the vexing Mr. Darcy
that really ignite the battle of the sexes.

} � r h �� `� rious to conduct the research in this movie because among the characters are used sexist swear words.

There have been several studies on sexist
language conducted by previous researchers;
one of them was Siti Maulidah (2005) who analyzed the sexist language in Radar Bromo, Jawa Pos. She used
descriptive qualitative method.

Jack’s theory wass used in this study. Her
finding was that there are six categories of sexism language in Radar Bromo.

18 The
second researcher was Aminah (2006) who analyzed the sexism in the language in Kompas. She used descriptive
qualitative method. Duffy’s theory was used
in this research. However, Aminah’s categorizations of the sexist language were different from Siti Maulidah’s. She
categorized the sexist language into four parts.

The third research was conducted by Hilda
Izzati Majid (2007) who analyzed sexist
language in Tempo’s column by usingdescriptive qualitative method. She used Lexi Lei’s theory. Her
finding is different from Siti Maulidah and
Aminah. Because the subject of her study is in English, that is in Tempo’s magazine. But both of previous studies are in
Indonesian. She classified sexism language
into two parts.

The last researcher is Linda Sofia (2008) who
analyzed The Sexist Language of Jokes
Column in Hello Magazine descriptive qualitative method. She used Diane’s theory. Her findings could be
classified into three parts.

This study has several differences from previous
studies. The previous studies analyzed
the data of sexist language morphologically by using Lei, Diane, Jack, and Duffy’s theory. While in this
research, the researcher wants to concern to the way of the characters in using the
sexist swear words. The researcher uses Hughes
theory in analyzing the sexist swear words since he explains more details about principal reason of using sexist swear
words and types of it in his book than the
other experts. Some classifications of sexist swear words by Hughes are: excretory term, human genital term, death,
animal term, mother-in-law term.

English Literature:Apology Strategies Used by the Characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice Movie

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