Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on Diction Used in Essay of Time Magazien

1.1 Background of the Study Language is one
thing that cannot be separated from human life. Human beings need a language as an instrument to express
their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Language is a part of human life, which functions as
communication system. Moreover, language is a significant communication instrument in
human life. The activity of human life will not work
without language. Bloomfield
(1964: 38) states,”…
the fact that
language is the simplest and
most fundamental of our social
activity.” It becomes
essential in human interaction
because using speech sounds and symbol to express what he thinks, feels, or wants
to other people.
Therefore, language makes
human interaction communicative.
Since it becomes the
communication instrument, no body can remember when or how he learned to talk. It is believed that the
expression of thoughts in language was spontaneous action, quite independent of human will and
exertions like breathing of the circulation of blood
(Greeenough and Kittradge,
1976: 1) in
yohanes pramualdus. It
fits in the definition mentioned
in Oxford Dictionary
that language is
an instinctive method
of communicating ideas,
feeling and desires
by means of
system of sound
and symbols (1974: 473).
Generally, as
communication instruments, language
is divided into
two parts; those
are written and
oral spoken languages.
Oral language is
usually used in conversation,
telephone, radio, television, etc, while written language usually used in the magazine, newspaper, brochure etc. In written
language or oral language diction is really important.
In speaking and
in the early
stages of writing,
we often choose
them unconsciously. But
to write effectively,
we must choose
them consciously. We must think
about the words we use, their shades
meaning, the appropriate of word, and
also figurative language.
Meanwhile, Diction is a writer’s
choice of words. Words are very important in determining whether the communication is
successful or not through words, or whether the reader will understand what the writer
means. Therefore, when choosing his words the writer should take reader into account.
Memering and O’hare (1980: 54) state “like everything else in writing, choosing words
means considering your audience knowing the effect you want to make them understand the
words you might use.” Good writing is made of words that suit its subject and
its expected audience. As we write, we
constantly need to make choices among words that have similar meanings but different effects on people. The words we
choose are called diction, and the choice we
make establish our
meaning of words,
the appropriate of
words, and also
the figurative language. When we
write an essay in media such as magazines, the result will be determined by own choice of words.
Based on
Oxford Dictionary, Magazine
is paper covered,
which has quality
to bring periodical information
(usually weekly or monthly,
and illustrated). With
stories, articles, opinion,
advertisement essay, etc by various
writers. Magazine can
deliver messages and ideas or any
information to their readers. Moreover there are several reason why
the people use
magazine as the
source of learning
and entertaining activities, because
the authenticity of
the texts provides
motivated reading and
also magazine provides
an abundance of
the texts including
the review, the
story, the report, advertisement, essay etc.
English magazine is good for the
students because contains many kinds of short articles on specific topics and provide
information that usually up to date at the time of publication. By reading a selection of
articles on particular topics, the reader can examine different
opinions and point
of view in
relatively short time.
Besides that, English magazine
lend them selves
not only reading skill
but also the
equally relevant skill of speaking,
writing, and even listening. In short, we will focus on essay as the subject of
our analysis.
One other
linguist namely Barbare
fine clouse (2003:
64) states “essays
are typically of writing that
made up of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion”.
It is kind of written language consists
of words basic on the personal opinion of the writer that
is usually different
from the others.
Moreover, the language
in which the
words applied that
they use, most
of all are
personal language presented
freely, offensive, simple, and more vulgar and sometimes, it is
like a story. Most of it is influenced by what the background lead them to choose certain
words, usually personal style, to express their opinion. We can see that in the magazine is
called TIME.
TIME magazine is one of the
popular magazines in the world. It consists of much written material, such as reports, opinions,
advertisements, essay, etc. the essay in TIME magazines tells us about many things according
what the writer wants to. The things they write
about are inextricably
tied to the
events that shape
man’s life, government, business,
labor, education, welfare,
advertisement, politics, justice,
socio-culture, art, religion
preaches and many
others. Sometimes it
involves criticism and
their interpretation of one
situation, condition of the environment, policy, etc. Essays of TIME magazines
may have a certain
characteristic in the
choice of words
and it inspires
the researcher to
give the title
of this study: A
Study on Diction
Used in Essay
of Time Magazines.
Furthermore, the study of diction
has also been studied by Yohanes Romualdus GL. (2002). Her research which under the title
WordChoice in Essay in Time Magazine talked a bit of the diction on it.
Although that research above has similar object in this discussion, but in there any differences
between her analyses and this study. In her study, she tries to look in the quality of word
choices and its occurrence in the situation and audience in essay. From this study she found
three qualities of word choice: appropriateness,
specificity and imagery occur in appropriate situation. Another researcher who has similar study is Lilik
Rofiqoh (2003) who wrote a study by title Dictions on the Editorials of Media
Indonesia.Her study discussion on dictions relates to the exactness and appropriateness of the
choice of word which is emphasized on the uses of the verb and noun words as dictions.
Isnillah (2004) analyze on diction and messages in song lyrics of Chambracelet by Mariah
Carey. In her study, she discussed about diction and message and elements of poetry
1.2 Problem Statements: As stated
in the past part of the background of the study, the research’s problems that are going to be analyzed are: 1. What types of dictions are used in
accordance with exactness and appropriateness on essay of TIME magazine? 2. What kinds of
figurative languages appear on essay of TIME magazine? 1.3 Objective of the
Study Derived directly from the statement of the problems, the purposes of the
study are aim: 1. to describe types
dictions used on essay of TIME magazine related with exactness and appropriateness.
2. to describe the kinds of
figurative languages used in essay if TIME magazine.

English Literature:A Study on Diction Used in Essay of Time Magazien

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