Selasa, 11 November 2014



1.1. Background of the Study Literature as a product of human creativity in
the form of written or oral work can be
the reflection of the author’s point ofview. It is always interesting to talk about, it is closely related to our life
because it can be enjoyed by human being
and there are many values can be found. Literature itself often reflects the social condition in a certain society or
reflects the author’s life. As a human being, we can use literature as media of expression
of ouridea, thought and life experience
which can be written in literary works.

Literary works do not exist and
are not written only to portray human life.

It is commonly known that they
are created to express the author's feelings, imagination, experience, knowledge and
outlook. Theauthor creates meaningful works
that are based on his perception about life. The works are focused, formed, and related to the sophisticated issues and
ideas of the social changes.

As 'mirror', literary works
become equipments to understand the essence of human life. They can show the actual movement
of social or even individual idea in a
given time. It is reasonable that literary works give some ideas to certain people in a certain time and bring them to a
certain model of life. As with sociology,
literature too is pre-eminently concerned with man's social world, his adaptation to it, and his desire to change it.

1 Actually, there are three great parts of
literary works, such us poetry, prose and
drama. In this research, the researcher choosesdrama because drama is one of the literary works that expressed an idea,
emotion and feeling. It has many different
values in every work of literature besides the other literary works. The researcher thinks that drama is the unique one
because the audience will be directly
invited to show and follow the story from beginning until ending which was played by the actor and the actress and
then they expressed the emotion happened
on the stage.

According to Reaske, “Drama is a
work of literatureor composition that delineates
life and human activity by means of presenting various actions of - and dialogues between - groups of characters
(1966:5).”The whole story may be represented
in the form of an action carried on by several persons as in real life.

The dramatist created drama to
present any motivations, feelings and ideas in certain time or place. As Cooper (1913:2)
states, “Art is an imitation or representation
of an object, in a medium chosen by the artist. The primary objects of artistic imitation are human beings in
action, men performing of undergoing something.
Each characters show their thoughts and motives through combinations of speeches and actions.” As a
result,literature as the reflection of social
condition and drama as the one of literary works cannot be separated.

Because of that, drama has a
characteristic as an imitation of life.

All literary works can be
analyzed using intrinsic and extrinsic element and also drama can be analyzed using intrinsic
and extrinsic element. In this research,
the researcher analyzes drama using extrinsic element. One of the major schools of literary theory is sociological
approach. Sociology is a broad discipline in terms of both methodology and subject
matter. Its traditional focuses have included
social relations, social stratification, social interaction, culture and deviance, and its approaches have included
both qualitative and quantitative research
techniques. According to Levis (Endraswara, 2003:79) “Literature is not only the effect of social condition but also
the cause of social effect.” It means that
society or social condition have influences inmany aspect includes a literary work. Sociology is the scientific study of the
phenomena arising out of the group relationship
of human being. Sociology tries to solve the social problem and tries to answer question of how do they live or work
and why do they strive.

Furthermore Wellek and Warren
state, “The question how far literature is actually determined by or independent on its
socialsetting, on social change and development,
is one which, in one way or another, will enter into all the three divisions of problems: the sociology of the
writer,the social content of the works themselves
and the influence of literature on society (1956:96).” Amongst those three divisions of Wellek and Warren, the
researcher chooses the social content of the work themselves.

Here, the researcher is studying
the religious phenomena and the conflict in Paris and tends to analyze the social
aspect of literature, the sociological approach
is needed. In the case of religion topic, sociology of religion which studies about on both sides interaction
between thereligion institution and the other
social institutions. According to sociologist, Max Weber understanding is the conviction that religion can be
constituted as something other than or separate from society. He felt that religion can only
be understood subjectively.

Religion is one of the most
powerful, deeply felt, and influential forces in human society. It has shaped people’s
relationshipswith each other, influencing family, community, economic, and political
life. Religious beliefs and values motivate
human action, and religious groups organize their collective religious expressions. Religion is a significant aspect
of social life, and the social dimension
is an important part of religion.

Religion is one of social
phenomena and also sign of culture. Religion is never separated from our life because we live
in the earth is based on our faith that is
religion. Religion is a moral and also human confession about people limitedness. These standards are appropriate
with the characteristics of religion. A religion
as a dogma has beauty elements of art (literature) (Darma, 1995:114).

Religion refers to formal concept,
juridical, the rules and also the laws. According to religious literature, it is not a power but
it is also as a tool for democracy (Atmosuwito,
1989:126). In the real life, commonly on this period, religious life is formed awkward and tight. That is why
literature isreally needed to stain in religion
in order to make religion looks smooth andglorious (Hardjana, 1994:90).

By using the perspective above,
the researcher chooses this theory; it is sociological approach to analyze her literary
work,drama with a title The Massacre at
Paris, with the Death of the Duke of Guiseby Christopher Marlowe.

The reason why the researcher
chooses this drama, because the researcher wants to know the religious conflict that happened
in Paris society in that era.


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