Selasa, 11 November 2014



This chapter presents background
of the study, problem of the study, objective
of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, synopsis of the film, and definition of the
key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Human
being communicates with other using language. Language expresses their feeling about everything
around them. There are many ways used by
them to gain good relationship with other people, for example using good manner in having conversation with other.
Sometimes, the statements acted may create
miscommunication and misunderstanding which often breaks relationship among them. To maintain a good relationship
when such miscommunication happens, one
needs to ask for an apology (Parraningtyas, 2009: 1).

In Islam, the concept of
forgiving someone to maintain the relationship and brotherhood between us and our society has
been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an
(Al-Baqarah: 263): "Kind words and the covering of faults are better than
charity followed by injury.

Allah is free of all wants and He
is most forbearing." (Al-Baqarah: 263) From the above verse, forgiveness is
something that is ordered by religion.

Giving other person's forgiveness
brings much reward from Allah SWT because it creates good circumstances in human being's

Apology is a speech act used to
restore relationships between a speaker (S) and a hearer (H) after S has offended H
intentionally or unintentionally (Olshtain: 1983). Related to this point, he also states
that "the act of apologizing requires an action or an utterance which is intended to
'set things right'". In addition, Holmes (1995) states that apology is an example of
"face-supportive act" (FSAs). Once we consider our daily conversations, we notice
easily that we apologize or are apologized
to in various ways for different reasons according to different situation. Apology involves the
acknowledgement of injury with an acceptance of responsibility, affect (fell regret or
shame the person must mean it), and vulnerability the risking of an
acknowledgement without excuses (Ristinawati, 2009).

Olshtain (1983) define apology as
basically speech act which is intended to
provide support for the H (hearer) who has actually or potentially malaffected by a violation of X. He continues to state
(1989) that the overall goal of apology is to maintain or restore harmony.

Studies on apology have been done
by previous researchers. For example, Hidayati
(2005) focused on apology strategies in Indonesian language used by the Indonesian department students of the State
University of Malang (UM). Her study
found that Indonesian students of UM used five kinds of apology strategies: an expression of apology, an acknowledgement
of responsibility, an explanation or
account of the situation, an offer of repair and promise of forbearance in five
situations, but they preferred using
offer of apology in direct apology and offer of repair in indirect apology. Besides, the
apologizer reconciled the appropriate strategy
with the offence situation happened.

Ristinawati (2009) studies
sociopragmatics analysis on apology strategies used by Kevin Rudd in political apology. This
research investigates Kevin Rudd strategies
in asking for apology in his political speech. This study indicates that there are five types of apology strategies
which are used by Kevin Rudd in political
apology: acknowledgement of responsibility, expression of apology, explanation or account, promise of
forbearance, and offer of repair. Furthermore, the researcher also found five social
functions of apology; they are admitting responsibility for a state which affected
someone in an adverse way (thereby implicating
contrition), asking to be forgiven, showing good manners, assuaging the addressee's wrath, and getting of the hook.

A study by Anam (2009) discusses
apology used in Bridge Jones: The Edge
of Reason movie. He found that the characters of Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason movie based on Daniela Kramer-Moore and
Michael Moore's theory of apology
strategies use some types of apology: (1) I'm sorry for having stepped on your toe, (2) Sorry for interrupting, (3)
Excuse me?, (4) Excuse me! (Ironic, with two exaggerated stresses) and (5) Excuse me?
(exaggerated incredulous). The most type
of apology used in this movie is I'm sorry for having stepped on your toe.

Parraningtyas (2009) analyzes apology
strategies used by the characters in "Princes
Diaries" movie. Her study revealed that there are differences between male and female strategy in using apology to
express their expression. In this study,
she found out that female apologized more politely than male. It happened because female apologizer gives explicit
explanation more about her mistakes.

Female also used apology strategy
in order to restore the relationship truly. It's different from male strategy in which male use
apology to platitude with other person.
Then, the types of apology strategies found in that movie are expression of apology, acknowledgement of responsibility,
promise of forbearance strategy, rejection
strategy, and offer of repair strategy.

This study investigates apology
strategies used by the characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice movie and has
several distinctions from the result of previous
studies. Some previous researchers conducted their research in the film and political speech as the object of the
study using the theory of apology strategies
proposed by Trosborg, Daniela Kramer Moore and Michael Moore.

Beside that, one previous
researcher conducted her research in Indonesian department students of UM using the theory of
apology strategies proposed by Cohen and
Olshtain. However, this research analyses a film using Cohen and Olshtain's theory of apology strategies
combined with Scollon & Scollon's theory of politeness strategies which consists of
routinized patterns or strategies typically used by native speakers of the language. The
reason for choosing Pride and Prejudice
movie as the object of the study is that because the movie provides the whole picture or imagination in real
visualization that everyone can see. The movie also contains a lot of incidents that
shows the damage of the relation and the
use of apology to express their fault. This movie provides not only equal conversations of upper class and middle class
background but also the types of apology

The film of Pride and Prejudice
that is directed by Joe Wright is based on Jane Austin's novel that tells about the Bennet
family, a middle class family in Georgian
England around 1800. Bennet family consists of Mr. Bennet, Mrs.

Bennet and the five sisters Jane,
Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet.

Their lives are turned upside
down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their
neighborhood (


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