Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Parenting Styles in John Hughes’ The Ship of Dreams


In this chapter, I discuss background of the
study, statement of the problems,
objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, research method, research design, source of
data, data collection, data analysis, and
definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Humans
live in a society that supports them with a variety of items: foods, drinks,
clothes, medicines, domicile,
adornment, religion, tradition,
and custom.

The first place that forms their
personality is house they live in, the place they get affection,
feeling, and aspiration.
And parents are
the first that
form them. The way
of parenting children takes a big role in their development.

Allah says: O my son! If it be
(anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the
heavens or in the earth, Allah will
bring it forth. Verily, Allah is Subtle (in bringing out that grain), Well-Aware (of its place). O my son!
Aqim-is-Salat (perform As-Salat), enjoin
(on people) Al-Ma’ruf (Islamic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e.
disbelief in the Oneness of Allah,
polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befalls you. Verily, these
are some of the important commandments
(ordered by Allah with no exemption). And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in
insolence through the earth.

Verily, Allah likes not any
arrogant boaster. And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your
voice. Verily, the harshest of all
voices is the braying of the ass.(Luqman,
31: 16-19) The verses above tell about how Luqman Hakim teaches and
educates his son. He teaches him to do
what is ordered by the God and stays away from anything forbidden (Amal Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar).
For every bad thing we do, God will give
his punishment. He also teaches his son not to be arrogant person and not to speak loud or raise his voice when
talking. This is the way of Luqman Hakim
in teaching his son and he wishes that his son will be a good person.

Everything he teaches to his son
will affect his development and life.

Different people use different
methods in raising their children. Luqman’s way in raising his son is by
teaching him with religious values. It is possible to other people to use the same way, but other
people may not. The way in raising children will affect their development and
the most powerful affection comes from
their families, especially parents.

In this research, I analyze the
role of parents toward adolescent development
in one of literary work in the form of drama The Ship of Dreams by John Hughes. I choose this drama because I
think that this drama is different from other
drama. Some dramas are tragedy, comedy, or history, but it is not. It does not talk about a couple of people who fall in
love but the parents do not agree and at
the end of the story they die, or talk about a story that makes the reader
laugh until the end of story. Actually,
this is a very simple drama that talks about a family conflict. It does not make the reader
cry or laugh. It will make the reader think
and ask, ―Am I like him? if the
reader is a parent or ―Will I be like him? if the reader is not a parent. This question will
arise when the reader thinks about the parenting
style use by the main character’s parents. So, I think that this drama is interesting to be analyzed from parenting
style view.

I analyze the drama from
psychological aspect. Basically, psychological analysis is supported by three
approaches, textual approach, reception-pragmatic, and expressive approach. I use textual
approach to analyze this drama because textual
approach examines the psychological aspect in a character in a literary work. According to Wellek and Warren and
Hardjana (Endraswara, 2009: 98) psychological
criticism has four possible fields of studies. Those are analyzing the author as an individual, the relation between
the process of creative and the psychology,
psychological laws in a literary work, and the effect of a literary work to the reader. In this study, the field
of the study is in psychological laws in a literary work.

In this research, I use
developmental psychology. I only focus on the adolescent developmental psychology. According
to Rifai in her book Adolescent Developmental
Psychology, adolescent period is as developmental level in human life, where someone cannot be called a child
anymore, however, cannot be called adult
yet (Rifai, 1984: 1). Adolescents are individual that still looks for identity.

They are very sensitive of negative influences
from their environment. Because of that,
role of parents are very important when their children are stepping on adolescent stage.

According to some experts, the
adolescent’s personality and behavior are influenced much by the parenting styles given
by the parent. In this research, I use Baumrind’s parenting styles. Baumrind, the
expert of psychological development, divides
the parenting styles into three: authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting, and permissive parenting. However,
some other experts divide permissive
into two, neglectful and indulgent parenting. Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punitive style in which the
parent exhorts the adolescent to follow directions
and to respect work and afford. Next, authoritative parenting encourages adolescent to be independent but
still places limits and controls on their
actions. Then, neglectful parenting is a style in which the parent is much uninvolved in the adolescent’s life. Finally,
indulgent parenting is a style in which parents
are highly involved with their adolescent but place few demands or controls on them. In the role parenting, it is
not only mother’s role or father’s role, but also co-parenting role (Santrock, 2007: 280-281).
I am interested in analyzing parenting
style which is proposed by Diana Baumrind because I believe and convince that her theory is effective to be
applied in this research.

Besides that parenting style,
when the parents do their job to parenting their adolescent, there are some conflicts
that may happen between parents and their
adolescents. One characteristic of adolescent development is the change of physiological and psychological. It causes the
instability of emotional. It will make
internal conflict that boost to show that he or she is adult. As a consequence,
adolescents often experience some
collisions with their environment, parents, sibling, friend, or society (adolescence
rebellion). The conflicts that may happen are: conflict in choosing friend, subject of
study, and conflict in sibling rivalry (Dariyo,
2004: 95-96).

It has been said that there are
two lasting bequests that we can leave our children- one is roots, the other wings. These
words reflect the importance of
attachment and autonomy in the adolescent’s successful adaptation to the world. Defining adolescent autonomy is
more complex and elusive than it might
at first seem. The term autonomy generally connotes selfdirection and
independent. One aspect of autonomy that is especially important is emotional autonomy, the capacity
to relinquish childlike dependencies on
parents (Santrock, 2007: 285-286)

English Literature:Parenting Styles in John Hughes’ The Ship of Dreams

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