Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Miss Havisham’s Mental Disorders in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations” (Islamic Psychological Analysis)


This chapter contains background of the study,
statement of the problems, objectives of
the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and research method.

1. 1 Background of the Study As a God creature,
human being must get some troubles in their life. It can be loss of wealth, health, love, and many
other troubles in life. Sometimes those troubles
can influence someone‘s psychological condition. It depends on how they face the troubles. Many people, especially
good Muslim, believe that the trouble in
life is given by God or Allah. They believe that it is a test from God to make them better in the future. As a result, they
can face it maturely. However, there are also many people who can not accept it,
therefore they can be unbalanced. When troubles
come in their life, they become bad-tempered, handwringer, and avenger.

The coming of troubles that can
cause unbalanced also happens to Miss Havisham,
a character in a novel of Great Expectations, whose intended husband left her
in her wedding day.

Great Expectations is written by
Charles Dickens and published in the page of magazine. Although it is boring in
the first time we read it, but it becomes more interesting after further reading it. It
becomes more appealing because the writer
can connect one story to the other story in a good way, such as when the main character, Pip, realizes that his
benefactor is Estella‘s father. He is also a convict that he met in his childhood.

It is an unpredictable, full of
mystery and tragedy novel. Many parts of the story finally connect to the other story;
moreover, it is presented smoothly. It is also full of sadness from the
beginning to the end of the story. Barnard (1984:108) also stated the same statement that Great
Expectations is ―a later and sadder book

in History of English Literature.

However, sometimes the story is
just bit around the bush and too long.

Palgrave Advances in Charles
Dickens Studies is one of the books that criticize it.

It is written that ―...Great
Expectations is ready to fault Dickens for being a prolix-word spinner without any artistic
conscience, a greedy hack (Bowen and
Robert, 2006: 20). This negative
statement is counterbalanced by the uniqueness of this novel. The uniqueness is from the
difference of the ending that shows ―the novel reveals in unprecedented detail their
process of planning, composition, and publication
.... (Bowen and Robert, 2006: 2). The novel of Great Expectations recovers many first thoughts and changes of
Dickens‘s mind in the manuscripts of the

Besides many books that discuss
Great Expectations, there are also many other
researchers that conduct their researches based on this novel. So that, there is a challenge to analyze this novel based on
the different aspects from the o ther researchers.
Because of many reasons above, the researcher will analyze this novel. To analyze this novel, the researcher
is interested in analyzing one of characters
of this novel that is Miss Havisham. The reason of choosing Miss Havisham to be
analyzed because she gets involved in
the main character‘s having expectations. She adopts Estella who is loved by the main character. Moreover her
adopted daughter becomes the reason of
having the great expectations of the main character itself. Although Miss Havisham is the minor character of this novel,
but her psychological condition is interesting
to be analyzed. Her psychological condition seems in bad condition after her canceled marriage. Beside that, her
character is also important toward the main
character‘s expectations. She makes him goes to her house so that the main character, Pip, is falling in love with her
adopted daughter, Estella. Her persuasive sentences to love Estella make him crazy in
love with Estella and have the great expectations.
So that the researcher thinks that her role is also important in this novel to be analyzed.

The researcher is interested in
the character of Miss Havisham because the character is very weird. She wears her bridal
dress for a long time, which is, since her
canceled marriage event and never sees the sun after that bad event happening.

She becomes weird and looks like
unbalanced. Beside that, she seems unbalanced because she looses her love especially when it
is an excessive love. Her psychological
condition seems in a sick condition. Usually, someone who gets sick in her or his psychology is assumed that
she or he gets mental disorders. So that
is the reason why the researcher wants to know more about her mental disorders. Here, the researcher uses
psychological approach because according to Klarer (2004:16) ―psychological approach is
merely one way of evaluating characters. Because psychological approach is one way to evaluate the character, this research is also conducted by using
psychological approach. In this case,
the researcher uses Islamic
psychological theory to analyze the character of Miss Havisham.

According to Endraswara (2008:
96), psychological approach not only analyzes
a literary work based on the writer‘s feeling and mind but also from the characteristics of the character. Psychology
of literature is a literary study that sees
a work as a psychological activity. Psychology and literature have the same object. That same object is the live of human
being. Moreover, they study about the condition of human psychology.

The researcher should not
concentrate only from the narration of the characters, but also from the relation with
the reality; whether the writer can present
the psychological characteristics as the individual and social phenomenon or not. According to Wellek and Warren (1995:
90), psychological approach in literature
has four research possibilities. The first possibility is the research of the writer‘s psychology as a type or individual.
The researcher tries to see a writer‘s psychology
when he or she produces a literary work. The second is the process of producing a literary work. The third is the
research of psychological theory that is applied in a literary work. In this study, a
literary theory can be analyzed with the psychological theory. It can be assumed that
the writer uses a certain psychological
theory in creating a literary work. The last is the research of the psychological effect to the reader.

From the explanation about
research possibilities in psychological approach
above, the researcher tries to conduct an analysis of literary work with the third concept. Moreover, according to
Wellek and Warren, the most related to the
field of literature is the third one because the third one analyzes the inside
of the literary work although it uses
the theory from psychology. The other research possibility analyzes mostly based on the
writer or the reader. So that, in this research,
the researcher applies psychological theory to analyze the character.

Beside that, DiYanni, in his book
Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama, stated that the reader can
approach the fictional character of the novel with the same concern as the reader approaches people
(2002: 54). From DiYanni statement it
can be seen that the fictional character can be seen as a people in real life. So that is why the theory of psychology
also can be applied in analyzing fictional

me t� S y o P� �i� the object and research
problems which are formulated in this
study are different. In this study, the r esearcher uses spoken text as the
object of the study. It is different
from the previous researchers who mostly used written text as the object of their study. Besides,
the researcher focuses in analyzing the types
of conversational implicature and how the use of implicatures in humors of Yes Man Movie with considering cooperative

1.2 Problems of the Study In accordance with the
background of the study described above, this study is conducted to answer
these following questions.

1. What types of implicature are found in humors
of Yes Man Movie? 2. How does the main character use implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related to the
research problem above, this study is intended to present the description of 1. The types of implicature in humors of Yes Man

2. The way the main character uses implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie.

English Literature:Miss Havisham’s Mental Disorders in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations” (Islamic Psychological Analysis)

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