Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Types of Expository Writing on the Headline News of


This chapter discusses about the background of
the study, the research problem, the objectives of the study, the scope and the
limitation of the study, the significance of the study, and the operational
definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Writing
is a complex activity. Mirriam-Goldberg (2006: 30) states that writing is
process for monitoring, thinking, creating, reflecting then writing down all of
we did before. In writing, monitoring process becomes the first process that involves
observation activity toward a thing, which becomes our writing idea to be.
Then, thinking process in writing covers looking for the idea, and determining the
purpose and the type of writing that will be written. Process of creating in writing
are finding the idea and making the outline of that idea. The next, reflecting
in writing is contextualization of the idea.

Although writing is complex
activity, this activity can give many beneficial things that can become the
reasons why a person should do writing activity. Mirriam-Goldberg (2006:25)
states that the reasons for doing writing activity are firstly, writing helps
you to find out who you are. Through this activity you can pour your thought
then beginning to find out about you yourself.

Secondly, through writing, you
will listen to your unique opinion. It means that

[1] [1]

writing has
possibility for doing communication with your own words and opinion without any
filtering which, you use when you are speaking. The next, writing can help you to find out the answer of
the question and find the new question to be asked. Writing forces you to think
and find out the ways to answer the question, then invite you to do critical
thinking. Besides, you can discover your dream by writing. Through this
activity you can find your big obsession then you can think about it, what are
the needs to make it comes true, what you can do for reaching it and writing
down all of that process.

Those reasons also implicitly
show that writing is unique activity because only by writing we can find many
useful things. The other useful thing which can be gotten through writing are
understanding the meaning of our live as MirriamGoldberg (2006:23) states that
writing is a way to understand and find the meaning of your live. Besides,
Mirriam-Goldberg (2006:23) says that in some cases your writing is like your
finger print in the world: a circle, wrinkling, and image which identify you as
you are. Finally, writing is an activity that can give many beneficial things.

From statements above, it can be
told that writing is a language skill that is very important. Our religion,
Islam allows Muslim for doing writing activity through God saying in surah Al
Qalam verse 1: “Nun. By the pen and that which they write (therewith)” (al
Qalam: 1). The verse is the sign that
writing is important. It is the evidence that Allah allows and suggests us to
write something, especially, for positive purposes.

Moreover, another expert, Langan
(2001:17) states that for many people, writing is a process that involves
discovering a point, developing solid support for the point, organizing the
supporting material and writing it out in a first draft, and revising and then
editing carefully. Besides, in writing there are some elements that building
writing process, such as clause, sentence, paragraph, and essay.

Therefore, writing is not an
instant skill; writing is a skill that needs process in a sequence time.

Writing also has some types.
Several experts have classified writing into some classifications. One of them,
Morris et al (1964) has said as cited in Tarigan (2008:28) that writing is
classified into narrative, descriptive, expository, and argumentative writing.

This research only focuses on
analyzing expository writing type, which has function to give information, make
something clear, and explain something.

Boardman (2002:7) says that the
goal of expository writing is to explain something to the reader. Moreover, Smalley,
Ruetten, and Kozyrev (2001:82) state that expository paragraph is a paragraph
that explains or analyzes a topic.

Through this kind of paragraph,
the writer is asked to make a topic clear to be understood by the readers. It
is important for the writer to master a topic before conveying the ideas to the
readers. When the writer is writing, the position is as the master of the topic
discussing in the writing.

[1] As Tarigan (2008:66)
says that expository is the writing that related to work world, active world,
and make the world works easily and actively. It means that through expository
writing, the future will be easily reached. It is because by understanding
about expository writing we will be easy in understanding the work world.

Besides, as Tarigan (2008:65)
says that actually all types of writing can be categorized as informative
writing that gives an explanation. Morris (et al: 1964) as cited in Tarigan
(2008:28) has grouped the writing into: a.) expository including
classification, definition, exemplification, cause and effect, comparison and
contras, prose; b.) argumentative including formal argumentation and informal
persuasion; c.) descriptive including expository description and literary description;
d.) narrative including informative narration and literary narration. As the
reasons—based on the Linguists statements—above the researcher has chosen this
kind of writing to be the object in her research.

The researcher studies about
expository writing on is a kind of online
magazine that is published in London. This online magazine only focuses on
Middle East issues. In this magazine, many of paragraphs just have a sentence.
Besides, many of Aljazeera news’ consisting direct sentence. Those are
something unique in Furthermore, it makes the researcher
interested in conducting research on that online magazine.

Then, the researcher has focused
her research only on the articles of headlines news published on March 2010. It
is because that Month belongs to the newest [1] [1] edition of Because of those reasons, the researcher determines this online
magazine and this edition to be analyzed in her research.

There are some university
students who have conducted the research about writing from other perspectives.
One of them was Muntaha (2008), who has conducted the research with a
rhetorical analysis on process paragraph in Nokia 3610 user’s guidebook as the
title. Then Muntaha’s research findings were the types of process paragraph
could be found on Nokia 3610 guidebook were time clues (time clause, verb
voice, participle phrase, and sentence connector of time), listing signals
(numbered and unnumbered), repetition and pronoun reference, and visualization;
many repetition were found such as the word “message”.

t ` � n l hK� P� iterary work with the third concept. Moreover, according to
Wellek and Warren, the most related to the
field of literature is the third one because the third one analyzes the inside
of the literary work although it uses
the theory from psychology. The other research possibility analyzes mostly based on the
writer or the reader. So that, in this research,
the researcher applies psychological theory to analyze the character.

Beside that, DiYanni, in his book
Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama, stated that the reader can
approach the fictional character of the novel with the same concern as the reader approaches people
(2002: 54). From DiYanni statement it
can be seen that the fictional character can be seen as a people in real life. So that is why the theory of psychology
also can be applied in analyzing fictional

me t� S y o P� �i� the object and research
problems which are formulated in this
study are different. In this study, the r esearcher uses spoken text as the
object of the study. It is different
from the previous researchers who mostly used written text as the object of their study. Besides,
the researcher focuses in analyzing the types
of conversational implicature and how the use of implicatures in humors of Yes Man Movie with considering cooperative

1.2 Problems of the Study In accordance with the
background of the study described above, this study is conducted to answer
these following questions.

1. What types of implicature are found in humors
of Yes Man Movie? 2. How does the main character use implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related to the
research problem above, this study is intended to present the description of 1. The types of implicature in humors of Yes Man

2. The way the main character uses implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie.

English Literature:Types of Expository Writing on the Headline News of

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