Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Implicature Used in Humors of Yes Man Movie


This chapter covers the discussion of
background of the study, research problems,
objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation synopsis of the movie and definition of key

1.1 Background of the Study Grice
has argued that in an attempt to clarify the intuitive difference between what is expressed literally and what
is expressed implicitly in a sentence.

To distinguish the latter from
the former, Grice (1975:44) uses the neologisms implicature, while he refers to the linguistically coded part of
utterance content as what is said.

In a simple way, implicature can
be defined as indirect or implicit meaning of an utterance that is produced by the
speaker. It means that when people produce this kind of implicit meaning, it can be
defined as implicature. When a speaker produces
the implicature in his or her conversation, it means that he or her wants to express something in an implicit or
indirect way (Grice, 1975:44).

Grice (1975:44) divides the
implicature into two types, conventional implicature and conversational implicature.
Conventional implicature is not based on
the cooperative principle and the maxims that are introduced by Grice in the conversational implicature. Yule (1996:45) has
argued that the conventional implicature
does not have to occur in conversation and does not depend on the special contexts for the interpretation, but
deals with specific words, as „but, yet, therefore and even

The example is “he is an Englishman; he is, therefore, brave”.

In this case is said to
conventionally implicate rather than literally say that the man

s being
brave follows from his being an Englishman. The conventional implicature here is attributed to the presence
of the lexical item „therefore


Another type of implicature is
conversational implicature. Grice

s notion of conversational implicature is the theory
how people used the language (Grice, 1975:45).
It means conversational implicature is used to solve the problem of how people understand the speaker

s intended meaning that they do
not actually say.

Conversational implicature is
governed by the cooperative principle, the content of which is detailed in the four maxims of
conversation and their sub maxims, they
are maxim of quality that tries to make your contribution one that is true, maxim of quantity that tries to makes your
contribution as informative as is required
and do not make your contribution more informative than is required, maxim of relation is required to have good
relation in communication between the speaker
and the hearer, and maxim of manner that wants the speaker to utter in direct, clear, and obvious ways.

According to Grice,
conversational implicature is divided into generalized and particularized implicature. The
distinction between generalized and particularized
conversational implicature is characterized as follows. Instances of, general conversational implicature is the use
of a certain form of words in an utterance
would normally (in the absence of special circumstances) carry suc hand-such an
implicature, all of them got only from the maxim, especially maxim of quantity and maxim of manner while in the
case of particularized conversational
implicature requires “special features of the context” (Grice, 1975:57) In this research, the researcher
wants to analyze the implicatures used
in humors of Yes Man Movie by the author
Danny Wallace. The researcher chooses this
object because it focused on the conversational implicature which is interrelated
with implied utterances in their communication. The researcher researches
humors that are very important to be studied in order to find the nature
of the conversational implicatures over
the context of situation. It means that the truth of humorous utterances are usually not
produced explicitly, or it might be said
to be implied meaning. Therefore, hearers need some knowledge of the speaker and their attitude, in order to
appreciate that the speaker is not telling the truth. Fillmore (1994, as cited in Joan
Cutting 2000) says that is clear “how snugly the spontaneous humor of natural conversation
is embedded in the lives and experiences
of the people among whom it is exchanged”, and “humor is an expression of the collective experience of the
participants and receives response only
from those who share common concerns”.

The researcher chooses Yes Man
Movie, because it tells about a man who usually
says „Yes in every opportunity although he does not want. By saying „Yes, he gives
the researcher good inspiration and motivation that whatever words we utters should be chosen with care for
people will hear us and be influenced by
us for good or ill. Because he usually
says „Yes, he can change his life
drastically and take it into one series of comedy adventure that can not be predicted happening in his life. Furthermore,
this movie is chosen because the main character is very funny who makes the
audiences may interest to criticize the implied
meaning of humors that it is usually said in indirect utterance. The main character also makes humors as the certain way
to deliver some sense of language, such
as ambiguous allusion, banter, hyperbole, irony and so on. All of those expressions to influence humors as the way to
avoid from arising conflict. This movie
also need to be analyzed, because the implicit meaning of humorous utterance is not easy understood when the
hearers do not know the speakers means of his utterances.

This research has relationship to
the previous studies. The first researcher is Syaifulloh (2002) who analyzed “
Implicature of Headlines Used in Jakarta Post. He focused on flouting and hedging
maxims in the Headlines Used in Jakarta
Post. The second researcher is Rozalina (2003) who investigated “ Implicature Used in the Titles of Laporan
Utama Section of Mimbar Pembangunan
Agama”. She focused on the types of implicature in conversational implicature and conventional implicature. The
last researcher is Istifadah (2005) who
investigated Implicature of the Opinion Used in the Jakarta Post. She focused on generalized conversational implicature and
particularized conversational implicature.

The difference of this study from
those earlier studies; although using the same theory of Grice, the object and research
problems which are formulated in this
study are different. In this study, the r esearcher uses spoken text as the
object of the study. It is different
from the previous researchers who mostly used written text as the object of their study. Besides,
the researcher focuses in analyzing the types
of conversational implicature and how the use of implicatures in humors of Yes Man Movie with considering cooperative

1.2 Problems of the Study In accordance with the
background of the study described above, this study is conducted to answer
these following questions.

1. What types of implicature are found in humors
of Yes Man Movie? 2. How does the main character use implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related to the
research problem above, this study is intended to present the description of 1. The types of implicature in humors of Yes Man

2. The way the main character uses implicature
in humors of Yes Man Movie.

English Literature:Implicature Used in Humors of Yes Man Movie

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