Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Flouting and Hedging Maxims in Kung Fu Panda Movie

This chapter explains about background
of the study, the problems of the study which are investigated, the purposes of research in
objectives of the study, expectation for some target readers in the significance of the study,
scope and limitation and operational definition of the key terms.

Background of the Study He
granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth
indeed a benefit overflowing; but none
will grasp the Message but men of understanding.

Language as a means of communication plays an
important role for humans life. It function’s
to transfer information and to establish social relationship. Therefore, people
use words in their language to
communicate with others. In communicating with others people share information such as facts, tell their emotions
and ask something. Communication is a process of transferring informationfrom one entity to
another. Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents which
share a repertoireof signs and semioticrules (Lanham, 2003:13). Communication is commonly
defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech,
writing, or signs (Lanham, 2003:10).

xiii Littlejohn (2009:13) argues that
peopleengaged in communication share common principle of communication leading them
tointerpret each other utterances. Thus, communication is cooperative between the
speaker and the hearer. They share the same assumption and expectation about the topic in
case to develop their communication.

One of the most popular disciplines to
knowfurther about the cooperative between the speaker and the hearer is Discourse Analysis.
Brown and Yule (1983:1) explain that Discourse Analysis is committed to investigation in what
and how the language is used for. It means that Discourse Analysis is concern with the
language used for communication and how addresses work in linguistic message in order to
interpret them.

also provides the significant ways through Discourse. In this case is allowed
by spoken and written Discourse. Both of
them have the same analyzing areas of interpretations, on the other hand they are also divided by some
differences. According to Chafe and Renkema (1993:86), there are two factors,which explain
the differences between spoken and written Discourse. The first factor is responsible for
whatChafe calls integration in written language as opposed to the fragmentation that supposedly
takes place in verbal interaction. The second factor is responsible for detachment from reading
public in written language as opposed to the involvement that is present with verbalinteraction.

In order to give the broad assumption and
interpretation of Discourse Analysis, Grice (1975), in Schiffin (1994:194) proposes a principle
called “cooperative principle”,which says that in order to have an successful conversation, we have to
give proper contribution, at the stage at which it occurs and by the accepted purpose of a
direction of the talk in which we are engaged. To fulfill this principle, Grice states four Maxims to be
obeyed. Those are: (1) maxim of quality: Truth, do not say what you believe to be false, do not
say which you lack adequate of evidence; (2) Maxim xiv of Quantity: information; make your
contribution asinformative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange, do not make your
contribution more informative than is required; (3) Maxim of relation; relevance, be relevant; (4)
Maxims of manner; Clarity; avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity, be brief and

ensure a smooth conversation and harmoniousinterpersonal relationship in intimate
or peacefully social communication,
flouting and hedging maxims are used; those strategies can be applied in both oral and written communication
(Larsson, 1991:3). Anyway, people can communicate
orally by many kinds of media; one of them is movie. Although the speech or conversation is designed by the scriptwriter,
conversation in movie seems like a natural speech, it means that people sometimes response a
conversation by giving ambiguous statement and say something that is not really appropriate.
Surely, they have a purpose by flouting and hedging certain maxims of conversation that are said
to be important in the conversation (Pratiwi, 2008.1). The researcher is interested in
analyzing conversation in the movie because the researcher argues that movie conversation are
created or directed towalk the scheme that planted by its director.

discussing the relationship between language and movie, Screen Writing Glossary
argued that movie is a dramatic
performance thatis records as a moving image, whether on film or video tapes. Furthermore, Wikipedia defines
culture and itturns affect them. Movie is considered to an important art form, a source
of popular entertainment and powerful method for educating or indoctrinating people.

The researcher concludes there are relations
between language as a tool of communication
and movie as an artifact created by specific studies. To provide the conclusion
xv the researcher chooses the text and scripts
of Kung Fu Panda as an object of his study for some reasons: first, Animation comedy film is one
of media that reflects the ways of people behave and converse. Furthermore this is product of
human being which contains actions, dialogues which some descriptions of atmosphere, and performance
from the drawing the characters. So the
conversation running naturally; second, the researcher interestested in
Flouting and Hedging Maxims because of
the main characters of this movie Po sometimes flout and hedge the maxims as the result of the natural conversation
based on the context. So the researcher wants to know the application of this theory toward the
“Kung Fu Panda” movie.

Moreover, the relation of Kung fu Panda as
2008 American animated comedy movie with the language especially in term of Discourse
Analysis is that comedy is a genre that not provides huge entertainment but also containment, its
jokes and slapsticks can be created as an approach to deliver entertainment to audiences and its
contents have undeniable links to the present historical and social context. Comedy movie
can be discussed from various perspectives from psychology, gender, class and history.
( To strengthen those simple conclusion the
researcher provide the theory that says a study of language totally without reference to its
social context would leadto “the omission of some of the moral complex and interesting aspects of
language and to loss opportunities for further theoretical progress” (Strudgill, 32:1983).

Further, related the essences of the previous
study the researcher takes two main points involving the research findings. First,from
Ninik Fauziyah, 2007, entitled “the flouting and hedging maxims used by the main characters in
William Gibson’s “The Miracle Worker” found that the main character was one of the
examples who often flout and hedge the maxim in their conversation based on that background. She
found that the maxims could be flouted and hedged xvi by producing rhetorical strategies.
Second, from Taufiqillah, 2010, entitled “flouting and hedging maxims in ratatouille film” found that
maxims on the special terms were hedged and flouted the maxims may intentionally or
unintentionally be employed in both spoken and written language. He also found that the function of
hedges is for helping speakers and writers communicate more precisely.

However, based on the previous studies above,
there is no researchers research about Flouting
maxim and Hedging maxim in animation movie, especially in comedy animation movie, besides, this research focuses on
analyzing flouting and Hedging maxims of conversational maxims spoken by the main
character in the movie of Kung Fu Panda. Then, the difference of this research with the previous
studies above, this researchtends to take natural communication object namely Kung Fu Panda
Movie, that’s why in this case the researcher wants to do this research with the title
Flouting and Hedging Maxims in Kung Fu Panda movie.

1.2 Research Problems What maxims are flouted
by the main character Po in Kung fu Panda? What maxims are hedged by the main character
Po in Kung Fu Panda? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the research problems, the objectives
of the study are to: xvii To
describe the maxims which are flouted by Po in Kung Fu Panda.

To describe the maxims which are hedged by Po
in Kung Fu Panda.

Significance of the Study Theoretically,
the result of the study is expected to be one of the sources for further development of Grice’s theory of cooperative
principle especially for researcher who concern on flouting and hedging maxims study, and also
can fill the gap with the same field previous studies.

Practically, the researcher expects to helpin
understanding that people may have a smooth
conversation if they use conversational maxims appropriately, but they also may
flout and hedge the maxims because of
some reasons. Further, based on Grice’s Cooperative Principles and Grice’s theory on Comedy, the
researcher also hopes that after reading this research, the readers become more aware to get
deeper understanding about flouting and hedging maxims especially occurred in the movie. In
term of continuing the previous study that only limited in developing the data analysis based
on the context and Grice’s Cooperative Principles, this research is expected to give the fact
from the data that sometimes flouting and hedging maxims can be done naturally without causing
miscommunication between the participants and also gives the development of natural
component of communication asthe product of human conversation specifically in theme of comedy.

Scope and limitation of the study xviii The
scope of the study is based on Grice’s theory of maxims. There are four conversational maxims: quality, quantity,
relevance and manner. Furthermore, this research focuses on Floating and Hedging Maxims used by
the main character Po in the Kung Fu Panda.

English Literature:Flouting and Hedging Maxims in Kung Fu Panda Movie

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