Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:A Grammatical Error Analysis of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition


This chapter deals with
background of the study, problem of the statements,
objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, research method, and definition of the key

1.1 Background of the Study Literature is a knowledge which never ends to
be learned. Studying and discussing
about literature is very interesting because literature with the role can influence the world culture. Literature as
imitative nature would imitate many aspects
of life around us. Based on Plato and Aristotle, literature must do and imitate the nature (Damono, 1979:16). In other
word, they argue that literature might
be imitating the nature of their surrounding. The different opinion arises from Horace, he says that poet (literature)
must concerns and imitates to other poet.

Literature is a picture of real
life which describes many aspects of life and problems of life, sentence by sentence contain
of moral messages. The describing on
life in the novel, especially, is used to tell us how important the problem on
the novel and the solution to the
problem. The author has a responsible to convey the moral messages on their novel. Plato is a
Greek philosopher who in his book entitled
Ion and Republicwhich tells about the relationship between literature and the society.

Literature is one such ways to
express the creativity in developing in the view of civilization. Wilbur (1962:123) states that
because “literature is not created in vacuum;
it is work not simply of person, but the author fixed in the time and space, answering to a community of which he is
important. So, it can be briefly stated
that literature has always its tendency”.

Literature could be objectively
defined as fact. It leaves the definition of literature up to how somebody decides to read,
not the nature of what is written (Eagleton,
1983:8). Literature is simply another way we can experience the world around us trough our imagination.

There are many definitions about
literature. Many experts and scholars such as Shakespeare, Webster, Bacon and the others
argue that literature is imaginative as fiction,
which does not tell a fact. Many literary critics enormously enriched the study
of literary works, but there is still not conventional definition concerning about the meaning even many scholars have
different definition.

When we learn more about
literature, literature can be divided into several aspects. Exactly, it is categorized into two
classifications; they are fiction and non fiction. In fiction, it is also divided into
three kinds namely, drama, poem, and novel.
X.J. Kennedy (1983) adds that in modern literature English fiction has been dominated by two forms: the novel and the
short story. Exactly literature disposed to fiction, and fiction on the three elements
above is imaginative and imitative.

In addition, one of
characteristic of good story, it includes of moral lesson which makes the story have a certain quality
and complete. All of the elements above
can become a mirror and reference in conducting a good literary work in relation with literature study.

Novel has relationship with life.
It has been explained by Hippolyte Taine, a French philosopher, historian, politician, and
critic. He explains that literature is not
imaginative role which individual character, but it is a record in the period,
is a realization of the certain though
(Damono, Sapardi Djoko, 1979:21).

Novel is part of literature which
tells about life in society which combines with two elements namely imaginative which
exist in each characters of novel and imitative
as the imitation or describing of real life. Novel often presents the documentary picture of life. It looks at the
people in their society. As the presentation
of documentary picture of life, many people have conducted some researches on novel by using various literary
theories, including racism found in Alabama,
United States in To Kill a Mockingbird novel by using genetic structuralism.

Annie Dillard in her book
entitled Living by Fiction(1983: 56-57) stated that fiction written is a form of interest in their
period’s intellectual. Shesaid in her theory
of “the fiction of possibility”: “Fiction, like painting, intrinsically deals with the nature of perception. And fiction
intrinsically deals with the world.” From
the Dillard explanation above means that literature is a mirror of live which influences the literary works deals with the

In general, according to the
Oxford English Dictionary, racism contains two words, they are raceand ism. Race is whose a
meaning any of the groups into which
humans can be divided according to their physical characteristics, for example: color of skin, color and type of
hair, shape of eyes and nose or a group of
people who have the same culture, history, and language furthermore ismis an ideology. In developing of racism raised
discrimination that it’s prosperous in all country in this world. So, racism in the
terminology is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess
characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being
either superior or inferior to another racial
group or racial groups.

Racism happened along time ago
when difference make them uncomfortable and
unbelief each others. The difference in physical appearance is common in human’s life who wants to be best among
others. However, it will become a problem
when their intention to be superior is fulfilled in immoral ways.

Although, in each individual of
human have two different characters namely positive and negative which influences their
attitudes. Psychologist states about the
problem of selfish can be controlled by the human those selves.

Racism is a complicated problem
which formed a dilemma. The problem is shown
in Harper Lee’s that was getting a Pulitzer Awards from United States which makes us open our mind about the human
rights. The theme of prejudice in To
Kill a Mockingbirdnovel is much more than just a case of black and white. To Kill a Mockingbirdis a highly regarded work of
American fiction. The story of the novel
teaches us many lessons. Someone of a different race was treated unfairly just because they are a different
color such nature of racism (biological concept
of racism, sociological concept of racism, and types of race relation) or someone could have been given special
privileges because of their race.

To Kill a Mockingbirdnovel which
was written by Harper Lee shows of many types
of racism in United States reflected in the real condition in that period.

There are many things of racism
and discrimination. This novel is very close with social life and problem. However, this novel
more inspirited from history of racism
in America at that time. Harper Lee is a woman who is a genius author that capable to conjure up word by word to be nice
sentence and to conjure up the complex
problem be interesting story. Harper Lee was ever gathered be editor in humor magazine campus, Ramma - Jammaand this
novel is the ones novel was written by

This novel ever got the Pulitzer
Award in 1961 and she also got Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007, in the Highest
Civilian Honor USA. These achievements
be gotten by her because her ability and her freedom though. And this excess makes a beautiful power which
narrator interested in to choosing this novel to observe the racism in that

To Kill a Mockingbird novel tells
about a happy family that contain of two children, father, and Calpurnia (the name of
their chef). The problem happened when
son and daughter in that family, Jem and Scout met Dill then they played together and imitated the Boo Radley attitude
(their neighbor). Unconsciously, what
they played about reflects racism. Actually, they did not know Boo Radley, but they have heard the story about him and
his family from Miss Stephanie Crawford,
their neighbor. Other events happened when Calpurnia invite Scout to Calpurnia’s church. There are many black
people who argued about white people, this
is second situation shows racism. The other event which shows racism is when Tom Robinson accused rapping Mayella, the
daughter of Mr. Ewell although it is
wrong Tom Robinson must be punished because he is black people.

It is an event which reflects
racism (Harper Lee, 1960:239-449).

The researcher has never found
out any thesis which discuss To Kill a Mockingbirdnovel.
It is the first research which discusses To Kill a Mockingbird novel. But, the researcher has found out other
researchers that discussed about racism
by using different object of novel. This research has different focus that the researcher focused not only on Black as
minority group but also on White as majority
group who have a serious problem in their society.

In Ahmad Ghozi’s (2008), in his thesis about
racism entitled Racism in James Mc
Bride’s miracles at St Anna, he describes the racism and discrimination attitude as form as rejection to different
race which focused on American “Blacks”which
related to the real life. He uses Genetic Structuralism to analyze his study novel. Moreover, Muawwinatul Laili
(2007) told in her thesis entitle Whites’
Racism Faced by Afro-Americans Depicted in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Beesthat about racism happened
in Afro-Americans which concern of Negro
Afro-American. She explains about suppression Negro Afro-American.

She focused in their classes and
ethnic which there are deviations of racial discrimination that the Negro Afro-American
was marginalized by the White.But, it is
different with the researcher who uses Sociological Theory in different period and concerns at the types of racism that
founded in Alabama, United States in 1930s
reflected in To Kill a Mockingbirdnovel. Researcher uses Emile Durkheim theory which talk about social structure and
social solidarity.

The last, we can conclude that the complex
problem such as racism exists in this
world. We are democratic people we must tolerance with differences.

Moreover, differences among us
will makes us adult and complete each other.

Therefore, makes the researcher
is interested in conducting the research which concern about form rejection of race relation
toward Black and White people in To Kill
a Mockingbird novel. This study is different from two previous studies above which concern in American Black and
Afro-American because this research
observes not only on Black people but also White people Alabama, United States in the novel which has different
period and social condition. It discusses
more about the actions, process and the source of racism tragedy which is happened in Black and White people in
Alabama, United States is a Southern in 1930s.
In addition, it is related to the human’s real life in society and put the world view of the author to analyze this novel
which has not been used by the research
before. Finally the researcher will research RACISM IN HARPER LEE’S TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.

1.2 Problems of the Study Based on the background of study above, the
researcher wants to answer the following
questions: 1) What kind of racism is portrayed in Harper
Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird? 2) What
is the relationship between Racism in To Kill a Mockingbirdand Racism in the real condition of Black people
in Alabama, United States, in 1930s? 1.3 Objective of the Study Related to the previous problems of the study,
the objectives of the study are formulated
as follows: 1) To know kind of racism portrayed in Harper
Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

2) To know the relationship between Racism in To
Kill a Mockingbirdand Racism in the real
condition of Black people in Alabama, United States, in 1930s.

1.4 Scope and Limitation To focus on the objective of this research,
the researcher has to determine what
aspects of study should cover to come to the right answer of the research problem. Therefore this study is pointed to
find out the various racism in that society
which reflected in To Kill a Mockingbirdby Harper Lee.

In order that this study can
answer the formulated problems appropriately, the researcher would like to emphasize its scope
and limitation. The story is told about
racism in Alabama, United States.

The researcher will limit this
research on scope and limitation that discuss about the actions, process and the source
racism in form of rejection in race relation
are discrimination, prejudice, segregation, expulsion, and extermination was happened in Black and White people in
Alabama, United States in 1930s which
portrayed in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird novel which described Tom Robinson and Calpurnia as Black people
(the minority group) and Ewell, Chunningham,
Radley and Finch is White people (the majority group),and the homology between racism in form of
discrimination, prejudice, segregation, expulsion,
and extermination in To Kill a Mockingbirdnovel and Racism in the real condition in Alabama, United States in
1930s. How the conflicts between Black
and White were exist and influenced their communication in their life. They have classes to separate them. The researcher
focuses the study on Sociological Theory
which related to social Alabama condition that reflected and described in the novel.

the% � r c � � captain, one
of a Hutu army soldier, said “go with my soldiers. And hurry back if you want to keep these cockroaches”. The lexical choice
of “cockroaches“has a more connotative meaning than denotative meaning because
the word cockroacheshere does not mean
the name of an animal but it is an expression to label the Tutsis low social level as minority groups in their
community.This word is used by a Hutu army
to underestimate the Tutsis. So, this word is valued to contain derogatory meaning to discriminate the minority group.
Based on some considerations and 7 the example which has been presented above, I
decided to analyze this movie using CDA theory.

Related to this research, there
are some previous researchers who conducted studies of critical discourse
analysis. First, Siddiq (2008) analyzed the tactics on word structure, phrasal
structure, expression or oral structure, and sentential structure that are used
by Barack Obama in hispolitical speeches. His finding shows that Barack Obama used micro structural
levelstrategies to enhance the cohesion
and coherence of his political discourse, his tactics cover on word, phrasal, oral, and sentential structures.
Second, Basid (2008) showed that Ahmadinejad used macro-structural and
super-structural level strategies to strengthen his ideas of his political discourse. He, uses
those strategies to convince the public and
invites people to voice liberty, equality, and solidarity in all aspects of

Third, Hanum (2008) analyzed the
study on sentence forms as a discursive tactic on six texts of John McCain’s political
speeches. She concluded that John McCain uses active voice more often than passive

Referring to the previous
researchers, I propose the study on lexical style using critical discourse analysis. By
conducting this research, I would like to know how discursive strategy used by the
charactersto convince, influence, and control
the listeners’ or spectator mind on the movie as one of most favourite media of
the people. In this research, I also want toreveal the meaning behind the lexical style used among the characters with
different physical feature, social status,
ethnics’ background, and etc. Therefore, based on the reasons and
considerations that have been explained above, this research is important to do.

8 1.2 Problem of the Study Based on the background of the study above,
the research problem can be formulated
as follow: How are discursive strategieson lexical style used by both main and supporting characters in “Hotel
Rwanda”? 1.3 Objective of the Study Based
on the research problem of the study, the main objective of this study is to construct deep understanding on
how discursive strategy on lexical style
is used by the characters in “Hotel Rwanda”.

1.4 Significance of the Study There are two benefits for conducting this research.
This study is significant to do with theoretical and practical contributions,
particularly, to the interdisciplinary study of critical discourse analysis
areato study how to understand and examine
critically and linguistically the lexical style applied in a movie based on Teun A. van Dik theory of CDA.

Theoretically, this study is
expected to give academic contributions, especially to build the theoretical
bases of critical discourse analysis study about the use of lexical style which concerns about the
social phenomenon on racism which is
introduced by van Dijk theory’s social cognition. This is done by providing the
more empirical data on this particular

Practically, this study can give
valuable knowledgeto the researcher itself to understand and interpret deeper about
critical discourse analysis particularly how to analyze and interpret the lexical style
which is concerned with any aspects and
context including social, political, cultural background. Furthermore, this
research finding can also show how to apply internal structure of lexical style
of 9 discourse as exercise in interpreting a media
(movie) which are related to the social context background. In addition, they also
canemploy this research result as one of
the sources of information to analyze the similar genres with more complex discussion such as in media press, television
programmers, etc.

In addition, this result can be a
reference for other researchers to conduct further research in this area to give
significant contributions to the wide range of CDA studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the
Study This study focuses on critical
discourse analysis which is proposed by Teun
van Dijk’s model analysis on micro structure level. In fact, there are some elements of a micro structure, but to make
this research more feasible and deeper discussion,
I concentrate only on lexical style used as discursive strategy to understand
and interpret more deeply the utterances or the word used by the characters in Hotel Rwanda which indicate racism.

In terms of data, I limit
obtaining the data sourcein a movie entitled Hotel Rwandawhich portrays the real phenomena
happened in Central Africa exactly in Rwanda.
It is also supported by any materials of the historical story of this movie which give more complete source of information
and different findings which may come up
from different data are not covered.

1.6 Operational Definition of the Key Terms This part consists of some key terms used in
this study. I define some key terms as
followings: 10 1. A
micro structure: the small component of discourse structure to analyze and investigate words, sentences,
propositions, andphrases.

Discursive strategies: a strategy
of the speakers that uses discourse as an ‘instrumental and vested with interests’, to realize their benefit, and marginalize the minority one to evacuate
them from social life to maintain the
majority power which is representedby the structure of text. In this research,
the discursive strategy is practiced through
the internal structure of text is the lexical style.

3. Lexical style: the lexical choice which
indicate the real meaning, meaning that
appropriate with our sense observation, or forgranted meaning.

And also, the word which has positive and
negativefeelings to which they evoke
based on the context. In this research, lexical style is defined as the word choice containing
racism and discrimination aspects in the movie’s characters utterances.

4. Racism or Racial Discrimination: In this
study, this term may be defined as hostility
towards another race believing that theirrace is better than the other, as in the case of the Hutu and the
Tutsiethnics in Rwanda genocide. Related to the present study, the term of
racism is concerned with the utterances
produced by the movie’s characters containing
language discrimination in their conversation which show that their ethnics is more powerful than
others ethnics. Sakban Rosidi. 2007. Analisis Wacana Kritis
sebagai Ragam Paradigma Kajian Wacana [Critical Discourse Analysis as Variance
of Paradigm of Inquiry on Discourse]. Working Paper.

English Literature:A Grammatical Error Analysis of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition

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