Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis of Code Mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine

1.1  Background of The Study 
Language and society
are two things that can not be separated. Without society  there can be no languages, vice versa without
language there can be no society. That is  because the society is a lot of individuals
that are interconnected and language is the most  effective means of communication used by
Language is an arbitrary system
of sound symbols, used by members of a society  to cooperate, interact, and identify
(Poerwadarminta, 1995: 77)  According to
Kridalaksana (1993:201)  There are
relationship between language and society, such as relationship to  object, ideas, events, and actual speakers and
listeners. Platt in Siregar (1984:66) says  “Every language express in some way or other
how people think, perceive and act, in  what
state people, things and ideas are and how they relate to each other. Words
which  express action, states,
perceptions, etc., the verbs occur in every language. However, there  are many differences in the way can be
structured, what additional concepts they may  express and what other words may occur with
them”. This reason creates a relationship  between language and society which makes
sociolinguistics comes into picture.
sociolinguistics is the branch of
linguistics that studies the relationship and interplay between language
behavior and social behavior Now people are able to speak by some languages.
And in some case, it’s a must.
In globalization area country can
not avoid to cooperate with other countries that use  .
languages. It’s the caution factor why people should master more than one  language, especially English. One foreign
language learned by Indonesian society is  English. This is supported by the precense of
English language lessons at schools. Almost  every country in the world use English as
their second language. This phenomenon  usually
called as bilingualism.
Hudson (1980:4) says
“Sociolinguistics  is study of language
in relation to  society”. Hickerson
(1980:81) says “Sociolinguistics is a developing sub field of  linguistics which takes speech narration as
its focus, viewing variation or its social  context. Sociolinguistics is concerned with
the correlation between such social factors and  linguistics variations social  factors in this case are age, religion, sex,
gender and  occupation”. Appel
(1987:10) defines sociolinguistics as science which focuses on  language use in social and cultural aspects. In
using language there are some capabilities  needed. In daily conversation we also find
some problems in using language. One of the  most striking phenomena in a bilingual’s
linguistic performance is the occurence of the  seemingly random mixing of two languages, both
within the utterances, during a  conversational
exchange. This linguistic behavior not only attracts scholarly attention but  also raises questions about the various
features which characterize mixing language. As  Troike in Wardaugh (1986:51) says “In every
human being there many codes and ways in  speak called communication repertoire.
By the existence of communication
repertoire above, some people have choice in  many kinds variety of language. People are usually
selecting a particular code whenever  they
choose to speak, and they also decide to switch one code or to create a new
code. As  Fasold (1984:208) says “People
can use two languages in conversation by turns that  depend entirely on the situation”. There are
two kinds of code. They are code switching    where people can use two languages in
conversation by turns that depends entirely on the  situation; and code mixing where some people
either to use the elements from one  language
in while they were spoken in one foreign language.
One of the most striking
phenomena in a bilingual’s linguistic performance is the  occurrence of the seemingly random mixing of
two languages, both with and within and  between
utterances, during a conversational exchange.
The ability in mastering some
languages can be the main factor of code-mixing.
As everybody knows that English
is an international language. Nowadays many  Indonesian people use Indonesian and English
language at the same time. It’s called codemixing. Code-mixing could appear in
every context of communication. Code-mixing is  the application of a language or more in which
put the elements of language as the word  to the other language consistently.
Suwito divides code mixing into two
types, they are:  a.  “Campur kode ke dalam adalah campur kode yang
bersumber dari bahasa asli  dengan
variasinya”(inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements  of their own language into language, the
element of dialect into own language)  For
example: nah karena saya khadung apik sama dia.
b.  “Campur kode keluar adalah campur kode yang
bersumber dari bahasa  asing”(outer code
mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own  language into foreign language)  For example: Alunan musik yang menambah suasan
loungesemakin hidup.
Nababan (1993:32)says bila
seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa  asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan
“keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in    foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to
show that he is well educated”).

English Literature: An Analysis of Code Mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine

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