Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:Woman Exploitation In Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s Celia A Slave and Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Midhasimanis Bergigi Emas A Comperative Literature

Background of the Study Nowadays, there are so many  exploitations 
can be seen that happen to  women.Many
women are dominated by men in the family and society. The women  are 
also treated as second class because women are weak and helpless.Woman  should be a good mother, women only speak
without being heard,become the victims are sexual harassment, violence and even
as slaves.
 Based onthe opinion above, we can see that the
exploitation of women occur  due to the
physical position of the woman. The exploitation of women has been  happened for a long time and still happen
nowadays.The exploitation of women  become
more frequent. The example can be seen on the television. Many women are  abused by their employers, tortured by her
husband and some even killed.
 One of the social problems found in the
literary works is the portayal of woman  exploitation.
The exploitation of women is always discussed in social media. It has  been the common problem in all society in this
world. Since there is a general  opinion
that woman is weak creature, and should obey the man as the superior  creature. That is the reason why I focus on
woman exploitation because it is the main  topic of my thesis.
 Literature is one of literary works in which
generally refer to the work that tells  something
in fiction and imaginary. To quote from Wellek (Wellek, 1985:4)  Literature as one of the imaginary works,
literature performs various problem of  human
and humanity, and the life. They propose their literary work based on the  experience and observation on the life of
society; in other words, literature portrays  the life. It can be accepted in which it is
commonly known that authors who write the  literary work are also part of society and
literature as a social institution, a social  creation that represents life.
 Literature is very important to read because
we can find so many advantages  we get by
reading literature. The advantages are to appreciate individuals, to explore  cultures and beliefs, to help us see ourselves
as other do, to learn better ways to  behave,
and it is an important part of our education. Like history is one part and math
 is one part and literature is one
part(Norman, 1984:12 The language of literature).
 Through the literary work, authors show their
comments or opinion about the  situation
and condition of the society. The reason is that the literary works are the  reflection for the readers too see and analyze
the problem of characters in literary  worksin
which the characters potray the life of human; either as individual social  with each of the problem.
 Many literary authorstake the woman is taken
on exploitation as the theme of  their
literary work. It makes woman exploitation an universal theme in literary work.
 I choose two novels as the data of this
research, they are: Celia a Slave written by  Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s (1941-…)  and 
Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas by  Pramoedya
Ananta Toer’s(1925-2006) , an Indonesian writer in which both of them  tell about the woman exploitation. Celia a
Slave performs the story about a Negro  woman
in USA whose name is Celia. Celia a Slave is an epistolary novel: that is, the  book is written in the form of letters. The
main character is Celia, a young woman  for
ninenteen years old, a slave on a Missouri farm, five years of being repeatedly
 raped by her middle aged owner. The man
always treats and abuses her. In this  novel,
Celia has been exploited by her masters who always forced him to serve her master.In
Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas revolves around Djakarta on the '50s, it tells  about the life of a sweet girl named Midah.
Midah comes from a family that hold  strong
religion. Here Midah has beenexploited by a desire to impose his father.
 Hewants her become a brave woman to live.
 To compare both novels,the Comparative
Literature theory is applied in the analysis. At the motif in Melton Alonza
Mc.Laurin’sCelia a Slave and Pramoedya  Ananta
Toer’sMidah Simanis Bergigi Emas belong to American and Indonesian  literature (different language family) that
become the prerequisite for Comparative  Literature
 Comparative Literature is the academic subject
that concern with comparing  the literary
works form different nations. The purpose of Comparative Literature is to  identify the literary works based on the
literary elements either in instrinsic elements  and extrinsic elements, it does not only
concentrate on the literary elements but also  another aspects that deal with the literary
works, they are: history, religion,  knowledge,
society, etc.
 The Comparative Literature contains themes.
This thesis focuses on the woman  exploitation.
The woman exploitation will be divided into somemotives concerns  with woman exploitation.
Scope of Study The scope of study is the motif of the novel that is
woman exploitation which  is reflected in
two novels Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s Celia a Slave andPramoedya  Ananta Toer’s Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas. I
divide this analysis into four, they are:  stupidity, 
weakness, forced marriage, economical exploitation  and 
sexual  exploitation. Since the
comparative method is used for the analysis, the analysis  focuses on the study of similarities and
Problem of the Study The stereotype of woman in bothnovels are  different. There is a view of  stereotype that is referred to woman in our
society such as stupid, mean, mushy, etc.
 Stereotype of American woman in economical
aspect is woman forced to be a slave  found
in novel Celia A Slave while stereotype in Indonesian woman in economical  aspect is different because Indonesian woman
lives depend on income from her  husbandfound
in the novel Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas. Then, American women in  political aspect are  ignored in public service but Indonesian
woman in political aspect cannot get legal protection so she gets verbal
harassment. After that,  American woman
in ideology  becomes hasmarginalized
community  whereas  Indonesian woman focuses on domestic area
where they cannot work and just raise  the
children up. Based on the background and the view, there are problems in both  novels, they are: 1.  How arestupidity, weakness, force marriage,
economical exploitation and  sexual
exploitation addressedin both Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s Celia a Slave and
Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas? 2.  What are the similarities and the differences
of woman exploitation in Melton  Alonza
Mc.Laurin’sCelia a Slave andin Pramoedya Ananta Toer’sMidah  Simanis Bergigi Emas? 1.4.Objective the Study The
purposes of analyzing woman exploitation in Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s  Celia a Slave and Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s
Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas, are:  1.  To find out howwoman exploitation portrayed
in both Melton Alonza  Mc.Laurin’sCelia a
Slave andPramoedya Ananta Toer’sMidah Simanis Bergigi  Emas through stupidity, weakness, forced
marriage, economical exploitation  and
sexual exploitation.
 2.  To
find out the similarities and the differences of woman exploitation that is  portrayed in Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’sCelia a
Slave and inPramoedya  Ananta Toer’sMidah
Simanis Bergigi Emas.
Significance of Analysis This analysis can be a major source and it is
useful for people who want to  study
literature in the social life in the community. The analysiswill also enrich
our  knowledge and can become a valuable
reference for the readers and the writers  herself.
 Having read this novel, readers are also
expected can see the woman  exploitation
phenomena, either in this novel or in daily life. Hopefully by this thesis  readers can realize the woman exploitation
phenomena in society.
 Theoretically, this thesis is expected to be
useful for further studying motif of  woman
exploitation in literary works.

English Literature:Woman Exploitation In Melton Alonza Mc.Laurin’s Celia A Slave and Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Midhasimanis Bergigi Emas A Comperative Literature

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