Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho

1.1. Background of the study  The title of this thesis is good and evil in
Human behavior found in the novel  The
Devil and Miss Prym  by Paulo Coelho.
This thesis discuss about human  behavior,
morality, and the Novel. Kimball Young defines behavior are a  combination of present stimulation and the
play of pre-existing attitudes, habits, and  values (1958:291). It means that all of human
behaviors are influenced by culture,  attitudes,
emotions, values, ethnics, authority, genetics, persuasion, and coercion.
 Morality is the differentiation decision of
people in making an action which is  divided
into good and evil action. The way people run this life is different and of  course another person is free to make a
judgment about someone or something and it  is called perception. Men are continually
expressing judgments about their own  conduct
and that of their fellow men. Some are approved and are called right or  good, other acts are condemned and are called
wrong or evil. Whether someone’s  behavior
is good or evil based on the deeds or by the quality of the things they have  done. Someone behavior, habit, and morality
can be influenced by their family and  society
around them because human born without any experience, they are grow up  and learning from their family and the society
 Novel is a kind of literature which are
include as narrative fiction. Literature  is an art from the writer. It means the writer
uses artistic language with beauty that  different
from daily use language, newspaper, medical, book of law, and etc. Beside  the beauty, literary work is also created with
special mission from the writer,   especially
telling about society because the function of literature can be as social  document or portrait of society. Literature as
social document or portrait of society  means
that literary work has a definite relationship with society; it is a reflection
of  society and man’s mind. Literary work
is designied to potray human life and action  through some characters, literature imitate
human action, often presents a picture of  what people think, say and do in society. in
other word, literary work is an accurate  image of what we see in real life, it reflects
the various aspects of society, it deals  with the lives of men and women in society.
Wellek and Warren (1997:1) stated,  literature
can be treated as a document in the history of ideas and philosophy for  literary history parallels and reflects
intellectual history.
 Novel is long prose narrative that describes
fictional character and events,  ally in
the form of sequential story. Novel deals with imagination, with human  experience involving a group of person in a
specific setting. Novel is literary work  deals with the real life of society. Novel as
a literary work has intrinsic and extrinsic  element. The intrinsic elements are character,
plot, setting, theme, point of view,  message,
and style of language. But this thesis focused only on the character.
 Character is the person who participate in the
work. Roberts (1995:51) defines  character
as one of the intrinsic elements of the novel, is a reasonable human being,  with all good and bad traits of being human.
Characters are the persons in a narrative who are interpreted by reader as
being enclosed with moral and dispositional  qualities that are expressed in their action.
The extrinsic element of novel is such as  the ideas of philosophy, social phenomenon,
moral, etc. So it is clear that if someone  wants to know further about the history or the
real condition in certain era, it is better   to look at the literary works in the period
itself because a literary work is a directly  reflection of human being, social structure,
class struggle and others.
 The character live in society. Society has the
custom and the custom has the  standard
conduct. The character learns to follow models of conduct which are  suggested to him by others, they act one way
and others reward them. A character  may
be valued from what she or he has done or what she or he has said in his or her
 interaction. Kennedy (1983:48) divided
character as flat and round character. Flat  character has only one outstanding trait or
feature, or at most a few distinguishing  marks. Round character has so many outstanding
traits or features, the author portray  them
in greater depth and in more generous detail. Flat characters tend to say the  same throughout a story while round characters
often change-learn or become  enlightened,
grow or deteriorate. In this thesis, the flat characters to be analyzed are  the landowner and the priest and the round
characters are the Stranger and Miss  Prym.
 The Devil and Miss Prym was written by Paulo
Coelho in 2000. This novel  has a nice
story charged with emotion, in which the integrity of being human meets a  terrifying test. It is talking about a
community in a village called Viscos devoured by  greed, they even prefer gold to someone’s
life, they disloyalty toward God, and they  became an obedient society just because they
are afraid to face the leader of the  village.
A pasteur who tell a wrong doctrine about God while he know the truth  about God. A man called the Stranger
persecuted by the ghost of his painful past and  looking for the answer of his question about
human being and a woman searching for  happiness
trapped by the Stranger to help him in telling his plan to the society of  Viscos. The society is the target of the
Stranger to do a murderer to get ten gold bars.
  In one
week, each will face the question of life, death, and power, and each will  choose a path.
 Paulo Coelho as the writer of The Devil and
Miss Prym also has his own  purpose in
writing this novel. One of the purposes is to tell the reader about good and  evil of human behavior reflected by the
characters.  There are four bad or evil  attitudes found in this novel, they are
selfishness, blasphemy, greed and mislead, and  also good attitude, they are courage and
wisdom. Miss Prym is a young woman who  wants
to leave Viscos because Viscos is just like a hell for her but she cannot
leaves  because she does not have some
money. Since the Stranger ask her to provocative the  society to kill someone so that she will get
one of the eleven gold bars and the  society
will get ten gold bars, she starts to refrain herself to not go in to the
stranger  evil plan. She does not want
anyone dead in Viscos just because of the gold bars.
 When the society choose Berta as the sacrifice
which they called martyr, Miss Prym  braves
to against the society and save Berta’s life.
 In finishing this thesis, the writer use
qualitative descriptive method because  the
data of this thesis is in the words form.
 1.2. Problem of the Study Based on the
statement above, the writer point out that the problems of analysis are:  1. Who are the characters that reflect good
and evil of human behavior in the novel?  2. What is the kind of the good and evil in
human behavior found in the novel The  Devil
and Miss Prym?   1.3. Objective of the
Study The objective of this study tends to answer the question of the study.
 Therefore, the purpose of this research is: 1.
To describe the characters who are reflect the good and evil of human behavior
in  the novel.
 2. To describe the kind of the good and evil
in human behavior found in the novel  The
Devil and Miss Prym.

English Literature:Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho

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