Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis Of Plot In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Novel Sherlock Holmes The Hound Of The Baskervilles

1.1  Background of the Study  Novel is one of the literary works among the
three important parts of  literature:
novel, poetry, and drama.  A novel is a
long prose narrative that  describes the
fictional characters and events, ally in the form of a sequential  story. 
A novel ally represents about human life in interacting with the  environment and the fellow. Novel also has a
plot which is a basic framework that  is
very important. Plot is the series ofevents in the story structure which is  arranged as a series of parts in the overall
fiction. Thus, the plot is a mix of  elements
that build up the story so that it becomes the main framework of the  story. Plot arranges how the actions should be
related to each other, how an event  has
a correlation with other events, as well as how the depicted figures and role
in  the incident. According to Perrine
(1974:41) Plot is the sequence of incidents or  events which the story is composed and it may
conclude what characters say or  think,
as well as what they do, but it leaves out description, analysis, and  concentrate ordinarily on major happening.
William Kenney in his book
(1966:13) explainsthat the structure of plot is  divided into three parts. They are the
beginning which consists of the exposition  or introduction, the middle which consistsof
conflict, complication and climax  and
the end which converses denouement or resolution. The first part functions as  exposition that serves as part of the
information required by the readers in order to  understand the storyline further. This initial
section ally contains the name of  the
characters, gender, age, occupation, social conditions, living, and the things       which according to the author it is important
to be known by the reader. At the  beginning
of the ending of the story is ally unstable due to unstable story is  what will trigger events that will happen
next. The second part of the story begins  with the things that can leadto conflict
because the centralpart of this story in the  form of a series of increasingly
high-intensity conflict and reach the summit and  called the climax of a story. And this part is
most awaited by readers. Then, the  final
part contains solutions to the problems that occur in the middle story.
There is a conflict in a plot
that occurs due to the motivation and action as  well as the elements of cause and effect.
Kenney (1966:95) states “motivation as a  reason why the characters do what theydo.”
While Gorys Keraf (1982:160-162)  states
that in a story, a character can have a variety of motivation that prompted  him to commit an act.
In this paper the writer
discusses the plot that is found in Sherlock Holmes:  The Hound of the Baskervilles.It is the third
Sherlock Holmes novel. We know  that Sherlock
Holmes is a fiction created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This novel  tells about how Holmes and his friend Watson
in solving the case with his great  analysis
Writer tries to analyze about
plot of the novel such as: exposition, rising  action, climax, falling action, and
resolution. I hope by discussing the novel, the  readers can understand more about the plot of
1.2  Scope of the Study       Based on the background of the study, this
study focused on the analysis of  the
plot which arranges the events within the script relate to the significant  occurrence, incident, and experience. The
writer believes that many important  aspects
can be discussed.
1.3  Purpose of the Study  The purpose of writing this paper is to make
more interested in reading a  novel. The
writer analyzes about the sequence of incidents or events in the novel  The Hound of the Baskervilles. And the writer
also wants to explain about the  elements
of cause and effect in the incidents to the readers, sothey can understand  it easily. And then, they have more interest
to read the novel or watch the movie.
1.4  Significance of the Study  The significances of this study are to inform
the readers to know more about  novel,
sequence of incidents and events contained in The Hound of the  Baskervillesnovel. Then to guide the readers
in studying plot of novel and it  could
be a reference for the nextresearcher in analyzing plot.
1.5  Method of the study  In writing this paper, I apply a library
research, novel, and browsing internet.
I process the data by reading the
novel, literary books which are relevant to the  topic and several educational websites that
relate to literature and then I classify  into complete paper.
     The sources of data in this paper are novel,
books, and gadgets. Then the  writer
selected important quotation and statement from novel, books, and blogs.
After that, the data had to be
analyzed. Then pull the conclusions and described.
Besides that, I also watched the
movie The Hound of the Baskervillesto  make
the easiness in explaining the content of the novel that I choose as the object
 of my paper.

English Literature:The Analysis Of Plot In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Novel Sherlock Holmes The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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