Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Verbal Bullying in Son of Rambow” Movie

In this chapter, the background of the study,
problems of the study, objectives of the
study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study and the definition of key terms are discussed.
1.1 Background of the Study The word bullyinghas
been defined by a number of experts. For example: Tattum (1993:8) states that bullyingis the
willful, conscious desire to hurt another and put him/her under stress. Another
definition about bullyingis longstanding violence, physical or psychological, conducted
by an individual or a group and directed
against an individual who is not able to defend himself in the actual situation (Roland in Tattum, 1993:16).
According tothat definitions, they have somewhat
similar arguments regarding bullying. Both of them state that bullying is an
attitude to hurt another individual helpless through verbal or physical.
The phenomenon of bullyingis one
of the areas of sociolinguistics because it deals with society and language used in
society and also it influences each other.
Sociolinguistics as the frame
work deals with the language in use and how language users interpret what other language
users intend to convey messages, then,
it has essential role in the study of language. In sociolinguistics we study society in order to find out as much as we can
about what kind of thing language is
(Wardaugh, 2002:12).
Experts have shown that
bullyingcan occur in any setting where human beings interact with each other, this includes
school, church, the workplace, home and
neighborhoods. Bullyingcan exist between social groups, social classes and even between countries. In order this research
not too broad, this study will focus on
verbal bullyingwhich occur in the school.
As a linguistics student, the
researcher intends tofocus this research in verbal bullyingfound in Son of Rambowmovie,
because it deals with the language
produced by the bully and victim in the circle of bullying. Moreover, this movie is one of the movies that bravely show
us about verbal bullying. As a way of
examining the complex nature of bullying, Tattum and Herbert (1993:9) say that verbal bullyingcan be equally hurtful and
it can range from teasing and taunting
to abusive comments about a person’s appearance, ability, clothes and so on. The spreading of false or malicious rumors
is another form of verbal bullying.
Al Qur’an has said about this
phenomenon in surah Al Hujarat 11 “Ye who believe! Let not some men among you
laugh at others: it may be that the (latter)
are better than the (former): nor let somewomen laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the
(former): nor defame nor be sarcastic to
each other, nor call each other by
(offensive) nicknames: ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one)
after he has believed: and those who do not
desist are (indeed) doing wrong.” From the verse above we know that we must
never laugh at people in ridicule, we
may laugh with people to share in the happiness of life. This is because in many things they may be better than
us. A rude remark or taunt or sarcasm is
including in verbal bullying. For example: even if a man is lame or stupid, it is wrong to address him as “You are
stupid one!” We may not do this because
it causes him pain, and it is bad manners.
Studies of bullyinghave been
conducted by a number of people at various setting. An investigation of bullyingin school
has done by Sharp and Thompson (1992)
and Olweus (1993). Sharp and Thompson have found about how children respond to and deal with bullyingbehavior.
From a total sample size of 723 secondary-aged
pupils, of whom 40% had been bulliedduring that academic year, she found that 20% of pupils said they would
truantto avoid being bullied, 29% found
it difficult to concentrate on their school work, 22% felt physically ill after
being bullied and 20% had experience
sleeping difficulties as a result of the bullying. In the other way, Olweus (1993) has
shown that boys who were victims at
school between 13 and 16 years were at age 23, more likely to show depressive tendencies and continued to have poor
self-esteem. They were not especially likely
to still be experiencing victimization at this age, so these effects are probably long-lasting effects of the earlier
bullying. From both previous studies we
know that they use quantitative method in their research.
Moreover, Tia Ristiawati (2007),
the student from UGM University Jogjakarta
has done the research entitled Ijime (Bullying) around Japanese Children based on Gakko No Sensee Novel. She
found the types and factors of bullyingaround
Japanese children based on Gakko No Sense Novel. She uses descriptive analytic method to find the result
of the research.
Because of the phenomena and
those previous studiesabove, the researcher
intends to conduct the research entitled“Verbal Bullying in Son of Rambowmovie”. The researcher’s present study
has different focus from those earlier
researches, they were use quantitative and descriptive analytic method.
Besides, in this research, the
researcher will analyze verbal bullyingfound in the movie and uses the descriptive qualitative
method to find the result of the research.
The researcher chooses Son of Rambowmovie because this movie is one of the example of school bullyingphenomena.
This movie also uses the language which
tends tobullying. From this movie we know the language used by the bully and victim of the bullyingphenomena. Learning
from this movie we know that bullyingindeed
a circle of evil, it means that usually someone becomes bully if he or she has preceding experience. As Lee, one
of thecharacters in Son of Rambow movie
becomes corner boy at school turn out to be the victim of his brother. His language become rude and tends to do kinds of
verbal bullying. Children who are bullied
at school risk continuing depression and loss of confidence, with possible long-term effects, while those who bully
others arelearning that they can get their own way by abusing power in their relationship
withother people. Because of there is no
previous research on verbal bullyingyet especially in Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang,
hopefully this research will enrich the
references especially for the next researcher who interest to continue this research.
1.2 Problems of the Study In line with the background of the study
described above, the researcher tries to
analyze “Verbal Bullying in Son of RambowMovie”. More specifically the main questions are formulated as follows: 1. What types of verbal bullying are found in
Son of Rambow Movie? 2. How are the
types of verbal bullying used in Son of Rambowmovie? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Concerning
the problems above, the objectives of the study are: 1. to
find out the types of verbal bullying in Son of Rambowmovie.
2. to describe the way of expressing the verbal
bullying in Son of Rambow movie.
1.4 Significance of the Study We live and hold on moral value of politeness.
In Indonesia the moral value of
politeness is very important. By understanding verbal bullying, not only the students of English department who hold on
moral value of politeness by avoid
verbal bullying in their communication but also everyone who will interact each other to make good relationship, mainly
in thecontext of peers and social interaction.
And also for the reader particularly who interest in the same field of research, the result of this research will
enrich the references and they will know how to analyze verbal bullying phenomena.

English Literature:Verbal Bullying in Son of Rambow” Movie

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