Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Psychoanalysis Study of D.H. Lawrence’s Personality Development in Sons and Lovers

This part presents the
introduction of this study. It includes background of the study, statement of
the problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of
the study, research method, and definition of key terms. The research method
includes research design, data sources, data collection and data analysis.
1.1 Background of the Study Art
work is the result of the difficult psyche activity formed in the conscious way
(Jung in Utami, 1993:1). It is clear that literature cannot be separated from
psychological aspect of human being (in this case is psychology of the author). As an individual, the author is
like usual people. It means, everyday people face problems, and so do the
author, either trivial or complex, so that they need to refresh them. As a
personal, they have the different ways to get refreshing such as reading,
listening watching, and creating literary work as the product of art. By it,
people are able to know many things related to the problem of life.
Literature presents the series of
life events. It represents the real life because its events will show life what
experienced, felt and enjoyed by human being. Jones (in Yuhanis, 2003:1) stated
that literature is simply the way we expressed what we experienced the world
around us though our imagination. By this reason, as Jung stated that psychology
can be used in literary criticism to show the factors that make the people to
be creative in creating the literary work (in Utami, 1993:1).
Then, Freud (in Utami, 1993:1)
also stated that the artist is originally a man who turns from reality to the
renunciation of instinctual satisfaction, and who then in fantasy life allows
full play to his erotic and ambitious wishes. But he finds a way to return from
this world of fantasy to the reality with his special gifts, he moulds his
fantasy into a new kind of reality, and a justification as valuable reflection
of actual life. It can be analogized with the author of the literary work.
By the explanation above, it can
be stated that there were closely relation between the literature and the
existence of psychology of its author. So that, by conducting this research,
the researcher expect that she will be able to provide its evidence.
The relation between the literary
work and the psychology of the author may include many aspects, but in this
case, only concerning with the personality development. Such relation can be found in
the novel entitled Sons and Lovers authored by D.H. Lawrence. The events drew
in the novel are actually talked about D.H Lawrence’s life. So, both of the
main character’s life and Lawrence’s life are almost the same.
Sons and Lovers told about the
personality development of the son named Paul Morel. He lives in the abnormal
parents. His father is a coal miner and heavy drinker, so that his mother is
not happy and frustrated with that condition. It is being the vital factor of
the personality development of Paul Morel itself. While, the biography of D.H
Lawrence told that he was the fourth child of a struggling coal miner who was a
heavy drinker. His mother was a former schoolteacher, greatly superior in
education to her husband. Lawrence' s childhood was dominated by poverty and
friction between her parents. Of course, it is also being the important factors
of his personality development.
From the short information about
the two events of life, it can be seen that they have more or less the same
chronology of life. The questions aroused are “is there any relationship
between the two chronologies of life?”, “is the novel used by the author to
express what he felt?”, and “is the novel as the representation of the author
life?” It is being the reason why the researcher eager to conduct this study on
the object of personality development of D.H. Lawrence and personality development
that appear in his novel, Sons and Lovers. Not only that, by this reason, this
study will use the psychoanalysis as the literary approach.
Actually, this novel gets many
responses from its readers. First, the thesis of Yusliha Ningsih, the student of Gajayana
University (1996) entitled “Paul’s Oedipus Complex in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and
Lovers”. Second, Aan Yuhaniz, the student of UIN Malang (2003), he wrote a
thesis “An Analysis on Paul Morel’s Personality Development in D.H. Lawrence’s
Sons and Lovers”. Third, Erni Puspita Utami, the student of STIBA Malang (1993)
wrote the thesis “A Character Study on Paul Morel in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and
Lovers Based on Freud Psychoanalysis”. Fourth, Lely Chandrawati, the student of
STIBA Malang (2001) wrote “A Study on Unnatural Mother’s Love Causing the Irony
of the Main Character’s Life in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers”.
The difference between the
researcher’s study and the previous studies is the researcher searches
Psychoanalysis Study of D.H. Lawrence’s Personality Development in Sons and
Lovers. In this study, the researcher not only analyzes the psychology of
intrinsic element of the novel but the researcher will also analyze the
biography of the author as the extrinsic element of the novel. Different from
the previous studies above that only focus on analyzing the psychological aspect
of the novel in the intrinsic view, this study will focus on psychological aspect
of the novel in the intrinsic and extrinsic view.
The similarity between the
researcher’s and the four previous studies is all of them use the same object
(novel entitled Sons and Lovers). Besides, the similarities are found in the
limitation of the study that all of them limit the study on psychological
problem and all of them use the same theory that is Freudian theory. There
are some objectives want to reach in conducting this research.
Those are exposing the
personality development of the major character of Sons and Lovers (Paul Morel),
and exposing the personality development of D.H.
Lawrence as the author of the
novel. Those objectives are reached in this study in order to the researcher to
know the meaning of the character on the novel, whether it is as the portrait
of D.H. Lawrence or not. It is clear enough that this study will only focus on
telling the personality development of D.H. Lawrence that reflected in Sons and
1.2 Statement of the Problems Based on what has
been explained in the background of the study, the research problems are
formulated as follows: 1. What is the
personality development of Paul Morel as the main character of Sons and Lovers?
2. What is the personality development
of D.H. Lawrence as the author portrayed on his work, Sons and Lovers? 3. How are the relations between personality
development of Paul Morel as the main character of the novel and personality
development of D.H.
Lawrence as the author of the
novel? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based
on the research problems above, the researcher tries to reach out for objectives
as it is written follows; 1. to know the
personality development of Paul Morel as the major character of Sons and Lovers.

English Literature:Psychoanalysis Study of D.H. Lawrence’s Personality Development in Sons and Lovers

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