Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Thematic Analysis Of “New Moon” By Stephenie Meyer

1.1 Background of The Study Literature
is an interesting subject to be studied. It discusses about the picture of  human life. In studying of literature, the
reader combine his emotion, imagination, and  logical. It helps the reader think personally
and intellectually. The word ‘literature’ is derived  from the Latin ‘littera’ which means ‘letter’.
It refers to the written of printed words.
Literature is a written work and
exists in our society as a communicative practice with our  social life. By reading literary work, the
reader can understand human dreams and struggle in  different places and time that he would never
otherwise know. Literature itself is a common  term related to the fictitious world. Welleck
and Warren (1965:94) said that: Literature is a social institution using as its
medium language, a  social creation such
as traditional devices as symbolism an metre are  social arisen only in society. But,
furthermore, literature represents  life
and life is, in large measure a social reality even though the  natural world and the inner or subjective
world of the individual have  also been
objects of literary imitation.
The explanation above says that
literature deals with human life. Some literary works  talk about the relation between individual
with God, individual with individual, and  individual with society. Since their medium is
language, they not only can encourage us to  assist in producing creative and talented
people, but also help those who need recognition and  support. The reader can get some moral lessons
or motivation for his life by reading literary  works. It also tells how we should behave.
Literature can be divided into
three categories. They are drama, poetry and prose.
Drama is a work of literature or
a composition which is design for performance, purpose and  delineates life  and human activity by means of presenting
various actions often either  monologues
or dialogues of a character or a group of characters. Poetry is written in
lines by  focusing rhymes scheme.
Meanwhile, prose is a branch of literature which mostly designates  a consciously shaped writing, not merely a
listing of ideas or catalog of subjects. Prose  includes myths, parables, romances, novels,
and short stories.
Novel is one of prose forms as
literary work which is more interesting and easier to be  analyzed than 
other branches of literature. (Taylor, 1985:160). According to Safra  (2003:810): The word novel is derived from
novella that is an invented prose  narrative
of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals  imaginatively with human experience usually
though a connected  sequence of events
involving a group of persons in a specific setting.
Novels as a part of the fiction
can be defined as a work of prose fiction, which tells  story or uses incidents to dramatize human
experience and individual character. Novel is  narrative kind of writing which is focused on
sequence of events, time, and solution certain  more than a thousand words and have the aspect
of novel. Two aspects are intrinsic and  extrinsic
elements. The intrinsic elements discuss internal text and structural points
such as  theme (ideas), character (tell
about someone), plot (something and event), setting  (somewhere), and point of view (where the
writer put himself in the story). Meanwhile,  extrinsic elements discuss external factor
that influence the novel such as social, biography,  society, religion and psychology. Novel
consists of two types. They are fiction (unreal) and  nonfiction (real). In nonfiction novel, the
author presents actual people and events.
Meanwhile, fiction novel, the
readers can know more about the theme or character in the  novel. (Kasim, 2005:27).
In this novel, the writer focuses
on analyzing the theme because it is common that an  analysis of a novel is focused on one of those
elements such as theme or characterization.
Theme is one aspect of the
intrinsic elements in the novel. Theme is the central unifying  element of the story which ties together all
of the other elements of fiction such as plot,  character, setting, etc used by the author in
writing. Theme is related to ideas. For example  the theme in the novel “The Old Man and The
Sea” by Ernest Hemingway is about struggle  for life. It tells about the struggle of how
Santiago proves his identity as a fisherman.
Knickerboecker (1963:90) said
that: “Every good story is  shaped by
controlling theme or idea. This  controlling
theme selects and arranges everything which goes into the  story the characters, the action, the
resolution of the conflict and  anything else,
using by the writers to dramatize his total menaing”.
Thematic analysis is an analysis
that uses theme as the object of the analysis.
According to Clements (1998:165):
 “A third logical and traditional way to
approach the comparison of  authors and literatures
is thematic one or, in German popular term,  through stoffgeschiete, narrative material,
the “stuff” of prose and  poetry.
Obviously, since the matter of literature may involve themes,  topics, myths, rituals, motifs, metaphors,
plots or even thesis, this is a  very
broad approach indeed”.
There are many novels can be
found and read, but the writer is interested in New  Moon by Stephenie Meyer to be the subject
matter of this thesis. Stephenie Meyer is one of  the American authors. New Moon was Stephenie
Meyer’s second novel after Twilight series  in Twilight Saga. Upon its publication in the
United States on September  th 2006 New
Moon  moved quickly to the top of best
seller list. It peaked at first on both the New York Times  Best Seller List and USA Top 150 Best Seller.
The writer chooses New Moon as
object of this analysis because the novel has the  theme which is very good to be analyzed. Theme
in this novel is about love sacrifice. In this  novel, the love story is very unique and full
of sacrifice. The story of New Moon tells about  love between a human with a vampire that
logically is unusual. Usually a love story is  between human and human or a man and a woman,
but in this novel it is not. The love story  occurs in a different world where Bella as a
human loves Edward as a vampire that logically  the vampire will drink human blood. Bella must
choose between two choices. She wants to  get his love or save her soul. For example,
Bella wants to give her soul to Edward by letting  him to bite her that she can be a vampire like
Edward. Another sacrifice done by Bella is that  she is willing to leave her environment for
Edward. Although her parents and her friends do  not agree. This is also the background why the
writer chose the title: Thematic Analysis of  New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.

English Literature:Thematic Analysis Of “New Moon” By Stephenie Meyer

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