Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Meaning Properties And Meaning Relations Found In Amiri Baraka’s Essay ‘I Will Not Apologize, I Will Not Resign’

1.1  Background of the Study I personally believe
we developed language because of our deep inner  need to complain.   ~Jane Wagner Language is by its very nature
a communal thing; that is, it expresses  never
the exact thing but a compromise  -  that which is common to you, me,  and everybody. 
~Thomas Earnest Hulme, Speculations,  Language 
can  be  defined 
as  means  of 
communication  for  human 
in  life.
Language is important. When
people want to communicate, to make a real social life  with the other human beings, making a friend,
they use language. When people want  to
say something to others, they use language. When people want to be supposed by  others, 
they  use  language. 
When  people  want 
to  show  our 
existence  in  the 
world,  they  use 
language.  When  people 
want  to  express 
whatever  in  our 
mind,  they  use  language.  But, 
it  is  not 
just  done  well 
when  someone  has 
uttered  his  language.
Though it looks, it is not that
simple, language is good when someone as a speaker  can make others as listener understand what he
Whatever people speak, it must
have meaning. Meaning is what is referred to  or indicated by sounds, words, or signals. The
last three terms mentioned before can  be
named language. So, language and meaning seems cannot be separated, whenever  a language is spoken, it must have meaning.
Certainly there  is  science that studies  about 
language  and  meaning. 
The  study  about 
language  is  called 
Linguistics has many branches;
they are phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax,  pragmatics, discourse analysis, and semantics.
Semantics is the branch of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words
and  sentences.  Semantics 
is  concerned  with 
the  study  of 
meaning, and  the  relationship  between meaning and language as phenomena, or
in the other words, meaning is the  main
object in Semantics. As others, Semantics has also some parts in it, two of
them  are 
meaning  properties  and 
meaning  relations.  In 
this  thesis,  the 
writer  will  try  to
 explain about both meaning properties
and meaning relations.
Study  about 
meaning  properties  and 
meaning  relation  will 
give  us  some  advantages,  especially 
in  understanding  about 
words,  sentences,  and 
Meaning properties is one of
several features or components which together can be  said to make up the meaning. Meaning
properties is like analyzing what the speaker  intends 
by  his/  her 
utterance.  It  is 
useful  when  it 
requires  us  to 
know  about  the  background  of 
the  speaker’s  intends 
in  his/  her 
utterance,  possibly  the 
speaker’s  background of education.
Meaning relations is the
relationships of meaning or sense that may be set up  between two individual and groups of
lexical  items. In meaning relations, we
may  know that one word possibly may have
two meanings or more, so we can use it in  appropriate 
to the  condition  we 
are  within.  It 
can  be  useful 
such  in  this 
condition,  when we are in a
condition that requires us to speak politely, we can change the word  we want to speak with the other word that
has  similar meaning but more polite in  pronouncing, in order to not insult our
Factually  there 
are  many  ways 
to  express  what 
in  mind  about 
our  surroundings, whether it is a
critic, or an argument. One of that many ways is literary  work. Literary works can be divided into poem,
novel, articles, prose, play and essay.
For examples, a man makes an
essay as a way to criticize the reigning government  today 
in  his  country. 
While  the  other 
one  makes  a 
poem  about  his 
argument  and    disagreement 
about  the  economic 
policy  in  his country. 
in  America,  Amiri Baraka  has 
written  an  essay 
about  the  September 
11th  2001  tragedy, 
titled  I  will 
not  apologize, I will not resign.
The  word 
essay  derives  from 
the  French  infinitive 
essayer,  “to  try” 
or  “to  attempt”. In 
English  essay  first 
meant  “a  trial” 
or  “an  attempt”, 
and this  is still  an  alternative
meaning. An essay is a piece of writing which is often from an author’s  personal 
point  of  view. 
Essays  can  consist 
of  a  number 
of  elements,  including:  literary criticism, political manifestos,
learned arguments, observations of daily life,  recollections, and reflections of the author.
An essay has been defined in a variety of  ways. One definition is a “prose composition
with a focused subject of discussion” or  a “long, systematic discourse”. One of many
authors that have ever written essay is  Amiri
Amiri Baraka who was born in
1934, in Newark, New Jersey, United States  of America, is 
the author of over 40 books of essays, poems, drama, music, history,  and criticism, a poet icon and revolutionary
political activist who has recited poetry  and lectured on cultural and political issues
extensively in the USA, Africa, and the  Europe.
His  writings 
have  become  controversy 
over  the  years, 
particularly  his  advocacy of rape and violence towards white
people, and Jews. Critics of his work  have
alternately described such usage as ranging from being vernacular expressions  of 
Black  oppression  to outright 
examples of  racism,  sexism, 
homophobia,  and  that  they
perceive in his work.
The essay titled ”I Will not Apologize, I Will not Resign” talked about;
when  Amiri Baraka wrote a poem titled
"Somebody Blew Up America" which is about the  September 
11,  2001  attacks. 
The  poem  was 
controversial  and  full 
of  critical  for  racism  in 
America,  and  includes 
angry  depictions  of 
public  figures  such 
as  Trent  Lott, 
Clarence  Thomas,  and 
Condoleezza  Rice.  The 
poem  also  contains 
lines  claiming Israel's
involvement in the World Trade Center attacks: Who knew the World Trade Center
was gonna get bombed Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers To stay
home that day Why did Sharon stay away? ...
Who know why Five Israelis was
filming the explosion And cracking they sides at the notion Baraka stated that
he believed that Israelis and President (George W. Bush)  were involved in the September  th attacks, telling what he described as
information  that had been reported in
the American and Israeli press and on Jordanian television.
He denies that the poem is
anti-Semitic, but points to its accusation which is directed  against 
Israelis,  rather  than 
Jews  as  a 
people.  The  Anti-Defamation  League denounced  the 
poem  as  anti-Semitic, 
though  Baraka  and 
his defenders  defined  his  position
as Anti-Zionism.
So  that 
is  why  the 
writer  is  interested 
in  analyzing  meaning 
properties  and  meaning relations in Amiri Baraka’s essay “I
will not apologize, I will not resign”.
The  writer 
wants to  know  what 
Amiri  Baraka  feels 
when  he  wrote 
this  essay  that  time,
and to whom he wants to  show his feeling
and arguments; and how he wrote it,  by
analyzing the meaning properties and meaning relations in it.
1.2  Problems of the Study According
to background above, the problems of the analysis are formulated  as follows: a. 
What  types  of 
meaning  properties  and 
meaning  relations  found 
in  Amiri  Baraka’s Essay “I Will Not Apologize, I Will
Not Resign”? b.  Which  is 
the  most  dominant 
type  of  both 
meaning  properties  and 
meaning  relations  used 
in  Amiri  Baraka’s 
Essay  “I  Will 
Not  Apologize,  I 
Will  Not  Resign”? 1.3 
Objectives of the Study By concerning to the problems of the  analysis as mentioned above, the writer  does expect to be able to achieve the
objectives below:  a.  To 
find  out  each 
type  of  both 
meaning  properties  and 
meaning  relations  found in Amiri Baraka’s Essay “I Will Not
Apologize, I Will Not Resign”.
b.  To 
find  out  the 
most  dominant  types 
of  both  each 
meaning  properties  and  meaning  relations 
found  in  Amiri 
Baraka’s  Essay  “I Will 
Not  Apologize,  I  Will
Not Resign”.
1.4  Scope of the Study In any literary works,
there are so many types of both meaning properties and  meaning relations can be found out. In the
process of analyzing  the problems of
this  thesis, it is just limited on  the analysis only in the essay titled “I Will
Not Apologize,  I Will Not Resign” by
Amiri Baraka.
This analysis is focused on meaning properties  based on Leech (1981: 29), is  divided 
into  meaningfulness,  ambiguity, 
redundancy,  anomaly,  and 
And meaning  relations 
based on the  theory  from 
Saeed (2003:  63)  are  
antonymy,  synonymy,  hyponymy, 
homonymy,  meronymy,  and 
polysemy;  found  in 
Amiri  Baraka’s Essay “I Will Not
Apologize, I Will Not Resign”.
1.5  Significances of the Study Theoretically,  this 
thesis  can  explore 
and  add  knowledge 
for  students  of  language
in terms of semantics, especially in both terms of meaning properties and  meaning 
relations.  The  reader 
of  this  thesis 
can  understand  how  to  describe 
the  semantic component of a word
or how to define the semantic field of a word. This  thesis 
can  also  improve 
increase  the  vocabulary 
of  students  by 
knowing  about  meaning relations.

English Literature:Meaning Properties And Meaning Relations Found In Amiri Baraka’s Essay ‘I Will Not Apologize, I Will Not Resign’

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