Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Racial Discrimination As Portrayed In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1.1 Background of Study Literature
is a written or printed work which expresses feeling, attitude and life  of 
human  in  society. According  to 
Wellek  and  Warren 
(1977:94),  literature represents
‘life’ and ‘life’ is a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner  or 
subjective  world  of  the  individual 
have  also  been 
objects  of  literary ‘imitations’. Through literature, an
author tries to express his or her idea about what he  or 
she  ever  experienced 
in  life  time 
or  what  was 
happening  around  them 
from natural phenomenon to the life of the people in their community.
According to Peck and Coyle
(1984:103) novel, as one of literature genres, is a  long 
work  with a  great 
amount  of  detail 
on  every  page. 
It  presents  all 
the complicating  facts  that 
need  to  be reconsidered before  we 
can  reach  any 
sort  of judgment.
In this thesis, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
is the object to be analyzed. It is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
(1811-1896). Published in 1852, the novel became one  of the 
biggest  best-sellers  of  the   th century.
Uncle  Tom’s  Cabin is 
very interesting. It is a novel with a purpose. Through the novel, Stowe
wanted to show the readers that black people are human beings. This novel
firmly agrees that racial discrimination in any form of it, is not allowed to
do. Stowe clearly motivated the readers to fight the racial discrimination.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is one of the most popular historical novels th at
presents actual events from the point of view of the author. It touches the
real human’s life at a certain place in historical time. This novel is
dominated by the gap between two races, 
the  black  people 
towards  the  white 
people.  The  racial 
concept  caused inequalities  in 
black  people’s life.  Therefore, 
racial  discrimination  should 
be an unsolved problem until the present time. Further, Gosset
(1985:135) clearly stated; At  this  point 
Stowe  introduces  a 
problem  in Uncle  Tom’s 
Cabin which  almost  as 
difficult  of  solution 
as  that  of 
slavery,  and  one which 
has  by  no 
means  been  solved 
up  to  the 
present  time,  the matter of social relationships among
members of different races.
Based on the description, racial
discrimination became the focus of analysis in this thesis. Racial
discrimination has been a big issue in United States since the colonial era and
slave era as the main setting of time in the novel.
The writer chooses this topic to
be analyzed because the writer found that the main idea of this novel is about
the racial discrimination among the race in United States. As it is generally
known, the majority race in this novel is the Whites. The White people as in
this  novel have a negative prejudice of
the black people. They have  their  own 
opinion  towards  the black 
people.  According  to 
them,  the  black people 
have  no  rights 
to  posses  their 
own  independence. Harriet  Beecher 
Stowe described the situation of it intelligently.
According to Bowling (2002:21),
racism is the belief that certain groups are innately, biologically, socially,
morally superior to other groups, based upon what is attributed to be their
racial composition.
It can be said that racial
discrimination itself is an unequal treatment based on someone’s  race. 
The  most  notable 
form  of  American 
racism began  with  the   institution
of slavery, during which Africans were enslaved and treated as property.
Prior  to 
the  institution  of 
slavery,  early  African 
and  non-white  immigrants 
to  the Colonies  had 
been  regarded  with 
equal  status,  serving 
as  sharecroppers  alongside whites.  After 
the  institution  of 
slavery, the  status  of 
Africans  was  stigmatized 
and this stigma was the basis for the more virulent anti-African racism
that persisted until the present. The condition and situation are clearly drawn
by Stowe through Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
According  to 
the  novel,  black 
people  were  never 
treated  well  and 
always became  the  victim 
of  white  people 
bad  treatments.  This 
novel  shows  us  the
individual  experiences  which 
may  portray  the 
life  experience  of 
the  black  people living in the United State that were
always afraid of being sold to the slave trade and being sent to the  plantation. It  describes 
the  reality  that 
happened  toward  black people in United States at the time.
Racial discrimination is strongly
shown in this novel when black people on United 
States became  slaves and were
sold  just  because the 
prejudice  of  white people. The black people experienced
many sufferings and miseries because of the racial discrimination such as
seperated away from their family, physical mistreat, and the human trade.
In the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the writer found racial 
discrimination  is  the 
dominant  theme  of 
the  novel.  This 
dominant  theme  is very 
interesting  for  the 
writer  to  choose 
the  novel  to  be
analyzed.  As  racial discrimination is one of big problem
which occurs in American society until present time, the writer decides to make
further analysis upon the racial discrimination.
1.2 Problems of the Study It is important to find out the problems that
are going to be analyzed to get the 
clear  description  on 
the  object  of 
the  study.  Based 
on  the  statement 
about  the racial discrimination
above, the writer points out the problems of the study are: 1. What are the
forms of racial discrimination that black people has been through in Uncle
Tom’s Cabin novel? 2. What are  the  effects 
of  racial  discrimination  in black 
people’s lives  in Uncle Tom’s
Cabin novel? 1.3. Objective of the Study There 
are  two  objectives 
based  on  the 
statement  of  the 
problem  above  that have been decided: 1. To portray the
form of racial discrimination that black people have been through in Uncle
Tom’s Cabin novel.
2. To describe the effects of
racial discrimination in black people’s lives in Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel.
1.4. Scope of the Study In doing
the  analysis  of 
this thesis becomes  much  sharper, 
some  scopes  of study are arranged. The main concern of
the  analysis in this thesis is all about
the racial discrimination reflected in the story of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Based on
it, this   thesis is  going to 
reveal  how  the 
racial  discrimination  that 
is  experienced  by one leading character of this story. This
thesis focusses the analysis in showing the form of racial discrimination
such  as 
prejudice  and  slavery 
towards black  people that represents
by Uncle Tom has been through in this story.

English Literature:Racial Discrimination As Portrayed In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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