Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:The Use of Persuasive Technique by Barack Obama in His P olitical Speeches in the 2008 USA Presidential Primaries

This chapter presents background
of thestudy, problem of the study, objectives
of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation the study and definition of the keyterms.
1.1. Background of thestudy Language is often as a vehicle of thought,
asystemof expression that mediates the
transferof thought fromone person to another (Edward, 2004:9). Language is also used bypeople to
transfer their ideas, when we talk, we
try toconveythe listener about we aretalking, how informative the topic delivered, well founded, relevant, and
perspicous these mesagges.
Additionally, Finochiaro (1974)
as quoted byOktavianus (2006:3) states that
language involves a systemof arbitraryvocalsymbols thatpeople from certain culture or other people who has
alreadylearnt its system of culture, to
communicate and enable to interact each other. Language alsoexists together with the needs of human to
Accordingto Hovland andfriends as
quoted byArni(1992: 2) communicationis
theprocess bywhich an individualtransmits stimuli (usually verbal) to modify the behavior of other
individuals. Furthermore, Persuasion is
an important aspect of communication in our daily lives. We areurged to buyproducts to maintain social
relationship, to support reforms PDF
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political candidates, since themain purposeof persuasion is to convinceus, as thehearer, to change our
particular belief, attitude and behaviour
(Adler, 1985:351).
In addition, Palapah in Sunarjo
(1983: 31) states thatthe word “persuasion”
is from Latin “per sua sio”, means “topersuade”. Keraf (1989: 118) defines persuasion as an art of verbal
with the intention to assure someone to
do somethingappropriate with thespeaker’s purpose for this momentor thepresenttime. It means thatthe
purpose of the persuasion is that
thespeaker tries to persuadethe listener to actsomethingwith no violence and coercion. So that, in
persuasionthe speaker needs the efforts for
stimulatingthe addressee in takingdecision.
Persuasion also tends to changesomeone’s
thought, itwill tryto make someone
accept and conductwhat the speaker said. Sunarjo (1983: 30) said that communicativepersuasion tries
notto hurt human’s proud feeling,
because itis tended to an effort to motivate everyone to change their behavior, conviction and their attitude
without violance or an encouregment fromother.
Bermann (1981: 239) states that a powerful in persuasion is the rhetoricalutterances. Rhetoric in Plato’s view
is the art of winning the soul bydiscourse.
Discourse is the use of language in speech and writing in order to produce meaning.
In persuasion, the most primary
thingis askill to reach an agreement of
a listener and speaker. It is a process which aimed to convince other people what the speaker desires, itstarts from
the conviction of people to PDF created
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http://www.pdffactory.com whom thespeaker or the writer talks or writes.
In persuasion, reasoningand credibility
that the speaker uttered arenever beingseparated things for the audience (Hart, 1989: 117). Furthermore,
Aristoteles in Keraf (1989: 121) stated
that there are three basics of persuasion. Thefirst, thespeaker’s character and credibility, communications will
take place as speaker expectation, if
the audience have recognized him or her as theonewho has a good character. The second, theskill of the
speaker in holding the audience’s
emotional. It means that, the speaker has performance in debasingor extinguishes theaudience’s sentiment
and emotion. The third, the evidences
and facts entailed to prove the truth.
Hogan (1996: 4) argues that
persuasion is to provide induction of belief
and values into someone self bymeans of influencetheir thought and measure through positive strategy. In
politicaloration or campaign, the speaker
will conveyhis or her ideas through verbalutterance. Moreover, in deliveringhis or her speech, some techniques
maybe used in supportinghis or her
ideas; persuadingthe audience’s belief in order that the audience approves the speaker’s intention. In this
case, the speaker may also attempt to
change theprospective voter’s view. Generally, the main purpose of a campaign or political oration is to provide
voters with theinformationthey need to
make awise choice at thepolls. Campaign or political oration can help arousingthepublicinterest as well as to
educate the voters about the issues.
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http://www.pdffactory.com Dramatizinglanguage in political discourse,
especially inpolitical speeches is an
art. This is intended to influence people, but sometimes it is not spoken honestlyor completely
sincerelythough thespeech gives some terminologies
that are reflection of the reality. It likes anykind of art; a politicaldiscourse reflects the social
relations, identity, knowledge, and unequal
power between the speaker and the listener. Unequalpower occurs as the speaker have ahigh positioninthe
society to control and constrain the contribution
of non powerful the listener become the speaker intends to make thelistener do what theywant through
their arguments in their politicalspeeches.
Presidential primaryor primary
election is executed in theUSA; it begins
from rd of January2008 until th of June
2008 (www.barackobama.com\primarydates.php.
La st upda ted a t7: 20pm.
S a tur da y, Mar ch 08th, 2008).
As we know thatElections in the USA are held
at every level in the federal system, federal states andlocal. First of these, usuallycalled presidential primaryor
primaryelections. Thepurpose of having
this election is tonominate candidates. The voters choose a few candidates, usually from a larger field of
candidates to run in the second/ generalelections
(Mackenzie, 1986: 59). It is common that theremaining candidates to precede in general elections
onlya couple, or few candidates represented
the two major parties: the Republic andDemocrat parties. After thecandidates have been chosen, they would
start tocampaign their visions.
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http://www.pdffactory.com In this study, theresearcher analyzes the
speeches of Barack Obama using Keraf's
theoryofpersuasion. Furthermore, what the researcher’s interest to research is thatObama or Barack
'Husein' Obama, as the junior U.S.
Senator from Illinois - sworn in January4, 2005 - anda Democratic candidate for president in2008, it is
veryamazing achievement thathe clutches
great vote for delegations form several states of USA. With his slogan “ Cha nge we ca n believ e in” , he
achieves 1.411 votes or delegations over
Hillary Clinton, who claims her self well-grounded than Obama, achieves 1.250 votes or delegations
La st upda ted a t7: 20pm. S a
tur da y, Mar ch 08th, 2008). Moreover, speech has a power to change the speaker himself and
other people (Anjali, 2006: 16). In this
study, the researcher chooses the speeches of Barack Obama because it contains persuasion andpersuasive
techniques that applyfor influencinghis
audience or prospective voters during2008 USA Presidential Primary. In his speech, Barack
Obama also attempts to persuade the
audience through the abilityof language used.
This studyhas relationto the
previous researchonthesame fields.

English Literature:The Use of Persuasive Technique by Barack Obama in His P olitical Speeches in the 2008 USA Presidential Primaries

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