Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:A Semantic Analysis on Ulul Al-Bab English Translation in the Holy Qur’an

chapter deals with the introduction which consists of background of the study, problem of the study, objective of
the study, significance of the study, scope
and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1. 1 Background of the Study Language is what the members of particular
society speak (Wardhrough, 1986:1). The
Language cannot be separated from human being, because we use language to express our feeling, response
phenomenon, share idea, criticize news, and
deliver important news derived from unlimited space and time.
Other side, Language is heritage
of human being which is extremely worth as
long as their history life. (Rahardjo, 2002:2). Language represents life
heritage which must be learned. A child
cannot speak a language otherwise have been taught. And language also shows its identity
as human being. Aphorism of Malay told,
"Language show Nation" this matter is very relevant to comprehend Language and its reality. This is also become
correctness of pursuant to the theory of
relation among mind, cultural, and Language. Every Language presents experience and mind of somebody.
Moreover, semantics is subfield
of linguistics that’s traditionally defined as the study of meaning of (parts) words,
phrases, sentences, and texts. Semantics can be approached from a theoretical as well
as an empirical (for example psycholinguistics)
point of view. (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/semantic).
in Syarifah (2003) states “Semantics is oneof the branches of linguistics studying about the meaning, and it
considered as a major branch of linguistics
devoted to the study of meaning in language”. Semantics is also at the centre of the study of human mind-though
process, cognition and conceptualization,
all these are intricately bound up with the way. Which we classify and convey out experience of the
words through language.
Due to this fact, we realize that
language has a big contribution in human daily life, it will conduct us to understand
the message of communication through the
meaning, because meaning is crucial aspect of language and a way to get the message of communication through the meaning,
Because meaning is a crucial aspect of
language and a way to get the message of communication. In linguistics meaning is considered as a core study of
semantics.Leech (1977: 9). States: “Semantics
(as a study of meaning) is central to study of communication becomes more crucial factor in
socialorganization, the need to
understand it become more and more pressing.
Semantics is also at the center
of the study of human mind- through process,
cognition and conceptualization; all these are intricately bound up with the way which we
classifyand convey out experience of the
word through language. Because itis this two ways, the vocal point in the man’s study of
study of man, semantics has been the
meeting place of psychology, linguistics all claims the deep interest in the subject.’ The other field of linguistics is translation,
because translation is included into
applied linguistics. (Munawir, 2007:1). Translation is the process of transferring language from the source of
origin language into the target language.
(Zuchridin, 23:13). Translating
consist of reproducing in the receptor language to the closest natural equivalent of the language
message, first in the term of meaning
and second in the term of style.
It is necessary for us to know
about one of the source knowledge in Islam namely Qur’an. Because Qur’an in Islam has
role as the highest source which is used
as basic source in formulating laws, and otherregulation concerning the relation between the creature and his creature
withother creature.(Munawir, 2007;2).
Moreover, the story in the Qur’an has particularly and strength. The stories explain religious teaching and
describe theconsequences for those who against
them. Those stories are not fictional, but they are convinced as thing that ever occurred on the surface of the earth.
There many translators of Holy
Qur’an whose translation books are published
during this time. However, there are fourtranslators considered as the most famous translators. They are Taqi ud-Din
and Muhsin Khan, Marmaduke Pichthall,
and Ibnu Katsir. All of them have different characteristics in their translation is quite simple, the reason
because thetarget of the readers of their translation is not only Muslims but also
non-Muslims who want to learn about Holy
In addition, The English
translation of Taqi ud-Dinand Muhsin Khan had obtained approval from he two of holy mosques,
namely, Haram mosque and Nabawi mosque,
and also King Fahd ibn ‘Abd al’Aziz Al-Sa’ud King of Saudi Arabia. (Munawir, 2007; 2) In addition, there are many surahs inside
Qur’an with different type and function,
in each surah. Some of the surahs in Qur’an consist of the story of the previous prophets and, of course, prophet
Muhammad.And other parts consist of laws
of Islam (Fiqih and Syari’ah) knowledge for knowing God (Tauhid), and the regulation of our Actions in the relation with
God and human (Aqidah and Akhlak).
(Munawir, 2007; 3).
Furthermore, some verses which
are located in some surahs are ulul Al-Bab verses. It is located in some verses (sixteen
repetitions) namely: Q.S Al-Baqoroh: 179,
197, 269; Q.S Al-Imran: 7, 190,; Al-Maidah: 100; Q.S. Yusuf: 111; Q.S AlRa’d:
19; Ibrahim 5: 52; Q.S Shad: 29; 43; Q.S Az-Zumar; 9, 18, 21; Q.S
AlMukmin/Ghafiri: 54; Q.S At-thalaq: 10 (Al-Bagy; 1945).
This thesis will discuss about
semantics located onthe terms of Ulul Al-bab translation as the object in Qur’an. Ulul
Al-bab contains deep meaning about smart
and faithful human being to his/her God, and also becoming manager in this world.
In this research, the researcher
doesn’t research Ulul Al-bab in Arabic language
but analyze and research Ulul Al-bab in English translation which is translated by Taqi-ud-din and Muhsin Khan.
The researcher is interested in
researching Ulul Al-bab Verses because Ulul Al-bab is smart and faithful man. According to
Muhaimin, Ulul Al-bab is a man who is
having deep thinking, high intelligence, andalways thinking how to avoid from clash civilizationfinally produce
Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin in this world.
(Gema, 2006: 11). This definition
actually is same as Taqi-ud-din and Muhsin Khan. According to them Ulul Al-Bab is a man
who understands the phenomenon (Someone
who is able to divide which is Wright and wrong in doing something in his/her daily activities). (The Noble Qur’an,
2001: 72).
The Symbol of State Islamic
university of Malang is Ulul Al-Bab. Taken from deep Meaning of Ulul Al-bab Verses in
Qur’an. “Some aims of Ulul Al-bab are
the students are intended having Intellectual, the students are intended having
Norms and the students are intended
having Spiritual.” (Visi, Misi dan Tradisi UIN Malang, 2004: 4). Muhaimin (2007) states
stop to put the premium on the group’s
interest and start to be considerate of global change and challenge, Such as back to research, internationalization and
Quality Assurance, to make civilize students
finally produce Moslem Kaffah and Rahmatan Lil “Alamin(Gema, 2006: 11). Because of that, I am as a researcher
interested in conducting research about A
Semantic Analysis on Ulul Al-Bab English Translation in the Holy Qur’an By
Taqi-ud-Din and Muhsin Khan.

English Literature:A Semantic Analysis on Ulul Al-Bab English Translation in the Holy Qur’an

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