Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:A Psycholinguistics Analysis on Speech Disorder of a Cerebral Palsic Man in Door to Door” Film

This chapter presents background
of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, significance of the study, and definition of the key
1.1. Background of the Study (2 : “Verily We have
created man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: so We gave him
(the gifts) of hearing and sight”. (Sura Al Insaan, 76:2).
The verse above means that God
has created individual as perfect as possible, people are created better than
other creature. However, God still gives sufficiency and frailty in every
person, because there is no body perfect except God. There are many people who
have certain frailty that impair the function of the body, and it finally
influences their communication skill. “(Consider) that We created you out of
dust, then out of sperm, then out of leechlike clot, then out of a morsel of
flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (Our
power) to you”. (Sura Al Hajj, 22:5).
The characteristics of no
perfection also refer to human’s speech system which is categorized as speech
or language disorder. Speech or language disorder is one of an interesting
discussion in application theories of psycholinguistics that explains about the
difference of speech act.
Language disorder refers to a
language disability which causes the difficulties of understanding and
expressing language. It is usually caused by some reasons namely biological
aspect, neurological aspect, psychological aspect and environmental aspect. It
means that a person who suffers a certain disease of language disorder may not
capable to produce language as well as a normal person. Person who has problems
in his or her speech process has certain way to produce language. For example,
a deafness that the deaf encounter in home and school, then an autistic child
who suffers social and emotional disabilities as their significant language
problems, and children who have dysphasia, a form of language disorder that
occurs in children without neurological cognitive emotional or perceptual
problems. Those are children with special attention to the different
communication systems (Carroll, 1986: 376-377). There are many kinds of
diseases which damage the human’s speech system, such as autism, apraxia, aphasia,
dysphasia, deafness, dyslexia, dysgraphia, stuttering, cerebral palsy etc. Here the researcher tries to research about
cerebral palsy. It is one of the diseases caused by the brain damage causing
language disorder. Children with cerebral palsy use wheelchairs and others walk
with crutches or braces. In some cases, child' s speech may be affected or the
person might not be able to speak at all. Cerebral palsy (say: seh-ree-brel
pawl-zee) is a condition that affects thousands
of babies and children each year. It is not contagious, which means you cannot
catch it from anyone who has it. The word cerebral means having to do with the
brain. The word palsy means a weakness or problem in the way a person moves or
positions his or her body. Children with cerebral palsy have trouble controlling
the muscles of the body. Normally, the brain tells the rest of the body exactly
what to do and when to do it. But, because cerebral palsy affects the brain, depending
on what part of the brain is affected, a child might not be able to walk, to
talk, to eat, or to play the way most children do (Bachrach, cited from www.kidshealth.org:
March 2006).
Based on the previous
explanation, as human being a cerebral palsic person needs to produce speech in
communication to send and to receive information signal or message by talking,
writing, and also acting which are the elements of language. In communication,
language is the important thing. As the main vehicle of human communication,
language is indispensable (Clark and Clark, 1977:3).
In this research, the researcher
discusses about a cerebral palsy.
Rosenbaum (2005) states on adults
with cerebral palsy, it is resultant of motor disorders, though not always,
accompanied by "disturbances of sensation, cognition, communication,
perception, and/or behavior, and/or by a seizure disorder”. His found that
cerebral palsy causes the communication disorder, whereas the sufferers still
need to communicate.Then according to The United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
Foundation, it is estimated that nearly 800,000 children and adults in the
United States live with one or more of the symptoms of cerebral palsy, and in addition according to the
federal government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year
about 10,000 babies born in the United States develop cerebral palsy (cited
from www.ninds.nih.gov). From this phenomenon, it means that cerebral palsy has
spread in the world each year. Therefore, the researcher is interested in
discussing about a cerebral palsic man from USA who is characterized in a film
with the title “Door to Door”. This film tells about the true life story of a
cerebral palsic man whose name Bill Porter who has successful in his life. This
movie is produced by TNT and the film has shown around the world, because this
film has won 6 of the 13 Emmy nominations, and numerous other acclaim and
awards throughout the industry for its high standards and story content.
Therefore, in this research the researcher chooses this film to be analyzed and
it discusses about the language disorder of a cerebral palsic man by the title “Language
Disorder of a Cerebral Palsic Man In “Door to Door” Film“.
1.2. The Problems of the Study Based on the
background of the study above, the researcher focuses on a problem that want to
be discussed in this research namely “What kind of linguistic disorder is found
in Bill Porter’s utterances in “Door to Door” film?” 1.3. Objective of the Study Related to the problem
of the study above, the objective of the study is to describe briefly the kind
of linguistic disorder that is found in Bill Porter’s utterances in “Door to
Door” film.
1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study
is psycholinguistic research. In this research the researcher focuses on
finding out the kinds of linguistic disorder found in a cerebral palsic man’s
utterances. To avoid the broadening of the discussion and to make her research
clear, the researcher limits her study in researching Bill Porter’s utterances
as a cerebral palsic man in “Door to Door” film and she does not discuss the
grammatical errors of Bill Porter’s utterances. Therefore, the researcher also
limits to analyze once of the same datum to make this research simple and
readable. Then the researcher uses the Carroll’s theory about language disorder
that deals with this research which will be explained on the next chapter.
1.5. Significance of the Study The result of this
study is generally expected as theoretical contribution, the researcher hopes
that it can provide important application of psycholinguistics principles and
offer the assessment of general principles of psycholinguistics.
And practically, it is dedicated
to provide information for those who are going to study further about the
linguistics disorder in English speaker. Besides, this research is expected to
be a beneficial reference for the next students who will investigate this area
and for those who want to compare the linguistics disorder of English speakers.
Therefore, English Letters and Language Department students can use this
research as a starting point.

English Literature:A Psycholinguistics Analysis on Speech Disorder of a Cerebral Palsic Man in Door to Door” Film

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