This chapter serves to introduce the focus of
thisresearch. It provides: (1)
background of the study which contains information and reasons that justify the importance of the study, (2)
problem statement that is specified into researchable questions, (3) objective of the
study that clarifies the output of the study,
(4) significance of the study that itemizes the contributions of the study in term of both academic and practical, and (5)
definition of the key terms that operationalizes
concepts used in this research.
1.1 Background of the study Newspapers are an especially important
advertising medium to major advertisers.
They present detailed coverage of newsas well as to supply other information and features that appeal to
societies (Belch and Belch, 1998: 397). In accordance to this point, newspapers
particularly try hardly to serve the best service to present actual news that can be
acceptedvery well by societies.
From view of the fact, societies
actually purchase a newspaper because of the advertisement it contains. They use their
knowledgefor determining product prices
and availability and to see who is having sale. In other word, daily, weekly, national, and special-audience newspapers are
available. The vast majority of newspapers
are daily publications serving a local community (Belch and Belch, 1998: 397). There are so many kinds of daily
newspapers such as Kompas, Jawa Pos,
Republika, Tempo, Time, The Jakarta Post and etcetera.
One of newspaper, The Jakarta
Post, is influential newspaper oriented towards special-audience such local English-speaking
expatriates, the diplomatic community
and Indonesian English-writing and speaking. The Jakarta Post is a daily newspaper using English which is
recognized about 75 embassies in Indonesia
since April 25, 1983, the first launched.It covers all aspects of live.
( The
Jakarta Post always gives the up to date news in the words so that it is easy for readers to
get information. It appeals primarily to large national advertisers and non-national
advertisers. They provide detailed coverage
of news, events, and issues concerning with business, sports, and other relevant information and entertainment. Thus,
they will find it in the column of advertisements
of goods and services.
In accordance to that point,
advertisements use written language within texts messages. Numan states that written language
performs a similar range of broad functions
to those performed by spoken language areto get things done, to provide information and to entertain (1993:
8). In relation with the functions, written
language is used as transactional language which occurs when the participants are concerned with the exchange
of goods and services (1993: 18).
Factually, written language is
emerged in societiesas a result of cultural changes which created new communicative needs (1993:
8). From view of the fact, written language
has important role in the process of advertising in which it must bring aesthetic and communicative effects to the
In short, written language has
rapid influences to evoke readers’ responses.
(Lesikar and Flately, 2005: 12).
In accordance to that, advertisements primarily use effective and attractive language within
these messages for getting rapid responses
from the readers. It needs a creative language that strongly appeals readers’ attention. Belch and Belch state that
theimportant role of words in advertisement
is to stimulus the readers’ direct response by the senses (taste, smell, sight, touch, feeling, moving, and
hearing) and also to create a representation
(1995: 112). In detail, the use of imagery in advertisements is appropriated. Boorstin in Dyer argues, imagery
encourage strong expectation because it
brings cognitive representations of the readers and uses as one of many strategies of advertisers in publishing the
advertisements. Those convey readers to have
easiest understanding and then memorizing it in their mind. Further, advertisements present readers with images and
thenimagery. However, imagery supports
the images of advertisements. As result imagery mystify reader’s perceptions to decide (1996: 82). Finally,
imagery is used as a transactional language
in advertisements.
Since the language of imagery in
text of advertisement stands in line with transactional discourse that its stress is on
the messages from advertisers to consumers,
The Jakarta Post is selected as the datasource of this research.
Another reason is the
advertisements in The JakartaPost are not only from Indonesian advertisers but also from other
countries. The language reflects the culture
of the country. The last, advertisements language of The Jakarta Post is efficient and diplomatic. It is efficient
because the language is understandable not only for foreigner but also Indonesian
English-speaking; it is diplomatic because people are able to build a relation with other
people in other country.
Through imagery in an
advertisement, people will bestimulated to see, hear, touch, directly what are being described in
the advertisement. By using imagery, readers
can sense object directly with strong response and think it economically.
Dyer states that the usage of
imagery in advertisement has become sophisticated and persuasive that they now organize our
experience and impression crucially significant
way (1996: 82).
From view of the fact, language
style is often usedby advertisers to express their idea. Indeed, they use language
creatively byusing certain diction, grammar, and rhetoric. Those factors are used in order
to enrich the meaning, describe the object
imaginatively, and give such emotion effect about the messages in the advertisements. In this case, the researcher
chooses rhetoric as the element of style.
Burhan in Mamik (1995: 295) says that rhetoric is the way to use language to get aesthetic effect. The aesthetic effect
can be resulted through creative language
expression. Rhetoric itself includes the use of figurative language and imagery.
It is also clearly pictured in
the Surah Al-Fath 10; [10] “Verily those
who plight their fealty to thee do no less than plight their fealty to Allah. The Hand of Allah is over
their hands; then anyone who violates
his oath, does so to them harm of his own soul, and any one who fulfill what he has covenanted with Allah, Allah will
soon grant him a great Reward” What are
interesting are those verses that God usesimagery in ordering His Prophet. In detail, the word “hand” in this
verse is understood as the hand of God.
However, God does not has human
characteristics, such as human being. It represents as God’s power of authority. In detail,
He looks like has an appointment with
Quraisy by shaking hand. Factually, He orders Prophet Muhammad SAW to do this appointment by His
agreement. It brings happiness and
satisfaction to Muslims, because the appointment and agreement are from the Highest Creature of world and His messenger.
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