Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Language Styles Used by Hillary Clinton’s Political Speeches to the Critical Mass’


This chapter presents background
of the study, problem statements, objective
of the study, originality and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and clarification
definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study Due to the fact that language can be found in
all human societies, language is
frequently defined as a social institution. As defined by Wardhaugh, language
is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol
used for human communication . Everyone produces his or her own utterance. The
variance of the utterance appears because everyone has his or her own style to interact
with other people.

There are two kinds of language
based on its form, spoken and written language.
Spoken language is the utterance in the form of sounds. The written one is, however, considered as the extension of
the spoken language. The actual phenomena
of language can be observed as conversation, story telling, speech, discussion and so forth. Written language is
the utterance in the written form which
is commonly in term of magazines, news papers, journals, etc. It can be inferred that language is a means to
communicate with other human, primarily through
oral and written communication.

Ronald Wardhaugh. 1986. Introduction to
Linguistics .New York: Kingsport Press. p. 3 The phenomenon of language is also stated in
Al-Qur’an. There are many languages in
human world. The variance of languagesas stated in Ar-Ruum verse 22 is believed by Moslems as one of the
evidences of the God’s greatness And of
His signs are the creation of the Heavens and the Earth, and the difference of your languages and colors.
Lo! Herein indeed are portents for men
of knowledge. (Verse: 22) .

Dealing with the variance of
languages, it implies the individual’s style of the language that is used. In expressing an
idea inthe form of spoken or written language,
people have and use their own style. Jordan claims that everyone has style, just as everyone has a shadow .

Schuster characterizes that style
in language is the manner of expressing whatever
is expressed . In general, style has
been widely used in every aspect of life.
There are styles in dresses, styles in automobiles, styles in football player.

Certainly, there are styles in
speech and writing.

It is interesting to investigate
how the speaker orwriter uses his or her own style in conveying his or her intentional
writing or speaking to the people. In writing,
the writer puts the utterance in the form of written language only. On the Qur’an, Karim.Translated by Abdallah Yousouf
Ali corrected and refised by Amira Zrein Matraji. 1999. Beirut: Dar el-Fikr.

John Jordan. 1965. Using Rhetoric.New York:
Harper & Row.

Edgar Schuster. 1965. Grammar Usage and
Style.New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

other hand, in speaking, the
speaker delivers his or her message in order to be heard and known what the speaker wants
directly. Therefore, the writer is more interested
to investigate the language style that is used by the speaker.

One of the purpose of the speaker
speaks is to inform and transmit the message
to the listener. The process of transmitting the message is called by communication. Laswell in Mulyana defines that
to draw the definition of communication
we must answer the questions: Who says, What, in Which Channel, to Whom, with What effect? In short, we can infer that there are five elements include in conducting communication.
Thoseare the source, the message, the
medium, the receiver and the effect.

The first is source. It is an
individual or a groupwhich have intention to be conveyed. In another name is called by the
sender, communicator or the speaker.

In this study, the writer
investigates one of American Senators, Hillary Clinton’s speeches. She is one of American president
candidates of Democrat party in the general
election 2008. Hillary was selected as senator from New York in 2000.

She is the first New Yorker ever
to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee,
working to see that America's military has the necessary resources to protect our national security. Hillary's
father, Hugh Rodham, was the son of a factory
worker from Scranton, Pennsylvania. He trained sailors in the Navy during World War II and then returned to Illinois to
starta small business selling draperies.
Hillary's mother, Dorothy, the daughter of a firefighter, had a tough childhood. . Hillary started her political
life as a Republican, like her father. Then continued her advocacy for children and
families and had been a national leader Deddy Mulyana. 2005. Communication Science:
an Introduction. Bandubg: PT Remaja Rosda Karya. p.243 on homeland security and national security
issues . From the brief explanation of Hillary’s biography, we know that she had
involved in politic since 2000 up to now.
On the view of political study, when we talk about politics, it will discuss the political participation. It functions is
to determine the role and the position of the members. Lester classifies tree general
types or roles in term of active-inactive dimension.

One group participates only
passively in the political process. They do not engage in any of the political acts. The
second group is minimally involved in
some or all of the first five activites; seeking information, voting, discussing, proselyting, and
displaying preference. A third, and quite
small, group not only participates in the above activities but also is drawn into the political fray; they attend
meetings, campaign, become active in a
party, solicit money, run for and hold public and party office .

Those tree political
participation roles are called“apathetics”, “spectators”, and “gladiators”. Further,
Hillary includes into gladiator’s political participation.

The second element is message.
Message is a piece of information that is encoded by the speaker or writer as addresser
into a linguistic form . It covers the feelings, ideas, and intention, certainly,
concern with Hillary Clinton’s language style
in her political speeches.

The next element is medium. It is
often used synonymously with channel .

The speaker transmits his or her
idea through the media. It also refers to the way of providing the message whether directly
(face to face) or indirectly (mass media and electronic media; magazine, newspaper,
television, radio, etc.).

English Literature:An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Language Styles Used by Hillary Clinton’s Political Speeches to the Critical Mass’

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