Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:The Orphan’s Treatments and Its Psychological Effect on Jane Eyre Portrayed in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre Islamic Perspective

Background Of The Study Literature
is human creation used as a medium to express feeling, thought, idea, experience, and so on. Neil Grant (1998:
7) says that literature is defined as writing
in which expression and form, in connectionwith ideas of permanent and universal interest. This statement asserts
that literary work is a product of human thought. As a result of permanent ideas and
universal interest, literature can be comfortably
enjoyed by any people in different ages.
One of the objectives of literary
works is to tell story for the sake of comprehending
values. Value in literary work is intended as the suggestion from the author consisting value teaching
practically tothe readers. This statement is accordance with the opinion of Nurgiyantoro
(1995: 322) who states that literary works
or fictions are written by the author to offer an ideal lifestyle and there is values application in the attitude, behavior
of thecharacter of human being. It is also
applied authority and human prestige. The author creates the literary work is not only using the skill and creation ability
at all, but also based on the vision, inspiration
and struggle.
From the statement above it can
be known that we can find something in the
literary works written by certain author about everything related to life such
as attitude, behavior, and ethics in
social interaction. These guidelines are particular because its model is found in the real life as
model presented in the story trough character.
Sometimes, literary work is
viewed as psychologicalphenomena. An author
uses feeling, thought, and idea in creating literary work. As well as the reader uses psyche power when enjoy and
respond theliterary work. Therefore, psychological
literary criticism analyzes literary work as psyche activity.
According to Jatman in Endraswara
(2003: 96), literature and psychology have tight relationship. Both literature and
psychology have similar object, that is human
life. However, psychology has real phenomena and literature only imaginative one.
Literature has some function. Firstly,
literature is knowledge. Of course, literature
provides some information in which the reader can access it. Secondly, literature is power. Literature can be
persuasion, urge, and criticism to the society or government and so on. The next function is
literature is entertainment. People can
get certain pleasure when they enjoy it. However, Koesnosubroto (1998: 2) states that literature give us more pleasure,
whichis not only enjoyment but also understanding.
According to Culler (1997:20)
there are three literary genres namely prose, poems, and play. Prose is free composition
which ignores the amount of syllables of
lines of sentences. Poetry is composition which concerns with the rhyme, verses, language and sentences. Drama is work
of literature that uses language in the
form of act and dialogue. In this case the researcher takes prose in the form
of novel as the object of the thesis
because novel is a kind of literary work presenting many kinds of view and values. Novel is
fictitious narrative, usually born in a society
that has social, cultural, and historical background. Therefore, it can be analyzed from many sides by several
approaches. In this study, the researcher intended to analyze the novel by using
psychological approach, especially Islamic perspective in treating orphan.
The researcher has some reasons
in choosing Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre as an object of the study. First, Charlotte
Bronte is one of Bronte family who had an
intense and lively imagination. Her sister Emilyand Anne share Charlotte Bronte’s imaginative power and writing
ability. Sheis very prolific person.
Second, this novel seems to be
most successful workalthough it is Charlotte’s second novel. It is the successful novel at
that era because of gender and social class
issue. It tells about Jane Eyre who is an orphan who is treated cruelly by The Reed family. Then, it is appropriate to be
Based on several reasons and
explanation above, theresearcher is eager to make an effort in analyzing Charlotte Bronte’s
Jane Eyrein Islamic perspective.
The researcher has decided to
make the thesis by the title of The Orphan’s Treatments and Its Psychological Effect on
Jane Eyre Portrayed in Charlotte Bronte’s
Jane Eyre: Comparative Study of Charlotte Bronte View and Islamic View on Orphanage. This study is expected to
give the contribution andhelp the students
in literary study, especially related to the study of Jane Eyre. This study analyzes the orphan treatments based on
Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadist and the effect of
those treatments on Jane Eyre personality. Therefore, it helps the students get
the information of Islamic thought in
treating orphan.
Many students take Charlotte
Bronte’s Jane Eyre as the object of their study. They usually analyze Jane Eyreby using
feminism literary criticism. They discuss
some of woman rights faced by Jane Eyre. However, the researcher analyzes Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyreby using
psychological approach. The researcher
discusses orphan treatments and its psychological effect on Jane Eyre personality. The particularity of this study
is viewing the treatments by Islamic perspective.
The researcher thinks that this research is important to give contribution to next researches, because one
of ouruniversity missions is to integrate
science and islam.
In conducting this research, the
researcher also got inspiration from Izzatul Hidayah al- Hasanah, the student of UIN Malang
in her thesis entitled A Study of Autobiographical
Aspects of Charlotte Bronte’s LifeEmerge in Jane Eyre,2006.
this study discusses the
Charlotte Bronte’s life experience which influenced Jane Eyre personality using autobiographical
approach. The researcher takes references from Izzatul Hidayah Al- Hasanah’s thesis
about thechronological of Jane Eyre story.
Therefore, the researcher is helped in understanding and analyzing the novel.
In academic study, the
psychological effect becomesinteresting issue to be studied and analyzed. It can be found in the
thesisof Rina Martina, the student of UIN
Malang with the title Analysis on James Bond’s Love and Its Effect on His Attitude
toward His Career in Casino Royal Film,2007. Generally, she discusses one of the human’s basic needs, for instance
love and belonging needs and its effect
on James bond’s attitude. Here, the researcher will continue and complete the previous discussion about human basic
needs andits effect on someone’s attitude.
However, in this thesis the researcher analyzes different novel.
1.2 Statements of The Problem Concerning to the background of the study
above, the researcher has the problems
that will be answered, they are: 1. What kinds of treatments are faced by Jane
Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre? 2. What
are the psychological effects of those treatments on Jane Eyre’s attitude? 3. How
does Islam view on orphanage? 1.3 Objectives of The Study Related to the problems, the objectives of the
study are finding out and describing: 1. The
kinds of treatments faced by Jane Eyre 2. The psychological effect of those treatments
on Jane Eyre’s attitude 3. The Islamic view on orphanage 1.4
Significance of The Study The
research of the study has at least two main significances, theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is
expected to be able to describe and develop
theoretical knowledge about literature and how to analyze literary work, Jane Eyre, in Islamic perspective. It is as an
effort to integrate science and religion
as what has been expected by this university.

English Literature:The Orphan’s Treatments and Its Psychological Effect on Jane Eyre Portrayed in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre Islamic Perspective

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