Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:The Oppressions of Women in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

The chapter below deals with the background of
the study, problems of study, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, research method and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of The Study In reading literary work, the readers will
enter to the imagination and condition in which the author has been created in their
work. By reading the literary work, the reader
also will get the message from the interpretation of problems in the literary works. Here, the certain society in which the
author lives will tend to produce a certain
kind of literary work. And also the social condition and sphere of the author will influence their works.
According to Laurensius (in Ratih
Hardiana, 2005:10) there are three perspectives
relating to the existences of literature. The first perspective is the view that literature is a social document
containing of situation when literary work is created. The second perspective is an
assumption reflecting the writer’s social condition. And the last is the model which is
used by the work as manifestation of social
culture, condition or historical event.
Taime in Sapardi said that: “Literature is not only created as private
imagination but also as the reporting of
that period, the reality of certain thinking. The example of it is a novel. It is a mirror that
is very suitable to decide all aspects
of life and nature” (Sapardi, 1972:21) Here
Taime clearly views that novel as one kind of literary work reflects the condition of one period. By reading a novel,
the readers can read the reality or condition
include social condition in when the literary works are created.
From explanations above, it can
be concluded that there is clear relation between literature and society. And novel as
one kind of literary works also as the
mirror of one society in which the novel been created. By reading, interpreting and analyzing a novel, the
readers or researchers not only get the understanding
about the condition and problems in one society based on the novel, but also the better views to face many
problems in life.
One novel that also tells about
social condition is Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudicestates about the
ambitions of parent (Mrs. Bennet) that want
her five daughters (Lydia, Mary, Kitty, Jane and Elizabeth or Lizzy) to marry the rich men. Bennett’s wife believes that her
five daughters will have high social position
when they get marriage with rich men. But one of her five daughters, Elizabeth never wants to get marriage just
because of social status. They justwant to get the better education than her other
sisters. Her other sisters just have domestic education but Elizabeth want to get more than
that. She believes that her future will be
better with education. She does not want to depend on social status of her
The intelligent headstrong Elizabeth Bennet
and the authors favorite heroine and supercilious
but romantic Mr. Darcy provides the conflict between “Pride” (Darcy) and “Prejudice” (Elizabeth).
For better result of
understanding the literary work messages, it is need to make analyze and research of the literary works. To
do that, the researchers need atool to get
a better research. And for this researcher, the researcher use literary
Literary criticism is the
analysis, interpretation and evaluation of literary works.
Academic criticism is commenting
on the subject matter and method of the text.
Criticism involves spotting the
general themes of the work then seeing how the text presents and develops the themes (Peck and
Coyle, 1986:149-150) And for specific
literary criticism, the researcher decided to use feminist literary criticism that focus on discussing the
feminist criticism to criticize the literary work or novel Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen.
Feminist criticism begins from feminist desire
to analyze the women’s literary work to show the women’s images in men’s literary work that is oppressed, stereotype,
subordinate, underestimated and trifling women. But in other hand, many women have big
power and become strong and independent
women. This independent becomes a power to fights the oppressions in their lives.
And for the reason why the
researcher interested in studying the oppressions on women in the novel Pride and Prejudiceby Jane
Austen and the struggle to fights those
oppressions, are: the first is to improve the knowledge about literature especially one of literary works that is
novel. The second is novel Pride and Prejudice
is one of famous novel that written by Jane Austen, one of woman author that always concerns in writing the novel from
women views.
Many researchers before analyze
about this novel using similar perspective, and some of them also discuss about novel Pride
and Prejudicein different focus of discussion.
Moh. Halili, wrote the thesis “Feminist Literary Criticism on Saman by Ayu Utami“, this research uses feminist
literary criticism as the research method of research. On this thesis Halili focuses on
women sexuality, women in love and myth of
virginity, religion and marriage and women right in social affairs and making decision.
Murtini, has written a thesis dealing with “A Study of The Novel Perempuan Jogja (Feminist Perspective)”.Her study is
dealing with woman’s problem in society because
the positions of women are still in subordination and marginalization. Anis Safitri(2007) in her thesis entitle “Feminist
Perspective Found in Sense and Sensibility
by Jane Austen”,the thesis talks about the characters described in the novel of Sense and Sensibility,from feminist
perspective. Those researchers above use
feminist literary criticism as the research method but from differentnovel. And
for same novel, Anis Mukarromah (2003)
wrote a thesis entitled “An Analysis of Major
Character of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Viewed from Psychological Aspects)”. Mukarromah focuses on Mrs. Bennet’s
character as the mayor character in the
novel. Anis wrote about the mayor character and is not deals with feminist perspective.
The studies above show that many
researchers uses feminist literary criticism. It is proven that the researches that deal with
feminist literary criticism are important and interesting to discus. On those
researches before that is use feminist perspectives generally talk about the position of women in
society that is still inferior, stereotyped, subordinated, marginalized position and also
still be an object of oppression of men or
society. But they do not focus their study on oppressions of women especially
in novel Pride and Prejudice. And here
the researcher is the one that focus on Pride and Prejudicenovel. From this research there much
oppression on women described clearly in
this novel, so it is need a study to discuss about that. And the oppressions that described are focuses on oppressions on
women in society related with social oppressions
are subordination of women, domestic education and destination of marriage. And for psychological oppression is
psychological violence. As the second point
of discussion is the struggle of women to against the oppression, are the struggles to fight the oppressions in their
lives from social and psychological oppressions.
It is the reason why the researcher uses feminist perspectiveto analyze the novel.

English Literature:The Oppressions of Women in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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