Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Political aspects reflected in Julius Caesar

1.1. Background of study Most of
people have sense
that cannot be
expressed directly, that
is why the y need
a tool to
express it. One
of the way s
to express and
explore the desire such
as: experience, imagination
and feeling is
using literature. It
means that literature is
a wa y of
human to express
their experience, imagination
and feeling for some purposes.
Many people would agree that literature is words
artfully arranged to stimulate feelings and impart understanding. Some woul d also agree
that literature can be grouped into three genres: fiction, poetry , and Drama" (Jacobus 3). From these
three basic genres, more genres branch
out. Historical fict ion is one of these branches. " A work of
literature must both entertain and enlighten the reader; most other kinds of
writing, by contrast, aim only at enlightenment" (Jacobus 3).
In addition Wellek and Warren
say that, “Literature occurs in a
social context, as a part of
culture in a milieu, and it can
be connected with concrete economic, political, and social situations, and
there are interrelationships between all spheres of human act ivities.”
(1985:105) Su y itno (1984:4) states
that literature carries
about the author's imagination, massage and
mission. The author expresses
his ideas, feeling
as well as his life through his works. According to Moody
(1986:2} literature s pring
from our love of
telling story or
arranging words on
pleasing pattern, of
expressing in Click here to get
your free novaPDF Lite registration key words, some
special aspects of our human
expression. And the
primary aims of literature
as to give
pleasure or to
entertain those who
voluntarily attend to it.
Literature more
concerned with the
connotations, the wa y
in which can
make the word move or excite.
The main
forms in mind, the
novel, the drama and the poem,
for they are the forms
which have attracted
greatest names during
the last view
centuries. In our age
it seems likely
that only the
novel will survive
as literary form.
There are view readers
of poetry and
most people prefer
to enjoy drama
in the form
of the film (a visual form
not a literary
form). But, however
the drama performed,
the most important things
is how the
drama can exist
as the one
of main form
of literature.
Drama as the one
kind of literature has a big role
in developing literature itself. Drama
is the literary
composition, usually in
dialogue form, that
centers on the action of
characters. The art of composing,
writing, acting or producing pla ys; literary composition
intended to pray
life character or
tell a story
usuall y involving conflict and
emotion exhibited through
action and dialogue,
designed for theatrical performance.
A dramatic work
intended for performance
by actors on the
stage. The complexit y
of drama use
those all skills;
composing, writing, acting and
producing plays. Performing
b y audi o-visual wa y
directly makes it as an interesting literature to be enjoyed In order
to learn more
and explore about
literary work, not
just as a creation of
literature that can be enjoyed.
But, the
importance thing is
to know the extrinsic
element. The extrinsic
elements of literature
can be learned
in some Click here to get your
free novaPDF Lite registration key approaches such as sociological approach, historical
approach, Marxism approach, feminism
approach, post-modern approach and etc.
Social and
polit ics are great
ideas that influence
literary works. Sutisna (1996:4) says
that, “literature is
full of the
society ’s norms that
are presented through the
author interpretation. Therefore,
what we get
from literary works
is things that are full of human
views of the past, present, and future.
Cultural massage and political
aspects can be decoded in ways that allow the readers to think resistant
about their lives. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
probably written in 1599. Julius Caesar
was the earliest of Shakespeare's three
roman historical plays. Prior, in his essay , "The Search for a Hero
in Julius Caesar", said, “Shakespeare has fitted two y ears of Julius Caesar's life into just two hours. Julius Caesar is a political and a historical
pla y , so I aim to look at both of the aspects of the play . In my piece of writing I intend to write about the historical
background of the play , the main characters, the conspirators and the purpose
of the pl ot. I will write an in depth analy sis on the two major political
speeches made by Brutus and Mark Anthony
, the explanation to political Shakespearean background to political intrigue, in this case Queen
Elizabeth, the Babington plot and how the audience would react to the
theme of the play.” (
Like Anthony and Cleopatra,
Julius Caesar is a dramatization of
actual event. Shakespeare drew upon the
ancient Roman historian, Plutarch lives of Caesar, Brutus and Mark Anthony
as the primary source of the play s plot and characters.
The play is tightl y structured. It establishes the dramatical problem of alarm at Caesar's
ambition to become “Absolute king ". The play also contains the assassination
and conspiration against Caesar. In
addition, a web page stated that, Click
here to get your free novaPDF Lite registration key “Julius Caesar is a play about political power and how it may
be legitimately and illegitimately wielded. It also shows the role of what we now call public
opinion, which in this play
is embodied in the gut responses of the common folk. The play also
raises many questions. Who is the play’s central character? Is it Caesar,
the great leader; Brutus, the
idealist and man of honor who faces an ethical dilemma; Cassius, the arch-conspirator; or Antony , the loyal
henchman and brilliant manipulator of the mob? Were the conspirators
justified in their assassinat ion of Caesar? How, in the
end, should Rome—or any other societ y—be governed?” (
sis.html) From this description, Julius
Caesar can be learned through some criticism. As the one of the greatest creat ions of
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar is the eternal
literar y work that still recognized as one of best
literature in that age till this day . From
the above fact,
the writer is
interested in conducting
a research on some
political aspects in
Julius Caesar. There
are some reasons,
which the y provide the writer
choosing this topic.
First, most people prefer to enjoy drama in the
form of the
film (a visual
form not a
literary form). Second,
Julius Caesar gives more
contribution not to do the
same mistake or
to get best
purpose in facing life.
As the eternal
literary work, Julius
Caesar is still
interesting to be enjoyed
and learned and
also researchable. And
political criticism is the suitable way to explore it.
1.2. Research Problem 1. What
aspects of politics
are used in
Shakespeare’s The Tragedy
of Julius Caesar? Click here to
get your free novaPDF Lite registration key
2. How does
the society in
the novel give
response to the
political aspects described In
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar? I.3.
Objectives of the study The
aims of the
study are to
identify and understand
some political aspects and the wa
y how
the societ y give
response to those
political aspects used in Julius Caesar.

English Literature:Political aspects reflected in Julius Caesar

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