Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Main Characters Personality in Grisham's The Bleachers

1.1 Background of the Study Novel is long work of written fiction. It is
usually concerning the human being. Most
of novels involve many characters and tell a complex story by placing the characters in a number of different
situations. Dueto the fact that novelists can tell more richly detailed tales (Filah: 2002).
Novel is also one form of literary works that often tries to reflect human life by showing
the soul and inner mind of character (Filah:
2002). Every novel has different uniqueness. It means that the idea for a novel
might be special and different from
anything else that everybody ever hears of. In order to tell the story, there will be many
elements such as plot, setting, theme, and character.
Basically, reading a novel is
very advantageous, because from reading a novel people can get a better thing that
happen in people's mind. In a novel, the readers can find the exploration of many kind
of character including human personality
because in a novel we can find so many characters of people and human behaviors. These all thing can educate them
and thereaders are able to know the way of
coping and understanding other people's thoughts.
Most of novelists have written
what they watch and what they feel in their environment that influence their imagination
such as love, anger, poverty, murder, and
many others. The Bleachersis telling about conflict that we face in our daily
John Grisham, the writer is very
productive in writing novels. Especially in writing thriller novel. The writer chooses this novel,
because this novel is different from other John Grisham's novels that have been written.
The Bleachersis about American football
story. John Grisham writes this novel based on his true experience as a player quarterback for the Chargers of Southaven High
School, Southaven Mississippi.
Based on his true experience, he
tries to write a novel about football.
Many readers give praise and
great impression to The Bleachers. Moreover, they are interested in Grisham ability to make
thisnovel so real. Meanwhile, readers give
their response about The Bleachers, for example "Grisham makes this
football game look so real that the
readers can almost see and hear it. Bleachersis touching not just of its all-American story, but
because itsauthor is so sincere in telling it that it hurts. Grisham does a fine job of capturing
the atmosphere in a small town every store that has the game schedule in the window and
no oneplans any other activities on Friday
night (The Atlanta Journal).
However, the writer has more
convincing reasons whythe writer would like to analyze this novel. First, the writer wants
to build up the habit of reading literature especially novel. Because by reading novel, we
can get more about other characters and
people's life, and we can get more experience only by reading a novel. Second,
by reading this novel we also learn
about football game and learn the language of football. Third, with this novel the writer
hopes we can get better understanding of one's personality. Fourth, this novel becomes
bestseller in United States. Based on the above reason, the writer feels that it is very
important to analyze this novel.
There are many students who
analyzed novel based onpersonality aspect.
Evi Eliyana (2002) is a student
of State Universityof Malang. In her study she discussed about psychology but she used the
theory of the motivation and personality theory that formulated by Abraham Maslow
(1987: 81). Similar study is also conducted
by Nofi Irmawati (2003) the student of State Islamic University of Malang who has discussed the personality of Main
Characterin The Lord of the Ringsusing Abraham
Maslow theory of motivation and personality.
1.2 Statements of the Problems In connection to the background of this study,
the study is formulated as follows: what
are the main character’s personality in Grisham’s The Bleachers based on Maslow theory of motivation and
personality? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The purpose of the study is to describe the
main character’s personality in Grisham’s
The Bleachers based on Maslow theory of motivation and personality.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study The writer would like to focus her study only
on personality aspect of the main
characters of John Grisham's Bleachersand it is limited only on the main characters in the story of novel, and he is
Neely Crenshaw.
1.5 Significance of the Study This study is aimed at giving both theoretical
and practical contribution.
Theoretically, the results of the
study are expected to give contribution to develop the study and analysis on literary study related
to thestudy of main characters personality.
It is aimed at giving description
of the importanceof learning human behavior. So they will understand more themselves and try
to improve the quality of their life.
Practically, it is expected to be
useful for English Letters and Language Department.
In addition, this study provides contribution and important thing for others who are interested in doing further
researchin this area.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms To avoid misunderstanding among the readers,
the terms used in this study are defined
as follows: 1. Personality: a pattern of enduring,
distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world.
(Santrock; 477) 2.
Humanism: emphasizing as it does the uniqueness of the individual, the importance of values and meaning, and the
potentialfor self direction and personal
growth. (Maslow; 361) CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer would like to
review some of related literature concerning
the topics of the study. The writer thinks that it is necessary to discuss it before she presents further analysis.
2.1 THEORY OF PERSONALITY “Personality is a particular pattern of
behavior and thinking prevailing across time
and situation that differentiates one individual from another,” Buskist and Gerbing (1990:496) say, while Avery and Baker
(1990:240) defines ” the general idea about
personality is relatively stable and functioned to differentiate an individual
to others.” Furthermore, personality is
"plastic" across time, places, moods, and situations. Changes in personality may indeed
result from diet (or lack thereof), medical
effects, significant events, or learning. However, most personality theories emphasize stability over fluctuation (,
accessed on 8 March 2007, at 13.30 pm).

English Literature:An Analysis of Main Characters Personality in Grisham's The Bleachers

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