Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:The Metaphors in William Wordsworth’s Poems Based on Riffaterre’s Semiotic Theory

Background of Study Poetry is primarily an expression of poet’s emotion . Many inspirations inspire the poets to explore everything in
their mind through their focus. It is a medium
of the poets for exploring their ideas and sharing their life experiences.
Nevertheless, every poet has
special ways in exploring their opinions focus. It happens because every person has different
experience. The varied experiences of the
poets absolutely will influence the result of their works. John Dryden, for example, lived in restoration period
(1660-1700). He was the biggest poet in his period. His poems reflected the turbulence of
politic and the conflict of religion that
happened in Commonwealth era, besides that it reflects his principle that often changes

Related with the statements
above, we realize that reading poetry is not only reading but also understanding. It
happens because the poets want to share many
things through their focus. Therefore, the readers have to take advantage of the poems. In this case, the readers are the
most important subjects in giving the meaning.
Here, the readers are free to interpret the poems according to their knowledge. Nevertheless, they should find
other sources related to the poems.

After the readers caught the
meaning, communicationprocess between the poets and the readers happens. One statement says
that the literary phenomena, Peck and Coyle.1984. Literary Terms and
Criticism. London : Macmillan Education LTD. P. 11 Samekto. 1974. Sejarah Kesusastraan Inggris.
P. 31 however, is a dialect between text
and the readers . Whatever said by the
first speaker (the poet) must be
understood by the secondspeaker (the reader), if not, communication process between poems and
readers will not be realized.
Reading poetry, we can find the
high imagination and creativity inside.
The poets produce the beautiful
words to make a beautiful poetry. Beside that, many messages inside poetry may be a support
for the readers to dig up the meaning
based on their interpretations. Poetry alsohas extraordinary strength.
One great example is one of the
empires in many centuries ago has already succeeded in subjugating the enemies through
poetry. Beside that, one article states
that the strength of poetry may give new spirit and new inspiration for the readers.
Unfortunately, poetry seem only
can be understood by the poet. Only them who can enjoy and take the message from the
poetry and only them who can think that
poetry is useful and enjoyable. Factually, notmany people are interesting in reading the poetry. It is because not many
people can enjoy reading the poetry.
The causes are many people think
that poetry is notinteresting, poetry is not important and poetry is not useful. It may be
caused by the readers do not know the
way to interpret the poetry. Lewis also states the same case : When
someone is suspicious, or painting or music, it is generally because he does not understand them, does not
see the point of them.
We are always suspicious and a
little afraid of things we do not understand.
But, instead of admitting this, we are apt to invent reason for our dislikes, which are more complimentary
to ourselves. If you ask people who have
no use for poetry "why they do not like it, they'll Michael Riffaterre. 1978. Semiotic of poetry.
London : Indiana University Press. P. 1 C. Day Lewis. 1944. Poetry for you. U.S.A:
Basil Blackwell oxford. P. 1 probably
answer, poetry is a daft, poetry is soft and unmanly, or poetry won't help you to get on life, to get money.
Actually, there are some factors
owned by poetry. According to Riffaterre's
argumentation, poetry expresses concepts and things by indirections.
To put is simply, a poem says one
thing and means another . Indirection is
produced by displacing, distorting, and
creating ofmeaning . It may because poetry will have multi interpretations.
Nevertheless, the researcher suggests the readers of poetry to understand about some
aspects either intrinsic or extrinsic related
with the object to help understanding.
Multi interpretations in the
poems may be one reason of difficulty in understanding the poems. Therefore, the
readers should understand some factors that
may influence the work, such as, the poet's experience, life, surroundings, period and others. They are really needed in
understanding the poetry. Related with
Peck and Coyle's book, one reason finding the difficulties in understanding are all these patterns serve to concentrate
and compress the words in to much more
meaningful relationships with each other
. It happens because poetry is one way to express the poets' experience and
anything they feel that may be different condition of each poet. However; as one kind
of literary works, poetry needs imagination
and creativity. They are the characteristics of literature .
Ibid Michael
Riffatere.1978. Semiotic of Poetry. Bloomington London : Indiana University
Press. P.2 Peck and Coyle.1984.
Literary Terms and Criticism. London : Macmillan Education LTD. P. 11 Ratna Nyoman Kutha. 2005. Sastra dan Cultural
Studies. Yogyakarta : Pustaka pelajar. P. 5 Poetry has the language as the main element.
Without language, the poets cannot
explore everything, either in oral poems or written poems. Nurgiyantoro says that Language is the most complete
system. In addition, language itself is a sign system that represents the other thing,
such as, experiences, though, feeling, ideas,
and others. Definitively; sign is everythingsays anything different from itself .
Therefore, Because of learning more about poetry and rising feeling of love for poetry in everybody's soul, the
researcheris enthusiasm to analyze the William
Wordworth's poems in this research.
Wordsworth is one of the greatest
poets in Romantic period. The history of
Europe before and after 18 century until 19 century is controlled by French revolution with their idealism. Wordsworth
wants tocover the social phenomenon in
independent, equality, and good relationship. The center of this idealism is
the belief of human value and human
right. People believe that, principally, they have good character. If they have negatives, that
is caused by tainting the policy of social
institution. Therefore, the people have to get freedom to build this world better. The people will get the secure when
they come to new world with no different
social anymore that caused by social level. In that condition, people condition will be saved by their feeling and
instinct to get the happiness.
Unfortunately, those phenomena
above are only a fewphenomena in romantic period that William Wordsworth expresses in
his poetry.
In the romantic period, the
idealism about individual value and the policy specially, the other poets in this period are
Taylor Coleridge (1772-1854), Robebrt .Burhan Nurgiyantoro. 1995. Teori Pengkajian
Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajahmada University Press.

English Literature:The Metaphors in William Wordsworth’s Poems Based on Riffaterre’s Semiotic Theory

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