Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:English Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs Applied in L. Du Garde Peach’s Crooks’ Christmas

The introduction below deals with background
of thestudy, problems of the study,
objectives of the study, significance ofthe study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Phrasal
verb is one
of unique language
part, because it has special
form and meaning. As Betty (1950:
A26) states “the term phrasal verb
refers to a verb and preposition
which together has
special meaning”. Phrasal
verb often has meaning which
is different with
the original meaning.
So that, sometimes
its meaning cannot be predicted.
Allah SWT. Says in Ali Imran(7): “It is
He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad )
the Book (this Qur'ân). In it are
Verses that are
entirely clear, they
are the foundations of
the Book [and those are
the Verses of
Al-Ahkâm (commandments, etc.),
Al-Farâ'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the
punishmentof thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those
in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the
truth) they follow
that which is
not entirely clear
thereof, seeking AlFitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and
seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows
its hidden meanings
save Allâh. And
those who are firmly
grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the
whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from
our Lord." And
none receive admonition
except men of
(Tafsir At-Tabarî).
It explains
that the meaning
of words in
Al-Quran can be
seen clearly based
on the words
(Muhkam), but some
of them cannot
be given its
meaning easily (Mutasyabihat). It
is difficult to predicted, and it needs interpretation.
It also happens in some
languages, including in English. English has words that
the meaning cannot
be predicted easily,
besides words that
its meaning is clear. It
is shown in
idiomatic phrasal verbs
including non-idiomatic phrasal verbs, semi-idiomatic phrasal verbs, and
fully-idiomatic phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verb has similarities as
idiom, because it is also the combination of words
and has meaning
as a single
unit of word.
As McArthur and
Atkins (1975:iii) states
that phrasal verbs
look simple enough.
They are, usually, combinations of simple, monosyllabic verbs
(put, take, get, etc). The combination is
nowadays called phrasal because, on paper, it presents the appearance of a two words phrase rather than a single item.
Although itlooks like a phrase, it function in many respect like a single word, although
under certain conditions under items (direct objects, adverbs) can come between
verb andparticle.
Phrasal verbs
are compound verbs
(more than one
word) resulted from combining
a verb with an adverb or a preposition. They can have a literal meaning that is easy to understand because the meaning
is clear from the words used in the phrasal verb
itself. But they
can also have
an idiomatic meaning
which cannot easily be understood, because they have
different meaning from each word.
Phrasal verbs
can be both
intransitive and transitive.
According to Downing
(2006:60), phrasal verb
is a combination
between a verb
and particle that
can be intransitive
(without an object),
transitive (taking direct object),
and both (intransitive and
Phrasal verbs
are mainly used
in English spoken
and informal written.
Usually, they are used in casual
speech where they become part of our
everyday vocabulary and eventually
become recognized as acceptable standard usage. The resulting
combination creates a
new verb, whose
meaning can sometimes
be confusing to
non-native speakers. So, we need
to learn them
to understand and speak
the natural English well.
Talking about phrasal verb as one
of the important part in English, there are
many researchers interested
in doing research
in phrasal verb
field. One of them is
Mohammad Syaefi. He did his
research in 2003
with title Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs Used In The Glass Menagerie By
Tennesse Williams. He analyzed the
textual meaning of idiomatic phrasal verbs usedin The Glass Menagerie, and then analyzed
how far differences
between the textual
meaning of idiomatic phrasal verbs in the narration and dialogues
from the ones listed in dictionary.
Analyzing phrasal verbs is
pleasant and passionate,because phrasal verbs are used by many people from low level to high
level in many conditions. Phrasal verbs
also have wide area. We can be found them in
daily conversation, writing, film,
literary works, etc. So that, if we do research in phrasal verbs field, we will
feel impressed to do it more and more.
Allah SWT. says: ö“And if all the trees on the earth were pens
and the sea (were ink wherewith to write),
with seven seas behind it to add to its (supply), yet the Words of Allâh would not be exhausted. Verily, Allâh is
AllMighty,AllWise”. (31:27) It shows
how large the
lord and knowledge
of our God
(Allah SWT.).
Thus, if we learn or do research,
it will arouse feeling to do it again and again. We will not be satisfied and want to follow up
our learning/ research. It is caused the knowledge of our God is never over.
In this
research, the researcher
is also excited
in doing research on the
same field, phrasal verbs, but it is
different withthe previous researchers. In this research, the researcher will analyze the form
and the meaning of phrasal verbs.
The researcher wants to explore
the phrasal verbs used in drama text. Thus, the researcher
will try to
analyze the idiomatic
meaning of the
phrasal verbs used.
Then analyzing type of idiomatic
phrasal verbs, including transitive phrasal verbs, intransitive phrasal verbs, and the phrasal
verbs that can be either intransitive or transitive.
The researcher chooses
drama text as
research object, because
drama has art value.
Drama is one genre of literary
works, besides poetry and fiction. Kelley Griffith (2006:77)
states that “drama
is different from
fiction and most
poetry in one
essential way: it means to be
performed.” To make the literary work, drama, be perfect, it always be
performed in order
to show the true story
and send the
messages to the
People can enjoy drama not only
by watching the performing, but also reading the drama text.
So, understanding the
words/ sentences in the
text drama is
very important to understand deeply
the whole story.
Thus, it is
very interesting to analyze
drama text.

English Literature:English Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs Applied in L. Du Garde Peach’s Crooks’ Christmas

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