Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Sociolinguistic Study on Vocabulary Reflecting Gender Bias on Elizabeth The Golden Age”

1.1 Background of the Study Vocabulary is a
mirror of social realities. The vocabulary of language reveals underlying attitudes of the society
that produces it.
This also refers to the social reality of gender bias, the bias or
discriminatory based on gender or sex.
As concluded by Lakoff in “Language and the Womens Place”: Our use of language embodies attitude as well
as referential meanings. Womens language has its foundation,
the attitude that women are marginal to the serious concerns of life, which are
preempted by men.
As a mater of fact, women are
always looked as the “weaker sex” and generally
subordinated to men in most of society included English speaking countries. Women do not need to get the high
education, since they just maintain the
Therefore, women are not considered to have
the high position in society, even
powerful women are not admired in most of society. Women are always seen as powerless,
and inferior than men. This phenomenon
of bias based on gender is famous as “Gender Bias” or “Sexism” in our society today.
The bias between men and women is
still widespread today, women are still
looked as the “Cultural Broker”. As Subhan argued this is proven by the fact that man much more dominates several
executive positions in the Elaine
Chaika, Language and the Social Mirror, ( Massachusetts: Newbury House, 1934),
Language and
Gender,(http://www.kichu.com/elp/gender.html, accessed on th of February 2008) Nur
Hayati, Elli, ilmu Pengetahuan +perempuan, (2006) p.48 social
Furthermore, Lawrence conclude from his
research that in United States there are
about several issues in regard to the present state of women in society; sex discrimination and economic
inequality, sexual harassment, degradation
of women; sexist language, pornography, rape and sexual intimidation. In addition, the fact shows that
there is salary differences based on
gender in most of society. Typically, occupations dominated by women are paid less than comparable occupation dominated
by men.
Concerning gender bias, Islam has its point of
view related to women position in
society. Islam never differentiates the position and right between men and women. Women also have right as men do
in education, law, politic, and family,
even in working. The thing that can differentiates them is just their piety because Islam teaches the equality. Many
Ayah and Hadith strengthen this opinion,
such as in Surah Ali-Imran: 195 195. And
their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be
He male or female: ye are members, one
of another: those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm In My Cause, or
fought or been slain,- Verily, I will
Blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath;- a reward from the
presence of Allah, and from His presence
is the best of rewards." Mariana
Amiruddin, Feminisme; Ilmu Pengetahuan Merindukan Kebenaran Pengetahuan
Perempuan (2006), p.
Lawrence Hinman, M, Ph.D., Gender, Sexism, and
Sexual Harrassment, (www.univesitysandiego.com, accessed on th o February 2008) This Ayah states that
Allah will give human as what they have done whether they are male or female. It means
Allah never forbids women to work. One
Hadith also strengthens this opinion, which states about womens right in getting
This Hadith suggests that it is
not only men, but also women who are obligated
to persue knowledge. This fact proves that Allah never eliminates womens right to
get their education as high as possible. Furthermore, Allah really elevates women to such a high position,
as it is narrated in the following Hadith
which states that women are the pillar of the state, if the women are morally corrupted, so the state will severally
Those are some proofs that Islam
never forbids women to work and to get
education as high as possible. What they do is what they get. Furthermore, in another Hadith Islam commands human to get
knowledge as far as possible (Symbolized
with China). On the other hand, there are many people still have misinterpretation about Islam and Al-Quran relating with this case. For example, in Surah Al-Baqarah: 228 which states
about mens position which is
higher one level than womens position 228. Divorced women shall wait concerning
themselves for three monthly periods.
Nor is it lawful for them to hide what Allah hath created in their wombs, if they have Faith in Allah and the
Last Day. And their husbands have the
better right to take them back in that period, if they wish for reconciliation.
And women shall have rights
similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of
advantage) over them. And Allah is
Exalted In power, wise.
If we interpret this ayah at a
glance, we will consider that this is a contradictory
statement. The contradiction is why this ayah states that men have higher one
level position than women, whereas as stated before that Islam never differentiates womans and mens position. Therefore, this ayah must be seen with the right context. Islam
views this contradiction as a reflection
of social reality, it is not Islam rule, whereas the social reality not always gives advantages to women. The word
“Exalted In power, wise” here proves
that Allah has enough power to give status to women as high as men position, if Allah wants to do it. Actually,
Allah permits giving status to women as
high as men, but the social context can not directly admire it, and can not be changed easily. It shows that Islam
is flexible religion, not fixed one.
Islam really appreciates social context and acts appropriately with the social context. If Allah just uses his power
approach, it will interrupt the social balance,
and will affect the more complex problem in the society.
Consequently, as the researcher
stated previously that social context of gender bias then influences the way the
society thinks and then influences the way
they speak. They tend to trivialize women in language, it happens in some certain languages, which discriminate women to
men such as Japanesse, Arabian, Dutch,
English, etc. In a word, according to Chaika, talking about women provides us with a superb or example of
how language behavior mirrors social
attitudes and facts. This can be proved through the vocabulary of the society which discriminates between men
and women. In sum up, this lopsidedness
or asymmetry when referring to masculine versus feminine speaking pervades the entire vocabulary.
Studying about gender and language has been
traditionally divided into two separate
(but related) strands of research. First, the study of language use; how men and women use language (differently).
For example, men tend to use empirical
and numeral vocabulary, whereas women tend to use words implying feeling, emotion, and motivation.
Second, the study of sexist language;
how sexist manifests itself linguistically.

English Literature:A Sociolinguistic Study on Vocabulary Reflecting Gender Bias on Elizabeth The Golden Age”

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