Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:The Meanings Of Goldfish In Wedding Ceremony Of Toba Batak Society

1.1 The Background of Study  The Toba Bataks occupy the centralarea around
the bottom of Lake  Toba  as 
well  as  territority 
to  the  west 
and  south.  Simalungun 
Bataks  (also knowToba Batak is
culture as Timur (east)Bataks) lives east of the lake,  the Karo Bataks to the north, and the Pakpak
(Dairi) Bataks are on the north west.
 Far to te south of Lake Toba are the Angkola
(Sipirok) and Mandailing Bataks.
 In recents years the Toba Bataks, who
constitute approximately fifty percent of all  Bataks, have increasingly moved eastward into
Simalungun areas as pressure on  land
increased. Borders defining the six tribal areas are vague and cities such as  Medan and Pematang Siantar are composed of
representativ most succesfull now  live
in Jakarta. But wherever they are located, as Bruner discovered, kinship and  ethnic loyalities remainstrong (1959:118-125).
 The area where kinship ties, ethnic loyalities
and cultural activity remain  the
strongest for the Batak people (or halak Batak) is in Tano Batak (Batak Land)  is roughly analogous to Tapanuli Utara
regency. Toba Bataks regard themselves  as
a solid ethnic group united by the Batak language, their own traditional music  and the unique custom and features of Batak
culture. The Toba Batak and Bataks  in
general can be categorized as “mountain dwellers” (a term denoting isolation  and lack of contact with more progressive
lowland peoples) certainly they did not  live
totally alone, unaffacted by foreign influences around them. Indeed, the  Universitas Sumatera Utara history of Batak
(and Indonesian) culture to a large extent consist of the  imposition of foreign cultural ideas upon the
solid, indigenous core, modification  of
these ideas to suit the Batak context and acceptance into the recognized  traditional establishment. Hinduism and
Buddhism originating in India, Islam  from
the Middle East carried by Indians, and finally Christianity in more recent  times have all contributed cultural as well as
religious  elements.  Batak 
Land,  as part of Indonesia has
not been exempted from these influences.
 Government and military services have scattered
Bataks troughout  Indonesia and some of
th  Toba Batak is cultured and civilized
ethnic. Culture in Toba Batak was  being
a habitual in social life that based on behaviour of respect to the values of  the ancestors. Gens (2006:128) says, “Culture
is all human behaviour process and  affected
the way of life, thoughts, and human minds and will be a norm of life to  continue the form of character in
futuredays.’’ Panggabean (2007:2) says that  culture means living in social which based on
a behaviour who upholds value an  ancestor
from surrounding.’’ Customary ispart of culture because it most  prominent to be shown from Toba Batak.
Customary serves as the norm to be  followed
by members of a group in the kinship relation and daily life. Belongs to  Batak culture are ; custom, religion, art,
literature, and life design.
 Every Bataknese should understand about
customary, philosophy, and  asked for
keep the arts of traditional culture. One of the philosophy in Bataknese  is Dalihan Na Tolu (DNT) principal as their
patrilineal and it still kept by them as  a tradition from their ancestor. DNT system
divided on three groups fungsional :  Universitas
Sumatera Utara Dongan Sabutuha, Hula hula, and Boru. Dalihan Na Tolu hold an
important role  for every ceremonial
custom in TobaBatak including to the Wedding ceremony.
 Why ? Because the role of Dalihan Na Tolu to
ensure the validity of wedding  ceremony.
 Wedding ceremony in Toba Batak society isa
series of ritual based on the  order of
customs and social life in society of generations. Wedding ceremony  should watched by dalihan natolu from
parboru(bride) side and dalihan natolu  from  paranak(groom’s boy) side in every step of
ceremony. In wedding  ceremony, there are
some steps from begin until in the end will pass, these are ;  ‘Mangalua, Marhusip, Marhata Sinamot, Pudun
Saut, Martupol, Martonggo raja,  Manjalo
Pasu-pasu, Pesta Unjuk, Daulatni Sipanganon, Paulak Une, Maningkir  Tangga.
 Each step has a ritual that need DNT role to
giving the signs that  commonly used in
the ceremony. Toba Batak wedding ceremony used many signs  such as ; ulos, ikan mas ‘dengke simudur udur’
, uang ‘hepeng’ , beras ‘boras sipir  ni
tondi’ , nasi ‘indahan na las’ , air putih ‘aek sitio-tio’ , sirih ‘napuran’ ,
pinggan  , sarung ‘mandar hela’ , daging
‘jambar’ . Each sign in Toba Batak wedding  ceremony has its own meaning that reflected to
the bride’s behaviour, mind, and  wisdom
that should be executed thus their household keep entire. It’s all are used  with the purpose to give a prayer petition and
expectation by ‘umpasa’from DNT  to the
couple who will be receive the signs thus created a sacred ceremony.
 Every sign commonly used in the ceremony has a
different meaning.
 Every meaning connected to religion and the
area thus between custom and  Universitas
Sumatera Utara religion can’t be separated. The sign is inform of the object
that has a meanings  in any position of
the object. The sign symbolically will be delivered by words of  ‘umpasa’. Umpasa has a deep meaning in
delivering advice, expect, blessing,  heatlth,
and child. It will be delivered by a speakers ‘raja parhata’in wedding  ceremony.
 The most important in Bataknese to doing any
ceremony is umpama and  umpasa.
T.M.Sihombing (1987:5) says, “ Umpama and umpasa is different.
 Umpama moreover to proverb but umpasa moreover
to poem.’’  -  Lata pe na lata, duhutduhut di sibutbuton;  Hata pe na hata, pangidoan ni hula-hula do
 -  Aek
sihoruhoru tu sampuran Siguragura;  Rap
leleng ma hamu mangolu, gabe jala sarimatua.
 For wedding ceremony umpasa will betold when
giving dengke simudur  udur to the bride
as a petition and expectation. Dengkegiven by parents of the  bride or hula-hulaside (bride giver). Golfish
or Dengkethat commonly used to  some
other ceremony like Mangalua, Manuruk, Tardidi, Mangupa, Mangolihon,  and Manuruk jabu.
 When delivering the goldfish it should be
followed by umpasa that will  be told
when giving dengke simudur udurto the bride because umpama has a  deep meaning in delivering advice, blessings,
hope, health and childrens for the  bride.
Dengkegiven by parents of the bride or hula-hulaside (bride giver). It all  has a sacred prosession to be obliged because
there is a custom message that  Universitas
Sumatera Utara must be delivered. The number of goldfish that would given must
be odd ; one,  three, five, seven and
each has a meaning according to custom requirements.

English Literature:The Meanings Of Goldfish In Wedding Ceremony Of Toba Batak Society

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